Exam 1 Flashcards
life span
longest number of years any member of a speies has been known to survive
life expectancy
the average number of years at death–the number of years people in a given population can expect to live
life expectancy 1900 vs 2009
male vs female
47 vs 78.2
- 6 females
- 7 males
the ability to survive difficulties in life through healthy coping mechanisms and the discovery of internal and eternal strengths, such as family, neighbors, or spirituality
chronological aging
based on years from beirth
biological/functional age
based on physical function (ability/disability)
psychological age
based on cognitive abilities (memory, intelligence)
social age
based on social roles and relationships (student?)
subjective age
“you’re as young as you feel”
birth cohort
group of people who were born at approximately the same time and therefore share many common experiences
longitudinal study
measures the same person over a specified period of time, typically years
cross-sectional study
compares people of different chronological ages at the same measurement period
sequential designs
cohort-sequential study
two or more cohorts or groups are followed for a period of time so that measurements are taken of different cohorts at the same ages but at different points in time
compares two or more cross-sectional samples at two or more measurement periods (distinguishes between age and time of measurement or historical factors)
cross sectional + longitudinal
Baby boomers
born between 1946-64 (end of WWII)
population aging
increase in the size of the peopulation age 65+ and a gain in the average age of a population
life expectancy
the average length of time one could expect to live if one were born in a particular year and if death rates were to remain constant
crossover effect
although African Am. have a lower life expectancy than white people, those who live to 75 have a life expectancy after 75 greater than for whites
maximum life span
length of years a given species could expect to live if all environmental hazards were eliminated
dependency ratio
number of people age 65+ to every 100 people of traditional working ages (18-64)
support ratio
% of population that is employed to unemployed
“Blue Zones”
places with large numbers of long-living residents who share healthy lifestyles, diets, engagement in their community, and a positive worldview