What happened in Nov 1932?
Fall of papens gov but setbacks for nazi elections
What happened in July 1932?
Reichstag election - nazis = largest party 37.2%
What happened in may 1932?
Collapse of brunings government and start political crisis
What happened in April 1932?
Presidential election hit they receive 37% of the second round vote
What happened in 1931?
Depression deepened and street violence between Nazi SA and KPD red front intensify
What happens in September 1930?
Election- major gains for Nazi party and KPD - losses for moderate parties
What happened in March 1930?
Collapse of Mullers grand coalition
What happened in December 1929?
Campaign against young plan gave Hitler a chance to make a breakthrough
Who became chancellor after Papen and why?
Schleicher, although he preferred to manipulate politicians from behind scenes had no alternative but to become chancellor
What did scheliecher want to do?
Restore and authoritarian form of government in Germany dominated by old elites but understood he needed alliance with Nazi party
Why was the Nazi party position weakened ?
Lost 2 million votes and 34 seats
support continued to fall
Middle class voters has been alienated by Hitler attacks on Papen his refusal to join the coalition
divisions beginning to appear in the party over Hitler tactics
What was the role of backstairs intrigue?
small group advisors guided hindenurg decisions
including his son Oscar and otto mesiner was part of this circle influence
Schleicher lost influence plotting against papen
all involved in the BI that got Hitler into power in January 1933
What was step 1?
Schleicher tried to construct a stable government
Papen conspired with Hitler who now agreed to be part the coalition providing he was chancellor
Hugenberg was prepared to be part of the coalition
What was that two of BI?
Further to take place between Hitler Papen Hindenburg and Meisner
when it was agreed to bring down the Schleicher and form a coalition government in which Hitler would be chancellor
What was step three of BI?
President Hindenburg had doubts about Hitler’s suitability
Oscar Hindenburg convinced him that Hitler was poorly educated and they had no experience in government.
They would be able to control him.