Gero 1 Flashcards
first 16
Moral Duty
Describes certain actions required of you if you are to play your part in preventing harm and building a society in which individuals can thrive.
Personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or mores that distinguishes between right and wrong.
MRP - Medication Related Problem
A Drug-Related Problem is an event or circumstance involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes with desired health outcomes.
Risk factors: 85+, 9+medications, low body weight, low kidney function
Multiple Jeopardy
Simultaneous membership in two or more disadvantaged groups with varying consequences for life and well-being in old age.
Example: African american female with low income and elderly
Volunteer Policy
Senior companion
Foster grandparents
Wear and Tear Theory
Stochastic - randomly determined
Weismann 1882
Cells and tissues have vital parts that wear out resulting in aging. Like components of an aging car, parts of the body eventually wear out from repeated use, killing them and then the body. So the wear and tear theory of aging was first introduced by Dr. August Weismann, a German biologist, in 1882, it sounds perfectly reasonable to many people even today, because this is what happens to most familiar things around them.
Whistle blowing
The disclosure by a person, usually an employee in a government agency or private enterprise, to the public or to those in authority, of mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or some other wrongdoing.
Plato: An understanding of the physical and social world, meaning of life
Aristotle: self knowledge, self insight
Five models of aging and Wisdom
1. The received view - wisdom develops in old age after awaking
2. Fluid intelligence parallel: wisdom peaks early then declines
3. Crystallized intelligence parallel- wisdom develops over time
4. Fluid/crystallized intelligence parallel: wisdom increases then decreases
5. Wisdom continually deteriorates with age
The medical name for dry skin. It comes from Greek: ‘xero’ means ‘dry’ and ‘osis’ means ‘disease’ or ‘medical disorder’. Xerosis is caused by a lack of moisture in the skin, which may be the result of ageing (senile Xerosis) or due to underlying diseases such as Diabetes.
Four phases of sexual response
Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
Changes for men: excitement - takes longer to achieve erection; plateau can be maintained longer; orgasm - pressure at ejaculation decreases; resolution - longer refractory period
Changes for women: excitement - less lubrication; plateau - more stimulation to become aroused; orgasm: less intense, less muscle contractions; resolution; return to un-aroused state faster
Free radical
A free radical is defined as any atom (e.g., oxygen, nitrogen) with at least one unpaired electron in the outermost shell and is capable of independent existence..Seeks to steal a matching electron in order to attain electronic equilibrium. Is highly volatile and destructive; free radical damage begins at birth and continues until we die.
Free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable atoms. To become more stable, they take electrons from other atoms. This may cause diseases or signs of aging.
Formative evaluation
Program evaluation
Designed to guide program improvements. Its purpose is to help shape a program to perform better.
A formative evaluation (sometimes referred to as internal) is a method for judging the worth of a program while the program activities are forming (in progress). They can be conducted during any phase of the ADDIE process. This part of the evaluation focuses on the process. ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate)
Free radical theory
Effects have a clear relationship between exposure and effect
According to the free radical theory of aging, first outlined in 1956, free radicals break cells down over time.
As the body ages, it loses its ability to fight the effects of free radicals. The result is more free radicals, more oxidative stress, and more damage to cells, which leads to degenerative processes, as well as “normal” aging.
Functional ability
Activities of daily living such as getting out of bed, taking a bath, using toilet, dressing, preparing meals, etc. Basic functions that allow people to socialize, work, or engage in a myriad of other productive and social activities. Although mundane and ordinary to most of us, the capacity to perform such activities has been confirmed in numerous studies to have broad implications for functioning, reflecting a person’s ability to live independently in the community.
Functional age
Age based on capacity to do physical tasks; age based on one’s ability and not simply the number of years they have lived.
Swing, silent, baby boom, gen x-ers, millenials