Germany Dates Flashcards
Kaiser Wilhem Abdicates
9 November 1918
Armistice signed
11 November 1918
Sparticist Demonstrations
December 1918
Friekorps creates
4 January 1919
Spartacists try to seize power
5 January 1919
Friekorps attack Spartacists and save the day!
10 January 1919
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknacht assasinated
12 Januarys 1919
Constituent Assembly Elections
19 January 1919
Anton Drexler creates the German Workers Party
January 1919
Scheidmann resigns in disgust
19 June 1919
Treaty of Versaille signed
28 June 1919
Weimar constitution adopted
11 August 1919
Hitler first attended a DAP meeting
September 1919
Uprising in Friekorps
25 Point Program created
February 1920
Friekorps legally disbanded
March 1920
Friekorps seize Berlin
13 March 1920
DAP membership reaches 1100
June 1920
DAP renames to NSDAP
August 1920
Erzberger assasinated
August 1921
Hitler became NSDAP leader ‘Fuhrer’
June 1921
Rathenav assasinated
Severe hyperinflation
November 1923
Hitler forces rebellion in the beginning of the Beer Hall Putsch
8 November 1923
Hitler marches to Munich
9 November 1923
Hitler is arrested
11 November 1923
Rentenmark introduced
November 1923
Hitler sent to jail for 5 years
1 April 1924
Dawes plan created
August 1924
Dawes plan went into effect
September 1924
Locarno Treaties
French withdraw from Ruhr
Germany joins league of nations
September 1926
Allies withdraw from the Rhineland
Kellogg Briand Pact
Young Plan created
Reichstag Fire
27 February 1933
Hitler calls for general election following Reichstag fire, hoping for a majority
5 March 1933
Enabling Act passed
25 March 1933
Law against the formation of parties
14 July 1933
When were elections called 1930-33 and what seats did the Nazis get?
July 1930 - 107
March 1932 - 230
Nov 1932 - 196
May 1933 - 288
First concentration camp built (Dachau)
March 1933
Trade Unions banned
2 May 1933
Hitler abolished the parliaments of the Lander
January 1933
Night of the Long Knives
30 June 1934
registration of all ‘malformed’ newborns compulsory
18 August 1939
Law for the prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases
1000s of Jewish civil servants sacked and ‘Jude’ painted on windows
April 1933
Jewish books burned
May 1933
Jews banned from inheriting land
September 1933
Local councils ban jews from public places
Jews no longer drafted into army
May 1935
Restaurants closed to Jews
June 1933
Nuremberg laws
15 September 1935
Berlin Olympics
July-August 1936
Jews have to register possesions
March 1938
Jewish professionals cannot have Aryan clients (eg doctors)
Jews must carry identity cards
July 1938
Jewish people had to change their names to ‘Israel’ and ‘Sarah’
August 1938
Jewish passports are all stamped with red letter ‘J’
October 1938
9 November 1938
Young Jews excluded from schools and universities
November 1938
Hitler begins to secretely build new tanks, submarines, battleships and fighter planes
2 February 1933
Hitler ditches the League of Nations
Late 1933
Hitler announces he is rebuilding his army
Late 1933
Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland (!!!!!)
Hitler marches into Austria
12 March 1938
Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
March 1939
Chamberlain says that Hitler can have SOME of the Sudetenland
September 1938
Chamberlain says Hitler can take ALL of the Sudetenland. Hitler says he won’t march into Czechoslovakia.
28 September 1939
WWI starts
August 1914
Gustav Streseman dies of heart attack :(
3 October 1929
Unemployment at 4.3 million and industrial production down 30%
Launch of Lebensborn programme
Germany invades Poland
1 September 1939
Germany invades Norway and Denmark while Auschwitz is underconstruction
April 1940
Holland and Luxembourg surrender to Germany
15 May 1940
Belgium eventually gives up after three weeks of struggling and is invaded by Hitler
27 May 1940
Operation “Dynamo”
27 May 1940
Italy declares war on France and Britain
10 June 1940
French armistice and the Fall of France
22 June 1940
Nazis arrest White Rose group
18 February 143
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour
7 December 1941
Hitler declares war on the United States (tsk, tsk, tsk)
11 December 1941
Gestapo arrest Anne Frank and her family
4 August 1944
Hitler commits suicide
30 April 1945
Victory in Europe day
8 May 1945