germany and EU integration Flashcards
who is the current chancellor of germany
Olaf Scholz
2 world wars
5 different political systems
2 currency destruction - 1923+1948
partition and unification in 1990
Germany now is as stable, if not more than any other country in Europe however it has had more dislocation than any other European Power during the 20th century with two world wars, with Germany being held accountable for starting of both which has been created a stigma surrounding Germany. It has had five different political systems, authoritarian, democracy, part living under communist rule, and then reuniting them again in the 90s. There has been two currency destructions, in 1923 and 1948 after the wars. There was a huge partition, both psychologically, economically, politically and geographically, and then the final unification in 1990.
how is germany the dominant power in Europe
Central location and 11% of landmass - (France has 17%)
Borders with nine other countries
83.13 million people (2021 estimate) approx. 18.6% of EU total
GDP (2023 estimate) = $4.12 trillion- 4th globally
3rd largest export country in world
Largest economy in Europe: Services = 70% of the total
GDP, industry 29.1%, agriculture 0.9%
how dominant is Germany in Europe.
It has a central location, and has 11% of the land mass and borders 9 countries.
* It has 83.5 million people, which is around 16% of the EU total
* Its estimated GDP (2018) is $3996 trilliant, which is 6.45% of the global GDP
* And it is the 3rd largest exporting country in the world – they have always been interested in international trade, they have always seen the importance of interdependence
* 70% of the GDP is the service industry, and industry is 29.1% but agriculture is only 0.9%
germany and post cold war integration
Voluntary ‘self restraint’
Market interdependence
Commitment to international fora
Non-nuclear power
‘Principled Multilateralism’
modern changes in germany
Most original goals achieved
Declining ability to be EU ‘paymaster’
End of Kohl era 27 September 1998: ‘the 1968 generation into power’
Increasingly conditional support; ‘enlightened
Renewed pride in German identity:
More self-confident nation
Germany’s budgetary contribution
Germany economic challenges – massive West to East financial transfer, so Germany no longer have the surplus to be the pay master of Europe as it has its own problems to look after (PP FOR FACTS)
Eastern Germany’s GDP per head is still only 67% of that in Western Germany
Multiple concerns/options
Changing relations with France, US, CEECs and Russia – not all relationships are comfortable with one another. France was concerned about relations with CEECs and creating power blocks with them to increase the influence in the EU.
Ongoing division about the role of Germany in the world – commitment to international security is now potentially different – if Germany has a problem, they may provide medical over front line support
Paymaster pressure – how is the whole going to be filled after Britain leaves the EU, some states are going to lose their net contributor status
Psychological divide – East and West leadership
Continuing culture of historical memory – leadership aversion
german economic crisis
2009 - German economy shrank by 5% (worst performance since 1932);
big decline in exports (c. 15%); rising
current german problems
Changing relations with: France, US, CEECs(Central and Eastern European Countries) , Russia
Ongoing revision of world role
‘Paymaster pressure’
Psychological divide
Continuing culture of ‘historical memory’
Merkel as ‘pragmatic pro-European’
‘the euro is our common fate and Europe is our common future’ (Merkel, December 2010)
Traditionally pro-European and pro-Atlanticist
Tension with Trump administration especially
Differences in the Franco-German tandem e.g. enlargement, immigration, pace of EU reform Germany is standing up more now for self-interest, they want to enlarge but France are saying EU needs to sort itself out first before letting others in, the pace hasn’t occurred due to her political control has weakened in Germany
Uncertainty over Germany after 2021 when Merkel leaves office
key german characteristics
One of the original EEC members
“CONSENSUS POLITICS” – SME – wanting to build consensus to sort out political issues – Social Market Economy, tries to take out the harsh consequences of the free market but still have the positives of the free market
Civilian Power – great distrust with rearming West Germany, both within and outside
No ABC weapons, Atomic Biological and Chemical – it stuck with it – If they wanted to, they could easily do it, but they have chosen not to
Phased out conscription only in 2011, civilianise German military
Attraction for West Germany to be involved in Integration
International acceptability – the legacy of responsibility over the war, it wanted to regain international trust and acceptance, so they needed to do this by building up trust, proving themselves, it was a way of reassuring West German neighbours
A sense of identity domestically – A country that is divided, a sense of identity was needed to be restored or provided, “good European” is what became important
Means to “protect Germany from itself” – It didn’t really have any options other than to accept what the international community wanted, they were able to rearm quite quickly, the German economic miracle in the 50s
Repel communism – although it quickly reconstructed in a Western way, they wanted to be secure against communism, and other European states wanted to keep Germany democratic
Markets – You need markets to sell and buy and grow – but also shows cooperation and working within a group
It was a complete no brainer, it had nothing to lose from integration and the upside advantages are compelling. They are often called the “pay master of Europe” and they sustain this throughout.
Helmut Kohl (CDU 1982-1998) and Gerhard Schroder (SPD 1998-2005) governments
Broad Foreign Policy Continuity:
It becomes United, but East matches the West.
Voluntary – ‘Self-restraint’ – it shows neighbours that is continuing the good European outlook that they had previously shown
Market interdependence – the East Lander have to turn themselves into that of the West
Commitment to international fora – avoiding showing any leadership in the fear of the way it would be taken, they just threw themselves into different international institutions
Non-nuclear power
Principled multilateralism – overseas intervention felt like it need a UN mandate to sustain its priniples and gain legitimacy
Continuity within European integration
Great cooperation in JHA
Strengethening CFSP – encouraging Europe to work more as a block
Increasing powers for the EP – greater democratic accountability and it supported the EP getting those greater powers
Reforming voting procedure – Qualified Majority voting with the least problem
Development of subsidiarity – devolving power to the post appropriate level – it is a federal system so this is easy for Germany, they have been keen to encourage this in the EU – it doesn’t agree with a European Federal super state, but sees the importance of devolved power
Enlargement to CEECs – saw the importance of uniting those old communist European states – could be seen as trying to make it fair, could be seen as Germany trying to get states who historically are similar to join the EU to give them more power
Broad Changes after cold war
Most original goals achieved – fully rehabilitated country, strongest economy, so the calculations of what it gets out of intergrations have changed
Declining ability to be the EU ‘paymaster’
End of Kohl era 1998 – end of the cold war leaders, the ‘1968 generation into power’ it brings in different perspectives, different experiences shape political decisions – future over past
Germany is changing, it is slowly shifting away from being defined by the wars, and there is increasing support for a conditional support for enlightened self-interest.
There is a new pride surrounding German identity, and it is more self confident of a nation.
EMU stability and Growth Pact – German was concerned about maintaining strict criteria * Germany’s budgetary contribution
what was the schuman plan
The Schuman Declaration was presented by French foreign minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950. It proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community, whose members would pool coal and steel production.
it was an act
of profound political idealism and a calculated exercise in power-sharing by the
French state. It gave Konrad Adenauer the opportunity to begin steering the new
German republic back into the free society of nations. He was ready to do this even
if it meant postponing hopes of unification and permitting neighbouring states to
influence the pace and character of German post-war reconstruction
germany at the start
German statesmen showed a consistent willingness to accept a collegial
decision-making (shared responsibility ) process: Bonn fought for its interests but never insisted upon
vetoing items of policy broadly acceptable to the Community as a whole. West
Germany was a “good citizen” of the European project, not an “awkward partner,”
as Britain was to be when it entered the Community in the 1970s.3