Get to know your classmates Flashcards

My name is Fabio
I like magic tricks :)
It’s incredible how people can’t figure them out :P
I like muffins :D
My name is Julio and that´s it.

That´s it I said

Hey there!
My name is Adrian.
I like playing Minecraft, a videogame all about blocks.

My name is Carla.
I like drawing.
I also enjoy playing videogames and watching animes.

My name is Pablo
I love sports and specially basketball
Travelling and visiting different countries is one of my favourite aims, I love to learn about different cultures

My name’s Enrique
I’m spanish.
I grew up in La Laguna.
I like skiing.

If found please return to Frodo Baggins
My initials are DMc
I have a brown belt in karate
I studied Chemistry and Physics at University.
I’m Mishale Sauer.
I’m ½ German and ½ Lithuanian.
I grew up in the countryside.
I’ve lived in 5 different countries.
Im tom i was born in germany and speak english and german