Geriatric Falls Assessment Flashcards
T/F: Falls are the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma
Falls and the Elderly, stats
- 1/5 of falls cause serious injury (fracture, head injury)
- 20-30% of people who suffer moderate to severe injuries such as lacerations, hip fractures, or head trauma
- most fractures among older adults are caused by falls
- many people who fall, even if they are not injured, develop a fear of falling
T/F: falls are a normal part of getting older
they are preventable
how would you define a fall?
an unintentional loss of balance that leads to failure of postural stability
what constitutes a recurrent faller?
2 or more falls in 6-12 months
Best Practices for managing at risk-fallers (older adults)
- ask about falls within past 12 months
- assess strength, balance, and gait
- assess for need of AD prescription
- provide supervised, structured exercise program
Best practices for managing those who have had 2+ falls in past year
- basic fall history
- assess for OH
- assess visual acuity
- assess strength, balance, and gait
- home assessment for fall hazards
- review medications
- assess appropriateness of AD
- assess cognitive status
Questions to ask about falling
- have you fallen?
- can you tell me what caused you to fall?
- did someone see you fall? if yes, did you have a LOC?
- did you go see your doctor or to the ED?
- did you get hurt?
- which direction did you fall?
- did you recently change any of your medications
what to consider when examining vision relating to postural control
- acuity
- contrast sensitivity
- depth perception
- visual field cut
what to consider when examining vestibular relating to postural control
- VOR function and gaze stability
- nystagmus
- saccades
- smooth pursuit
- head impulse test
- head shake test
- dynamic visual acuity test
- skew deviation test
- VOR cancellation
what to consider when examining the somatosensory system pertaining to postural control
- cutaneous sensation
- proprioception
- vibration
what test can be performed to look at sensory integration?
(Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance)
List the 6 conditions in the CTSIB?
- eyes open on firm surface
- eyes closed on firm surface
- eyes open with sway referenced visual surround
- eyes open on sway referenced support surface
- eyes closed on sway referenced support surface
- eyes open on sway referenced support surface and surround
falls in which conditions of the CTSIB indicate vestibular dysfunction?
conditions 5 and 6
falls during which CTSIB conditions indicate surface dependence?
conditions 4, 5, 6