Clinician's view of pathogenic microbes Flashcards
what are the 4 types of pneumonia-meningitis bacteria?
- Strep pneumoniae (MCC meningitis > 18 y/o)
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Neisseria meningitidis (MCC of meningitis 1 month - 18 y/o)
- moraxella catarrhalis (bloodstream invasion rare)
what do all the bacteria that cause meningitis have in common?
they all have capsules (that make them resistant to phagocytosis)
what are the vaccines made of that protect against microbes causing bacterial meningitis?
made of capsular polysaccharide
what kind of pts are at an increased risk of overwhelming sepsis + meningitis?
asplenic pts
what kind of bacteria cause dental caries?
strep mutans (type of viridans strep)
what are the HACEK microbes?
H-hemophilus A-actinobacillus C-Cardiobacterium E-Eikenella K-kingella tiny, fastidious, G neg. bacilli that can cause endocarditis
the infections caused by the not so bad staph and strep are generally not fulminant except in what pts?
granulocytopenic pts
Staph Aureus likes to inhabit what part of skin?
ant. nares
staph aureus can cause pneumonia in what kind of pts?
pts on ventilators (ventilator assoc. pneumonia)
name the microbe: infects prosthetic devices & iv catheters by producing adherent biofilms, and csf shunts?
staph epidermis
name the microbe: G+, cocci, Cat+, clusters, Coag neg. novobiocin sensitive
Staph epidermis
what is erysipelas and what pathogen causes it?
a fiery-red, rapidly enlarging, painful patch of skin and subq tissue; caused by Strep pyogenes
where do group B strep (strep. agalactiae) like to live?
colon and vagina
which pathogen is the leading cause of sepsis and meningitis in the neonate?
Group B strep
how does the neonate acquire a group b strep infection?
acquired from birth through vaginal canal (can use antibiotics for prophylaxis if mom is carrier)
name the pathogen: cousins to strep, G+ cocci, seen in pairs, normal GU & GI flora of low virulence, usually part of mixed infections, can cause UTIs and endocarditis
enterococci (group D strep)
when you find enterococci in the blood stream what should be thinking about as far as sources?
IV catheters, GI lesions (esp. tumors)
which pathogens are considered the world’s most antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
enterococci (group D strep)
how do you treat enterococci infections?
takes 2: penicillin + aminoglycoside