Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Flashcards
Beckwith-Weidemann Triad
- Macrosomia
- Hemihypertrophy
- Macroglosia
Placental Findings:
NORMAL terminal villi with HYDROPIC stem villi. NO trophoblastic hypertrophy
Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia
FIGO GTN staging:
Confined to Uterus
Stage I
FIGO GTN staging:
Metastasis to LUNGS even WITHOUT evident spread to the adnexa or broad ligament.
Stage III
FIGO GTN staging:
Extends beyond the uterus WITH involvement of the adjacent reproductive organs (adnexae, broad ligaments…etc.)
Stage II
FIGO GTN staging:
Uterine involvement with distant mets to other organs
Stage IV
Most common form of GTN
Complete H- Mole
Molar pregnancy is characterized by DIPLOID karyotype, which is paternal in origin. 46 XX or 46 XY
Complete H mole
GTN that is almost always Triploid. Normal ovum fertilized by 2 sperms. 69 XXX or 69 XXY. With Fetal parts.
Partial H mole
Bilateral cytic ovarian lesion seen in 2nd trimester, resulting from high HCG in molar pregnancy with US features of: SOAP BUBBLE or SPOKE-WHEEL appearance
Theca Lutein Cyst
FIGO Criteria for Dx of Persistent GTN:
1. Plateauing of HCG in 4 measurements over a 3 week period or more
FIGO Criteria for Dx of Persistent GTN:
2. Rising HCG in 3 consecutive weekly measurements over a period of 2 weeks or more
FIGO Criteria for Dx of Persistent GTN:
Histology of choriocarcinoma
FIGO Criteria for Dx of Persistent GTN:
Persitently elevated HCG for 6 months or more post evacuation
Syndrome associated with Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia characterized by congenital overgrowth disorder
Beckwith-Weidemann Syndrome
Characterized by DISTINCT molar chorionic villi in the setting of complete/partial molar pregnancy.
US: focal areas of increased ECHOGENICITY within the myometrium
Invasive Hydatidiform Mole
Characterized by ABSENT molar chorionic villous structures in the setting of complete/partial molar, normal or failed (ectopic/stillbirth/abortion) pregnancy.
US: HEMORRHAGIC nodule w/c may be in communication with the uterine cavity or may be within the myometrium
Unexplained intracerebral hge or acute cor pulmonale in female of childbearing age should raise suspicion for?
US: SNOW STORM appearance WITHOUT fetal parts. (1st trimester)
H mole (complete)