Cardiovascular Flashcards
Bate's Book
Bisferiens Pulse
Increased arterial pulse with a double systolic peak. Causes include AR, combined AS/AR, and HOCM.
Pulsus Alternans
Amplitude from beat to beat even though the rhythm is basically rregular, with stronger alternating with weaker beat. Indicates LVF usually accompanied by left sided S3. Felt best with light pressure to radial or femerol arteries. Use BP cuff, pump up, lower slowly to systolic level, initial Korotkoff sounds strongest beats, as you lower cuff, weaker alternating beats heard. Upright position may accentuate alternans.
Paradoxical Pulse
Palpable decrease in pulse’s amplitude on quiet inspiration. SBP decrease of more than 10mmHg. Causes include pericardial tamponade( inc JVP, rapid/dim pulse, dyspnea), constrictive pericarditis, and obstructive lung disease( most commonly).
Semilunar valves
Aortic and Pulmonic
Atrioventricular valves
Mitral and Tricuspid
PMI/ Apical Impulse
Diameter 1-2.5cm. Greater than 2.5cm is evidence of LVH or enlargement. Displacement of PMI lateral to MCL or greater than 10cm lateral to the MSL also suggests LVH or enlargement.
ventricular contraction
AP open, MT closed
ventricular relaxation
AP closed, MT open
Electrical conduction
SA-AV-bundle of His-purkinje fibers- myocardium
Electrical vectors
positive- approaching lead, + deflection
negative- traveling away from lead, - deflection
isoelectric- straight line
P wave
atrial depolarization: P 80ms, PR 120-200 ms
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization, up to 100ms
Q wave- downward deflection- septal depolarization
R wave upward deflection- ventricular depolarization
S wave, downward deflection following R wave.
T wave
ventricular repolarization or recovery
Cardiac Output
amount of blood ejected in 1 minutes time from each ventricle. Product of HR and stroke volume. Stroke volume is amount of blood ejected with each beat.
;load that stretches cardiac muscle before contraction. Volume of blood left in RV at end of diastole= preload for next beat. RV preload is increased by increasing venous return to right heart. Increased blood volume in a dilated RV of CHF also causes increased preload. Physiologic causes of increased preload are inspiration and increased blood volume that ensues from exercising muscles. Decreased RV preload include exhalation, decreased LV output, pooling of blood in capillary bed o the venous system.
Myocardial contractility
ability of cadiac muscle, when given a load, to shorten. Contractility increases when SNS stimulated. Contractility decreased when blood flow or oxygen delivery to myocardium impaired.
degree of vascular resistance to ventricular contraction. Sources of ventricular resistance include aortic wall tone, large arteries, peripheral vascular tree as well as volume already in aorta.
Heart Failure
increased preload- volume overload
increased afterload- pressure overload
estimates RA pressure= CVPand RVED pressure. Estimated from RIJ vein. JVP affected by volume status, R/L ventricular function, patency of T/P valves, pressure in pericardium, arrhythmias(Jx, AV blocks). Elevation causes: RHF, constrictive pericarditis, TS, SVC obstr.
JVP measurement
HOB 30 degrees. highest oscillation point of RIJ, extend ruler from this point to sternal angle and measure. JVP above 4cm, or 9cm above RA. If hypovolemic, may need to check flat and if hypervolemic, may need to check at 60-90 degrees.
Health History
CP, SOB, Palpiatation, Edema
Health Promotion
HTN, CHD/Stroke, HPL, promote lifestyle modifications and risk factor reduction.
Chest Pain
signals angina. Classic CP is exertional, pain/pressure, discomfort in chest/shoulder/back/neck/arm- seen 50% of AMI. Atypical CP: cramping, grinding, prickling, jaw/tooth pain.
Acute myocaridal ischemia, USA, NSTEMI, STEMI.
Acute Aortic dissection
Tearing ripping chest pain radiating to back/neck.
Skipping, racing, fluttering, pounding, stopping of heart beat. Causes irregular heart beat, Not with VT.Can happen with AFib, PVC’s, SVT, ST greater than 120 BPM.
dyspnea- difficult breathing
orthopnea- dyspnea while supine, improves when sits up. Causes- LV HF, MS, Obst. LD.
PND- suddenly awakens dypneic, usually 1-2 hrs after going to bed. A/w wheezing, coughing. Recurs nghtly. PND in LV HF or MS may be mimicked by noctural asthma attacks.
Accumulation of excessive fluid in EV IS space. Dependent edema occurs in renal and hepatic disease. Periorbital puffiness, tight rings with nephrotic syndrome, enlarged waistline from ascites and liver failure.
IS tissue can absorb several liters of fluid, accomodates up to 10% weight gain before pitting edema appears.
Normal- less than 120/80
Pre HTN- SBP 120-139, DBP 80-89- lifestyle modification
Stage 1- SBP 140-159, DBP 90-99- initiate anti-HTN drug.
BP target for pts with DM and CKD is less than 130/80.
HTN risk factors
physical inactivity, microalbuminuria, GFR less than 60mL/min, family Hx of premature CHD, excess dietary Na, insufficient dietary K, excess ETOH.
CAD/stroke screening
start screening at age 20. Screen before first event because any event could be fatal. Family Hx CHD, Smoker, diet, ETOH, physical activity, BP, BMI, waist circumference, pulse, fasting lipid and glucose.
Dyslipidemia risk factors
smoker, BP above 140/90, on anti-HTN, HDL less than 40 mg/dL, family Hx CHD.