Germany's international position 1924-28 Flashcards
What was thought of the ToV?
It was unjust and a dictated peace treaty which denied Germany its rightful place among the great powers of Europe.
What was the aim of Stresemann?
to dictate the terms of Treaty of Versailles. the nationalist right had argued that Germany should reject the treaty and rebuild its military strength in preparation.
What is the policy of fulfilment?
the co-operation of Gemany with France, GB, Italy and the US on issues like reparation payments and removing allied occupation forces from German territory.
Who was Stresemann?
Foreign Minister from 1923-1929. brought hyperinflation to an end, ended policy of passive resistance and co-operated with the Allies over Dawes Plan.
Who did Stresemann try to convince of their peaceful intentions?
the French, he understood that their suspicion of Germany was the biggest obstacle in the way of securing revisions of the treaty.
When did western powers meet at Locarno?
October 1925. US, GB, Italy, France and Germany were involved in this pact.
What did this conference at Locarno lead to?
The Rhineland Pact and Arbitration Treaties. this all came under the Locarno Pact.
What terms were under the Rhineland Pact?
1) Germany, France and Belgium promised to respect Western frontier. it was fixed and internationally guaranteed.
2) Germany agreed to keep troops out of the Rhineland.
3) Britain and Italy promised to aid Germany, France or Belgium if any countries were attacked by neighbours.
What terms were under the Arbitration treaties?
1) Germany agreed with France, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia that any dispute between them should be settled by a conciliation committee to mediate discussions
2) France signed treaties of ‘mutual guarantee’ with Poland and Czechoslovakia. France would make sure that Germany didn’t break the agreement.
What else was agreed at the Locarno Pact?
any conflicts regarding the western borders should be referred to the League of Nations. France was not allowed to cross into Germany if there was any dispute between Germany and Poland or Czechoslovakia. French occupation of the Ruhr could never be repeated.
Why was the Locarno Pact seen as a triumph?
it was the first time that Germany had recognised the western border imposed at Versailles and accepted the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to France and Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium.
Why was the withdrawal of French troops in the Rhineland postponed in January 1925?
Germany refused to comply with the disarmament obligations imposed at Versailles. the French troops left over the course of five years and without any assurances that Germany would disarm.
What did Stresemann think of the L.Pact?
It was his greatest triumph, he was rewarded by Germany’s acceptance into the League of Nations as a permanent member of council. awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1926.
What were the similarities between the USSR and Germany?
1) both countries had been defeated in the war and had suffered from punitive peace treaties
2) both countries felt that the existence of an independent Poland, supported by French guarantees, was a threat to their security. Poland also contained large German and Russian minorities
3) Germany and Russia were treated as outcast nations by the victorious powers and were not allowed to join the League of Nations.
Who had negotiated the Treaty of Rapallo in April 1922?
Walther Rathenau.
What terms were under the Treaty of Rapallo?
1) Germany and Russia resumed trade and economic co-operation
2) diplomatic relations between the two countires were restored
3) all outstanding claims for compensation for war damage were dropped
4) Germany was allowed to develop new weapons and train pilots in Russia, away from the scrutiny of the Allied Powers.
Why was the Rapallo treaty regarded as a triumph for Germany and a disgrace for the Allies?
in Germany, it was a triumph as it showed an important and symbolic step away from its post-war isolation.
The Allies were angered by this treaty as it showed Germany’s intentions to get around the disarmament terms of the ToV and its refusal to accept the eastern border with Poland.
What was the Treaty of Berlin?
April 1926 = a renewal of the Rapallo treaty. added agreement that Germany would remain neutral if the USSR were to be involved in a war, only if the USSR was not the aggressor. signed year after L.Pact. showed that Stresemann hadn’t abandoned his desire to secure a revision of eastern frontiers. a close relationship with USSR was vital for this?
What was established to ensure compliance with disarmament terms of ToV?
Inter-Allied Control Commission (IMCC) in Germany to monitor Germany’s disarmament. Allied forces also occupied the Rhineland.
In which countries did Germany start to secretly rearm?
Russia, Spain (submarines) and Sweden (tanks and artillery)
What did the secret rearmament ensure?
Germany would not fall behind other powers in terms of technological advances.
How did the Reichswehr get around the army limitations?
most recruits to the army were enlisted in short periods, during which they would receive intensive military training, it ensured that there was a reserve of highly trained men who could be recalled to the army at short notice.
What was General von Seeckt’s aim for Germany’s military?
aimed to restore Germany’s military might and he worked towards a military alliance with Russia, which aimed to destroy the newly independent Poland.
Which politicians chose to turn a blind eye to the extent of military cooperation?
Rathenau and Stresemann, involved in negotiating the Treaties of Rapallo (1922) and Berlin (1926). also formalised the relationship with Russia.