what are the main features of age-related alterations in immune function?
depressed T-cell responses & depressed T-cell/mphage interactions
what are the 3 most marked deficits of immunity in the elderly?
- drying and thinning of skin & mucous membranes
- poor antibody production
- decreased production of IL-2 & T-cell help
what are the definitions for fever in elderly nursing-home residents?
- Temperature >2 F (1.1C) over baseline or
- oral temp > 99 F (37.2C) or
- Rectal temp > 99.5F (37.5C)
elderly pts with bacteremia are less likely than younger adults to have what 3 signs/symptoms?
Chills, sweating, fever
mortality with pneumonia is _______x to _______x that compared to younger pts.
what is the strongest independent predictor of mortality with pneumonia?
what kinds of sources of bacteremia are more common in elderly pts compared to younger adults?
GI & genitourinary
what is the treatment for community acquired pneumonia in elderly pts?
beta-lactam/beta-lactamase combo or adv. gen. cephalosporin (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime) w/ or w/o macrolide
alt: newer fluorquinolones (e.g. levofloxacin)
regarding HCAP: MRSA-colonized pts or pts in units w/ high rates of MRSA, initial regimens should include what antibiotics until MRSA is excluded?
vancomycin or linezolid
what are some ways to reduce the risk of pneumonia in elderly pts?
- immunization
- smoking cessation
- aggressive tx of comorbidities (e.g. min. aspiration risk in post-stroke pts, limit use of sedatives)
- system changes w/ attention to infection control may be effective in nursing home
the flu vaccine is recommended for all adults over what age?
50 yrs
treatment w/ M2 inhibitors or neuraminidase inhibitors is most effective if initiated when?
within 24 hrs of symptoms onset
regarding UTIs: older adults are more likely to have resistant isolates like what?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa gram positives (enterococci, coag-neg. staph. & GBS)
overall what microbes are the MCC of UTIs?
gram negative bacilli (e. coli)
how do we treat asymptomatic bacteriuria?