Germany - excluding chapters 1, 6 + 8 Flashcards
What is Weltpolitik?
The Kaiser wanting to transform Germany into a world power - It stands for world policy
What were some of the figures of the impact of the First World War on Germany?
- Germany was virtually bankrupt - national income roughly 1/3 of what it was
- Stress of the war led to a revolution in 1918 and the abdication of the Kaiser
- Huge gaps in living standards
Who was the first the first German President and leader of the Social Democratic Party?
Friedrich Ebert
Who were the Sparticists?
They were a group who believed in the idea of communism
When did the Sparticists try to take over Berlin, and what happened?
- January 1919
- The Free Corps (ex-soldiers) got sent there, and there was brutal street fighting
Who did they arrest and murder from the Sparticists?
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the leads
How was the Weimar Republic born?
The newly elected politicians met up in Weimar discussing how to run Germany, because of the violence in Berlin
What was the structure of the Weimar Republic?
The President -> chancellor -> Reichstag -> the citizens
What did the President do?
- Controlled Navy, army and air force, but stayed out of day to day running
- But in a crisis he could rule by himself (article 48)
What is article 48?
Gives the president the right to rule in a time of crisis without the support of the Reichstag
What did the chancellor do?
- chosen by the president
- responsible for the day to day running of the country
- must have support of at least half the MPs in the Reichstag to introduce laws
What did the Reichstag do?
- discussed and introduced laws
- the number of MPs in each political party was based on the number of votes they had (proportional representation)
What was the difference in the price of an egg from 1914-23?
1914 - 0.9 marks -> 1923 - 320,000,000,000 marks
What happened in the Kapp Putsch?
- Wolfgang Kapp gathered thousands of Free corps and took over Berlin
- He aimed to eventually take over the whole country, make the army strong and recover the land lost on the TOV
- President Ebert and the rest of government fled
- However, he didn’t have the support of the workers, so they striked
- After 100 hours Kapp gave up and fled
How did Hitler discover the German Workers Party?
- in 1919 he was sent by the army to investigate new political groups
- Hitler attended regularly because he liked what was being said
When did Hitler become leader of the Nazi Party?
July 1921
What key changes did Hitler make to the party?
- he designed the swastika
- set up the Stormtroopers, SA (private army made up of mostly ex-soldiers)
- changed the name to the NSDAP (Nazi for short)
When was the Munich Putsch?
8 November 1923
What did Hitler do in the Munich Putsch?
- interrupted a meeting in a beer hall, where von Kahr, the head of the Bavarian government, was speaking
- he fired a bullet into the ceiling and announced he would take over Bavaria
- he locked Kahr and his companions in a room
- General Ludendorff then walked in and said he supported
- the SA took control of government buildings and arrested officials
What went wrong in the Munich Putsch?
- Kahr promised to help him, and was released, but he contacted the police
- when he began their march, he was met by armed police (Kahr had contacted them)
- there was a short gun firing, where three police and 16 nazis where killed
- Hitler was wounded, and him and Ludendorff where arrested
How long was Hitler in prison for and how long did his trial last?
- Hitler was allowed to give a speech in his trial, which lasted 24 days
- he used the audience to his advantage and put forward his ideas, this impressed the judges
- he should of been executed for the crime, but he got given a 5 year sentence and Ludendorff was set free
- He was released early, in 1924 after serving just 9 months
What did Hitler do wrong in the Putsch?
- he didn’t do it on the day planned
- he trusted Ludendorff with three hostages, he then let them go
Who were important people in cinema, and art in the golden age?
- Cinema, Marlene Dietrich
- Art, Otto Dix
What was the Dawes Plan?
An agreement between the USA and European countries which allowed US loans to be given out to countries (especially Germany), in order for them to build factories and roads to stimulate the economy
Why did Müllers government fail during the Wall St Crash?
- the coalition could not agree action to tackle the depression
- he asked President Hindenburg to grant him emergency powers under Article 48, but he was refused
Why did Brünings government fail during the Wall St Crash?
- they made cuts and raised taxes
- this made them very unpopular, and the economy still did not improve
Who replaced Brünings Government?
Franz Von Papen
What was the 1932 unemployment figure?
5.6 million
What are the Nazi Party’s election figures?
1928 - 12 seats
July 1932 - 230 seats
What were the Nazi strengths?
- propaganda
- Hitler was a good orator
- the policies promised to help all people
- organisations
What were the communist party called?
What happened when Hindenburg refused to appoint Hitler as chancellor?
- he appointed Franz Von Papen as chancellor
- but he could not rule the Reichstag as he had no support
- he resigned and Kurt Von Schliecher became the chancellor
- same thing happened again
What made Hitler become chancellor?
Also Weakness of Weimar,Nazi Strengths, fear of communism and miscalculations of others
When did Hitler become Chancellor?
January 1933
What were some limits to Hitlers power in 1933?
Hindenburg could dismiss Hitler
The nazis did not have a majority in the Reichstag
The army could remove the army from power
When did the Reichstag fire happen?
27 February 1933
What was the enabling act?
This allowed Hitler to pass decrees without the Reichstag, this made him a legal Dictator
When was the enabling act?
March 1933
When was the Night of the Long Knives and what was it?
20 June 1934, Hitler ordered the SS to arrest and execute the leaders of the SA, including Ernst Rohm, estimated 401 people were killled
When did Hitler become Fuhrer and why?
2 August 1934, Hindenburg died
How did the Reichstag fire help the Nazis?
- it hurt the KPD, so people did not vote for them
- Hitler claimed there was an emergency, genuine fear of violence
- he got article 48
- he was able to pass the Decree for the Protection of the poeple and state
Who was the leader of the SS and what did they do?
Heinrich Himmler, destroyed opposition + controlled Nazi camps
Who were the Gestapo?
They were secret police who spied on people who could be a threat, they could arrest and imprison without a trial
What was a key concentration camp?
What was Kinder, Kirche and Küche?
Children, kitchen and church (Nazi ideal for women)
What was the gold mothers cross?
Awarded to women who have 8 children
How many babies were there by 1939?
1.4 million
What was in the curriculum in the Hitler Youth?
Eugenics (race studies), geography (where Germany would conquer), PE trebled, Maths (calculating how much disabled people cost the country)…
What did teachers have to do?
Join the German Teachers League, put Nazi ideas across, identify future Nazi leaders who got sent to Napolas
What was the timeline of the youth groups?
1933 - all other youth groups banned
1936- Incorporation of German Youth (Hitler Youth had equal status of school and home)
1939 - membership compulsory
What was the name of the league that taught girls how to prepare for motherhood?
League of German Maidens
Who were key groups the opposed the Hitler Youth?
Swing Youth
Edelweiss Pirates
What percentage of the population in Germany did Jews make up?
When was Kristallnacht and when was it?
1938, 91 Jews where killed, 400 synagogues destroyed, 7500 shops destroyed, 20000 Jews sent to concentration camps (as a German official was killled in France by a Jew)
How many Jews were killed across Europe?
6 million
Who else was persecuted?
Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill people, people with disabilities
Who was head of Nazi Propaganda?
Josef Goebbles
Who was part of the White Rose Group?
Sophie and Hans Scholl, they handed out anti Nazi leaflets
When was the July Bomb plot and what was it?
- a group tried to assassinate Hitler by placing a bomb in a room with him and other Nazi Leaders, it killed four men however only burned some of Hitlers hair and burst his eardrum
Who was a key figure in the July Bomb plot?
Colonel Claus Von Stuaffenburg
Who was the female filmaker that produced Nazi propaganda films?
Leni Refensthal
What was the name of the conference that the Final Solution was decided?
Wannsee Conference
What was the name for the master race?
Who were some groups with active resistance to the Nazis?
White Rose Group, Edelweiss Pirates, Kreisau Circle
When was rationing introduced and what was it?
November 1939, one egg per week, hot water for only 2 days a week, artificial goods
What was the Bundestrat?
A group of German state representatives who supported the Kaiser
What was the organisation that workers had to belong to?
The DAF (German Labour Front)
When did Germany join the League of Nations?
what were the weaknesses of the Weimar?
proportional representation- meant that lots of parties could win seats but was difficult to get the majority so law making was a slow process
what are some examples of political parties in early Weimar Germany?
KPD (communists)
NSDAP (Nazis)
when was the Ruhr occupied?
why did France and Belgium invade the Ruhr?
the Germans said they couldn’t pay the reparations
so they marched 60,000 soldiers in a took control
who lost out during hyperinflation?
people with savings
elderly people with fixed pensions
small businesses
who did hyperinflation benefit?
people who had borrowed money could very easily pay it back
how many politicians were murdered between 1919 and 1922?
over 350
when was the red rising in the Ruhr and what happened?
after the Kapp Putsch left wing workers in the industrial parts stayed on strike
they took over several towns
the government sent soldiers and some free corps to deal
over 1000 workers were killed
when was the Stresemann era?
what was the Dawes plan?
USA agreed to lend money to Germany so they could pay off reparations
what did Stresemann warn his policies were like?
dancing on top of a volcano
what was the young plan and what happened?
a reduction in the total payment needed for reparations
how many copies of all quiet on the western front sold?
1/2 million
what were reasons for the growth of the nazi party?
Weimar government failing
charismatic nature of Hitler
fear of communism
who voted for the nazis?
farmers - needed help in the depression and fear of communism
middle class - scared of communism
women - nazis said family life and morals were important
wealthy - wanted strong leadership anad opposed communism
youth - appeal of opposing the ToV
what were the changes to reduce unemployment?
national labour service (RAD)
public work schemes
invisible unemployment
what was the national labour service?
all men between 18 and 25 had to spend 6 months
they planted forests, mended hedges and dug ditches
they wore uniforms and lived in camps, but had free meals and small wages
what were the public work schemes?
autobahns created 100,000 new jobs
new schools and hospitals were built
how did rearmament reduce unemployment?
new tanks, battleships, planes and weapons were needed which created thousands of jobs
conscription in 1935 meant that all men 18->25 had to join the army for 2 years
army grew from 100,000 to 1,400,000
what were the invisible unemployed?
women who gave up work to have a family
part time was counted as full time
jews didnt count
what was the DAF?
german labour front
replaced trade unions
strikes were illegal
promised to protect workers rights
ran two schemes - SDA and KDF
What is the SDA?
Beauty of Labour
Tried to improve the workplace by installing better lighting, safety equipment, new washrooms, low cost canteens and sports facilities
What is the KDF?
Strength through joy
Organised leisure activities to encourage hard work
Had a reward scheme with cheap holidays, theatre trips and football match tickets if workers met targets
Did the economic changes help the workers?
Many workers lost their rights - no trade unions
Workers couldn’t quit without government permission
Strikes were banned
People could work as many hours as the Nazis liked
People like the Jews were sacked
What was the economy like under Schacht?
Realised raw materials were needed
He signed deals with countries like South America to supply raw materials in exchange for German goods
For a while weapon production increased and unemployment fell
But the changes were too slow for Hitler
So he was sacked
What was the economy like under Goering?
He introduced a four year plan to increase military production
Targets were not met
Germany still needed foreign raw materials so he tried to make Germany self sufficient
What were some examples of self sufficiency?
Petrol made from coal
Coffee made from acorns
What positives did the Nazis have for farmers?
Their taxes were reduced
The could not be thrown off their land if they went into debt
Farmers could not divide their land between their children
What were the negatives for the farmers under the Nazis?
Some didn’t like the prevention of the division of their land
The Nazis controlled food prices in the late 1930s
What were the impacts of WW2 on people in Germany?
Total war
Labour shortages
What was rationed?
By November 1939 food and clothing - one egg per week
Soap and toilet paper were in short supply
Hot water for 2 days a week
What was total war?
Everything wa focused on making weapons and food for soldiers
Factories stayed open longer
Things that were stopped :
- beer and dance halls were shut
- letter boxes boarded up
By 1944 how many foreign workers were working in Germany?
Around 7 million
When did Britain and America start bombing Germany?
Who was Henreich Himmler?
Head of the SS
When was the SS set up?
What were the forms of propaganda in Germany?
How did the Nazis control newspapers?
Only stories showing Nazis doing good things were allowed
Negative stories about their enemies
Newspapers who didn’t comply were shut down
How did the Nazis control films?
Scripts had to be approved by goebbles
All films had to show the Nazis in a good way and their enemies in a bad way
Who was head of propaganda?
Joseph Goebbles
What happened during the Berlin olympics?
Anti - semitism was temporarily stopped to give the world a better image of them
Germans came top of medal table - claimed this was the superiority of the race
What was the chamber of culture?
Led by Joseph Goebbels
All musicians, writers, artists and actors had to be members