ggrowth and development: infants, toddlers, preschool Flashcards
when does the most growth and development happen
principles of growth and developmental
hierachichal intergration
independence of systems
growth occurring from head to toe is known as
centre to periphery, truck grows before periphery
can move arms as baby cant pick up stuff
hierachial itnergration
simple skills develop seperately and then are intergrated
- move fingers and then grasp
different body systems growing at different rates
independence of systems
sequential trends
things grow at a predictable sequence
developmental pace has
accelration and decelrations
can another area experience growth spurt before one finishes?
no, one has to finish before the next
sensitivity period example
socialization - first 2 years
reading abilities and skills- important to do it earlier
Erickson theory
psychosocial developement
piaget theory
cognitive development
Kohlberg theory
moral development
industry vs inferiority
busy people, learning to learn trying new things
well in school = competence
not doing well = inferiority
erikson developmental phases
trust vs mistrust - birth to 1 year
autonomy vs shame and doubt - 1-3 (terrible 2s)
initiative vs guilt - 3-6
industry vs inferiority 6-12y
identity vs role confusion 12-18
identity vs role confusion
peers become important
not separating from parent - role confusion
cognitive theory
sensorimotor (birth - 2)
preoperational 2-7
concrete operations 7-11
formal operations 11-15
when is egocentrisim and what is it
cant see other peoples POV
under preop
concrete operations 7-11
learning conversation
still concrete but socialized thought
imitate behaviour
develop cause and effect
object permance
when are thoughts more abstract
formal operations
- very reactive and not thoughtful
moral developmental theory
- might be stuck in one
preconventional level
whats in it for me? no loyalty
good/ bad/ right/ wrong
social normals
- loyalty
want approval
there are rules, but say they might not be valid
high level of ethics
social justice
cognitive decelopment for infants
learning but shapes and colors, noises, object permace
solitary play
define object permanece
knowing an object exists despite it being hidden
when do babies reject strangers
6 months
when do babies iron levels drop
6 months, GI tract is mature enough to handle nutrients