Fetal Anomalies Flashcards
Optimal time to perform detailed US fetal anatomic survey?
18- 22 weeks AOG
First trimester biochemical screening includes?
1st trimester Biochemical screening:
PAPP P = Low
HCG = High
Down Sydrome (Trosomy 21)
Serum markers used in “QUAD TEST” during the 2nd trimester
- Unconjugated Estriol 3
- Inhibin A
AFP = Low
uE3 = Low
HCG = High
Inhibin A = High
Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
AFP = High
uE3 = Low
HCG = Low
Inhibin A = unchanged
Edward Syndrome (Trisomy 18)
AFP = High
uE3 = unchanged
HCG = unchanged
Inhibin A = unchanged
Open neural tube defect
AFP is primarily produced by?
Fetal Liver.
- increased levels in maternal serum = Neural tube defect
Most common chromosomal abnormality
Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
2nd most common Chromosomal anomaly
Edward Sydrome (Trisomy 18)
Cisterna Magna = <2mm
CROWDING of the posterior fossa with inferior displacement of the cerebellar tonsils
Chiari Malformation
Cisterna Magna= > 1.1 cm
Large (Dakula) posterior fossa with associated upward displacement of the torcula (torcula-lambdoid inversion), hypoplastic cerebellar hemisphere and hydrocephalus
Dandy-walker Malformation
Non fusion of vertebral arches with intact skin
Spina Bifida Occulta
Protruding sacs with only CSF as the content
Sac plus spinal nerve roots/spinal cord
Open spinal defect
Most common location of Spina Bifida?
Most common neural tube defect
Absent cranial vault.
Absent cerebral hemispheres above the orbits
Most common location of cephalocele?
Occipital (75%)
Fronto-ethmoidal (13%)
Parietal regions (12%)
US sign: frontal Bossing seen in Chiari?
Lemon sign
US sign: curvilinear appearance of the cerebellum due to compression seen in Chiari?
Banana sign
Elongated 4th ventricle
Inferiorly displaced cerebella tonsils
Crowded posterior fossa
Chiari II malformation
Total destruction of cerebral cortex sec to ICA occlusion. Cranial vault contains fluid WITHOUT cortical mantle of brain tissue.
Incomplete falx.
Normal brainstem
Most common cleft lip/palate deformity
Lateral Cleft involving both lip and palate
Wide central defect in the upper lip and palate associated with holoprosencephaly
Median Cleft
Fluid collection in the fetal neck sec to failure of the lymphatics to connect with the venous system of the neck
Cystic hygroma
Differentiating factor of cystic hygroma vs cephalocele?
Cystic hygroma has prominent midline septum (nuchal ligament) w/o underlying bony defect.
Fetal hydrops resulting from maternal and fetal blood incompatibility
Immune hydrops
Best time to do QUAD TEST
15- 21 weeks AOG
Hamartomatous cystic lesion of the lung, usually affecting 1 lobe
Cystic adenomatoid malformation
Cystic adenomatoid malformation characterized by single or multiple cyst of >2cm
Type 1
Cystic adenomatoid malformation characterized by multiple cyst of <2cm, uniform size
Type II
Cystic adenomatoid malformation characterized by multiple microcysts appearing as echogenic solid mass
Type III
Echogenic solid mass displacing the mediastinum and is supplied by sytemic arteries and vein. Contained within their own pleura.
Pulmonary sequestration, Extralobar type
Most common pulmonary sequestration with intact venous drainage
Intralobar type
By 18 weeks, it is normal not to see the fluid filled stomach even after repeat scanning after 1h or so.
Fluid-filled stomach - visible at 18 wks
If not, repeat scan after 1h or so.
If still not seen= abnormal
Fetal swallowing begins at 11 to 12 weeks
SB normal diameter: <6, length: <1.5 cm
LB normal diameter: <2.3 cm (20 wks)
Double bubble sign
Duodenal atresia/stenosis
MIDLINE defect with herniation of abdominal contents at the base of the umbilicus. Covered by thin sac composed of peritoneum and amnion.
Occurs to the right of the umbilicus. No membrane covering.
NORMAL Cord insertion.
Better prognosis
Most common site of teratoma
Sacrococcygeal (70%)
Most common lethal skeletal dysplasia features:
- Small thorax
- Cloverleaf skull
- Hydrocephalus
- Large head
- Polyhydramnios
Thanatophoric Dwarfism
Polydactyly plus polecystic kidney
Meckel- Gruber Sydrome
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Hallmark: