What were the aims of the policy of fulfilment?
Revise the treaty of v
settlement of reparations issue to reduce the burden on Germany
End Allied military occupation of the Rhineland
protection of Germans living under the rule of foreign countries.
The restoration of Germany has a great power.
What methods were used to achieve this policy of the fulfilment?
Peaceful cooperation between Germany and the allies this was designed to reassure Britain and France to Germany is good faith and thereby when concessions from them
What was the Locarno pact 1925?
Suggested a meeting of Western European powers to resolve some of the tension over borders
Germany, France and Belgium agreed to accept their existing frontiers
Britain and Italy agreed to act as guarantee as of the pact
Germany, France, Belgium Czechia and Poland agreed to settle any disputes peacefully
Germany agreed to keep his troops out of the Rhineland, but the French agreed to start withdrawing their forces from the Rhineland
What were relations with the USSR like?
Shared important common ground both were treated as outcast nations by being excluded from the league of Nations
both had desire to regain territory lost in Poland
Treaty of Rapallo in 1922 showed their work together trade and diplomatic relations were restored in Germany was allowed to secretly develop new weapons and train pilots in the Soviet union
in 1926 The treaty of Berlin renewed the earlier
What was the extent of disarmament?
The treaties of Rapallo and Berlin with the USSR allowed Germany to get round this by building aircraft in USSR similarly this happened in Spain and Sweden
What was the end of Allied occupation?
Policy of the film succeeded and persuading the allies to remove the occupation forces
in 1926 Allied forces were withdrawn from zone one of the Rhineland
In 1927 allies reduce the occupation forces in the Rhineland by 10,000 men.
What was some other diplomatic achievements?
In 1926 Germany was allowed to join the league of Nations
in 1928 Germany and Kellog-briand under which states voluntary agreed to announce war as a way of setting disputes
largely symbolic nevertheless Germany diplomatic isolation was over and treated as a great power once again.