Germany KO- Theme 1 Flashcards
When was the Council of People’s Representatives set up?
10th November 1918
When did WW1 end?
11th November 1918
When was the Spartacist uprising?
January 1919
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
When was the Weimar Constitution passed?
31st July 1919
When was Stressman Chancellor?
When was the Wall Street Crash?
29th October 1929
When did Hitler become Chancellor?
30th January 1933
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
When was the last Election of Weimar?
5th March 1933
When was the Enabling Act?
March 1933
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
When did Hitler commit suicide?
30th April 1945
When was the Yalta Conference?
4th Feb 1945- 11th Feb 1945
When was the Potsdam Conference?
17th Jul 1945- 2 Aug 1945
When was NATO set up?
4th April 1949
When was the Berlin Wall built?
13th Aug 1961
When was Der Speigel Affair?
Oct 1962
When did the Berlin Wall fall?
9th Nov 1989
Who wad Fredrich Ebert?
First president of Weimar gvt
Who are SPD?
Social Democrat Party
Who are USPD?
Independent Social Democrats
Who are ZP?
Centre Party
Who are DDP?
German Democrat Party
Who are DNVP?
German National People’s Party
Who are DVP?
German People’s Party
Who are KPD?
German Communist Party
Who are NSDAP?
National Socialist German Workers Party
What is the Reichstrat?
representatives of the Lander
What is the Lander?
local, regional gvt
What was the November Criminals?
name given to the politicians who signed the the Treaty of Versailles
Who are the SA?
Brownshirts- a group of ex-soldiers who were used to intimidate opposition
Who was Hindenburg?
President of Weimar republic until 1933
What was the Enabling Act?
enabled Hitler to act as dictator
What was the Fuhrerprinzip?
leadership principle- Hitler at the top and has most power (power filters down)
What was the Lebensraum?
living space
Who were the CDU?
Christian Democratic Union
Who were the CSU?
Christian Social union of Bavaria
Who were the FDP?
Free Democratic Party
Who were the FRG?
Federal Republic of Germany
Who were the GDR?
German Democratic Republic
Who was Konrad Ardenauer?
First Chancellor of FRG
from 1949-1963
Who was Ludwig Erhard?
Chancellor of FRG
from 1963-1966
Who was Kurt Kiesinger?
Chancellor of FRG
from 1966-1969
Who was Willy Brandt?
Chancellor of FRG
from 1969-1974
Who was Helmut Schmidt?
Chancellor of FRG
from 1974-1982
Who was Helmut Kohl?
Chancellor of FRG
from 1982-1990
What does Ostopolitik mean?
policy of working with GDR
What was the Hallestein Doctrine?
the policy of ignoring any country that works within the GDR
Who are NATO?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation