Geriatric Flashcards
decreased cutaneous vasoconstriction/sweat production
impaired response to heat
delayed recovery of dehydration
declining thirst
Impaired response to shock
physiologic drop in CO, LV filling and max HR
Primary aging not induced by diease but may be affected by:
periods of stress, exposure to fluctuating temperatures, dehydration or shock
Optimal aging
Occurs when people don’t have debilitating disease and starts in late 80’s-90’s.
Ao stiffens d/t atherosclerosis, less distensible, SV causes greater rise in BP, esp SBP. Systolic HTN with widened pulse pressure. DBP stops rising in 60th decade.
Other extreme is postural hypotension(orthostatic)- drop in BP upon standing
VS: HR & Rhythm
resting HR unchanged. Pacemake cells decline in SA node, as does mas HR, affecting response to physiologic stress. Elderly more likely to have abn heart rhythms such as atrial/vent ectopy. Asymptomatic rhythm changes usually benign. May cause syncope or temp LOC.
VS: RR and Temp
RR unchanged. Changes in temp regulation lead to suseptibily to hypothermia.
Skin & Nails
skin wrinkles, lax, loses turgor. Vasc of dermis decreases, skin paler and more opaque. Nails lose luster, may yellow and thicken- esp toes.
Actinic purpura
purple patches/macules that fade over time. Come from blood leaked through poorly supported capillaries and spread through dermis.
scalp loses pigment. Hair grays. Men’s hairline recede- as early as 20’s. Women less sever hair loss. Generalized loss of scalp hair, diameter of each hair smalled. Hair loss on rest of body. As women reach 55, coarse facial hair appears on chin and upper lip, but doesn’t increase further. Mostly applies to light skinned caucasian
Head and Neck: Eyes
Eyes, ears and mouth bear the brunt of old age.
Eyes: fat around eyes atrophy- eyeballs may recede, skin of eyelid may wrinkle- haging loose fold, fewer lacrimal secretion- dry eyes, fat may pusj fascia of eyelids forward- soft bulges, cornea lose luster. Pupils smlaller- harder to see fundus, pupils may be irregular- still repsond to light.
Visual acuity fairly constant. Lens loses elasticity- presbyopia in 5th decade. Increased risk of cateracts, glaucoma, mad degen.Thickened yellow lens impairslight passage- need more light to read.
Color vision diminishes, light adaption slows. Visual fields- by 7-8th decade lose 20-30% peripheral vision.
Head & Neck: Ears
Ears: hearing loss, may start in young adulthood, starts with high pitched sounds. Loss extends to middle and lower ranges. Distorts hearing.
Normal aging hearing loss
Narrow angle glaucoma
lens grows, pushes iris forward, narrowing angle between iris and cornea- increasing risk
Head & Neck: Mouth
Mouth: dim salivary secretions, decreased sense of taste. Maybe affected by meds or diseases. Decreased olfaction, increased sensitivity to bitter/salt affect taste. Teeth wear down, abraded, lost to caries or other conditions over time.
Dental health reflects bone health. Affects ability to digest some complex nutrients. Blunted taste decreases sense of smell by 50%
Periodontal disease
Chief cause of tooth loss. If no teeth, lower face looks small and sunken, purstring wrinkles. Bony ridges of jaws become reabsorbed, esp lower jaw. Frequency of palpable cervical nodes diminish, but submandibular easier to feel.
Angular Cheilitis
Overclosure of mouth leads to maceration of skin at corners
Thorax & Lungs
Decreased exercise capacity. Chest wall stiffer, harder to move, resp muscles weaker, lose elastic recoil, lung mass declines, residual volume increases. Speed of breathing out with max effort gradually diminishes, cough less effective(dec mucociliary clearance). Skeletal- accentuated dorsal curvature ot thoracic spine= kyphosis- OP vertebral collapse and inc AP diameter of chest. Barrel chest- little effect on function. # Alveoli decrease. Muscle weaker- dec VC, FVC, FEV. Dec resting pO2, Dim chemoreceptor.
Asp, PNA, Hypoxia, DOE
Arcus Senilus
pt over 60yo deposit of calcium and cholesterol salt- appear grey-white ring at edge of cornea
Macular Degeneration
can have no fovea refelx. Drusen(yellow spots) can appear in/around macula- deposits are EC material.
causes poor central vision and blindness
Cerumen Impaction
most common in elderly d/t overgrowth of hair. Most often cause of tinnitus and hearing loss. Cerumen is drier and lore likely to accumulate d/t decrease in sweat glands.
more prevalent in elderly, can be caused by cerumen, meds, vasc disorders and impair blood flow.
Hearing Loss
Conductive/ Sensorineural( most common in elderly)
Reason d/t decreased blood flow, dec vestibular conduction, loss of acuity.
First signs hearing loss refer to audiologist
Cardiovascular: Neck Vessels
Lengthening/tortuosity of Ao- kinking/buckling of carotid artery. Results in pulsatile mass, mainly in women with HTN, may be mistaken for aneurysm. Torturous Ao- raise L jugular vein pressure, imp drainage within thorax, into RA.
Carotid bruit in middle/upper portion of carotid arteries- suggests part art occlusion( in younger people usually innocent). Warrant investigation-possible stenosis d/t risk for possible ipsilateral stroke
Cardiovascular: S3 S4
Middle/Older aged adults commonly have systolic Ao murmurs. After age 40 S3 suggests dilation of LV from CHF/CMO from volume overload of LV (CAD, VHD)
S4 can be in healthy people, but may suggest dec ventricular compliance/imp vent filling, accompanied by HTN.
Heart sounds are diminished
Cardiovascular: Murmurs
Middle/Older adults commonly have Ao systolic murmur. Detected in 1/4 adults over 60yo. Aging thickens base of aortic cusps with fibrous tissue, calcification follows. Mostly fibrosis/calcification does not impede blood flow(Ao scleoris) but can cause turbulent flow. AS leaflets calcified and immobile, outflow obstruction- has delayed carotid upstroke(aortic sclerois has normal upstroke). Increased M/M with both. Crescendo/decrescendo M at 2RICS- AS/sclerosis. Delay during simultaneous palp of brach/rad art=AS
Sim changes to mitral valve, usually one decade later than Ao, leads to MR- systolic murmur- may become pathologic as volume overload increases in LV. Harsh holosystolic M at apex=MR
Cardiovascular Implications
Dec CO- dec peripheral perfussion/oxygenation
Dec sens to anything that stim B-adrenergic(SNS, PNS, hormones, drugs, exercise, stress response)
Inc arrhythmias- ICD
syncope- falls/injury
Need for pacer
Heart block
CV musculature
mod-marked hypertrophy(LVH- sustained PMI, CHF- diffuse PMI)
Inc wall thickness LV
Inc myocardial wall thickness in general d/t inc myocytes
Inc fibrous tissue
Inc size LVand LA
walls less pliable, thick, stiff
vessles become dilated and elongated
deposits form matrix- lead to atherosclerotic changes- damage intima- inflammation- injury- occlusion
Leads to PVR, PAD, thrombosis, ischemia
dec in elderly
regulate HR and MAP
Imp BP response to standing- volume depletion
Higher incidence orthostatic changes with position changes
Peripheral Vascular System
Atherosclerosis- not normal aging but occurs more in elderly
Vesesls dilate and lengthen, torturous, hard
Changes in skin, nails and hair are not specifically d/t arterial insuff- but are often symptoms of.
Screen for Ao anuerysm with back/abd pain- esp men who smoke and have CAD. measure Ao diameter and feel for pulsatile mass
Art occlusion- dim/abs pulses
Temporal Arteritis
Over 50 yo, temporal arteiries become subject to giant cell- loss vision 15%, c/o HA, jaw claudication
May become granular, nodular or lumpy. Aging- less grandular, more fatty- total amount decreases. Breast flaccid, pendulous. Nipples- ducts may be more palpable as firm stringy strands. Axillary hair diminished
Lumps/mass- check for malignancy
Fat accululates lower abd, hip- more pronouced abd.
Aging may blunt acute abd- pain may be less severe, fever less, signs of peritoneal inflam reduced/absent
check for bruits and Ao diameter/pulsatile mass
dec motility
dec vasc flow
dec gastric acidity
gastric emptying slowsfeels full longer
dec appetite
inc diverticulosis
inc polyps
inc NSAIDS- affects lining- inc PUD,GERD,esophagitis
GI: Stomach
inc gastric pH
dec blood flow
dec absorption calcium vit d
GI Implications
dec absorption Vitamins, esp B12
dec calcium absorption- OP
Rectal mass found with colon CA
GI: Liver
dec blood flow
dec metabolism toxins
dec size
protein synthesis dec
dec hepatic drug elim
Cytochrome P450 less efficient/effective 50%
dec excr of drugs met in liver
POLYPHARM concerns
GI: Gallbladder
inc cholelithiasis
bile acid syntheisis dec
Ask id cholecystectomy- important
GU: Incontinence
Stress- weak sphincter- cough,sneeze,laugh
Urge- sudden urge, muscles contact inappr
Overflow- Men, nocturnal- unable to full empty- leakage, no urge
Functional- mental physical interference
Inc residual volume
Inc not normal aging but causes can be d/t atrophyof muscles or dec sensation
Male Genitalia
Sex interests remains intact, freq of sex declines. Dec testosterone level- erection dependant on tactile stim, less cues. Penis size decr, testicles drop lower in scrotum. Protracted illness may lead to dec teste size. Pubic hair dec,gray. ED affect 50%- usually d/t hypogastric cavernous art insuff or ven leakage through subtunical venules
Female Genitalia
Ovarian Fxn dim 5th decade. Estrogen falls, hot flashes- up to 5 years- sweating, palpitations, chills, anxiety. Sleep/mood swing problems. Vag dryness, urge incont, dyspareuria. Pubic hair gray, sparse. Labia, clitorus smalled, vagina narrows, shortens, mucosa pale,thin,dry loss of lube. Within 10 yrs of menopause, ovaries nonplapable. Sexuality unchanged
Atrophic vaginitis
Freq UTI
urge/stress incont
Check for masses, Paget’s disease, erythema