Abdomen Flashcards
RUQ content
liver, gallbladder, duodenum, lower pole of right kidney, abd aorta
LUQ content
spleen, stomach, left kidney, pancreas, abd aorta
LLQ content
sig colon, transverse and desc colon, bladder, sacral promontory, utersu and ovaries
RLQ content
bowel loops, appendix, cecum, bladder, uterus and ovaries
palpated with at least 300 cc urine. Detrusor muscle is smooth muscle that contracts.
ribs pretect upper portion. CV angle (12th rib and spine) significant for kidney tenderness.
Types of Abdominal pain
Visceral, Parietal, Referred
Visceral Pain
Hollow organs contract forcefully or are stretched- Intestines, biliary tree. Solid organs can have pain r/t stretching, swell against capsulelike liver. Difficult to localize. Usually midline at level of structure. Type: gnawing,, burning, cramping, aching. If severe can be a/w sweating, pallor, N, restlessness.
Parietal Pain
Inflammation of parietal peritoneum. Steady, aching, more severe than visceral pain. Is precisely located over involved structure. Worse with coughing or movement. Pts prefer to lay still. Easily localized
Referred Pain
Felt in distant site, innervated at approx same spinal level. Initally intense and radiates from initial site. May be felt superficially or deeply but is usually localized.
Visceral RUQ pain
biliary tree, or liver (distention from alcoholic hepatitis)
Visceral periumbilical pain
small intestines, proximal colon or early appendicitis- (later changes to parietal pain in RLQ)
Visceral epigastric pain
stomach, duodenum, pancreas
Visceral hypogastric pain
colon, bladder, uterus. Colonic pain may be more diffuse
Visceral suprapubic/sacral pain
Examples of referred pain
duodenum/pancreas- back
biliary tree- right shoulder/ right post chest
Pleurisy/AMI- epigastric
Renal stones
Colicky crampy pain radiating to R/L lower quad
Kidney stones could be pain from CV angle radiating to RLQ
knifelike epigastric
gallstone pancreatitis
indigestion symptoms/ heartburn- precipitated with exertion, relieve with rest.
Abd pain history
timing of pain, acute/chronic, sudden gradual, when started, how long lasted, describe in own words, point to pain, severity of pain, aggravating/alleviating
GERD Risk factors
decr salivary flow, prolongs acid clearance by dampening action of bicarb buffer, delay gastric emptying, selected meds and hiatal hernia
chronic/recurrent discomfort/pain in center of upper abdomen. Bloating, N, upper abd fullness, heartburn. Patients may have functional, non ulcer dyspepsia- 3 months nonspecific upper abd discomfort or N not r/t structural abn or PUD. Sx recur and are present for more than 6 months.
Causes of chronic dyspepsia
delayed gastric emptying, gastritis from H pyori, PUD, psychosocial factors.
if pt has heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation for more than a week assume GERD until proven otherwise. R/t mucosal damages. May have resp Sx: cough, wheeze, asp PNA, or pharyngeal: hoarseness, chronic sore throat. May have alarm symptoms: dysphasia, odyophagia (painful swallowing), recurrent V, GIB, wt loss, anemia, or RF of gastric CA.
GERD w/alarm Sx
Need endoscopy to look for esophagitis, peptic strictures, Barrett’s esophagus( in this condition squamocolumnar junction displacedprox., replaced by intestinal metapplasia- increasing CA risk 30X). . 50% of GERD have no underlying Dz
restrosternal burning/discomfort- usually caused by food. Ex. ETOH, chocolate, citrus fruit, coffee, onions, peppermint. Could be position changes like bending over, exercising, lifting or lying down. Angina from IWMI- ma present with heartburn.
RLQ pain, or pain that migrates from periumbilical region, a/w abd rigidity.
In women could also be PID, ruptured ovary, ectopic pregnancy
Tends to be achy
LLQ pain with palpable mass
Diffuse abd pain with no BS, firm abd, guarding, rebound on palpation
V with SBO
Associated symptoms
LLQ: fever, loss appetite
A, N, V
Colon CA
Change in bowel habits, mass lesion
Int pain for 12 wks of the preceding year with relief from defocation, change in freq BM, change in consistency. No structural biochemical abn.
Other diseases with A, N, V
DKA, adrenal insuff, hyper Ca, uremia, liver Dz, emo states, adv drug Rx, and more
Bulemia/ Anorexia
B-Induced vomiting w/o Nausea
A- loss/lack of appetite- may be d/t food intolerance.
Retching? Regurg? Material, odor, volume, blood, clear/ mucoid, bile colors, black/brown, coffee ground. Dehydrated, electrolyte imbalance, asp?
Varices, gastritis, PUD
Sx of blood loss: syncope, lightheaded, seen with loss of 500 ml or more
Fecal smelling vomit
SBO , gastrocolic fistula
GERD, esophageal structure, esophageal CA
color, amount, blood, coffee ground
Burning gnawing
Terribly severe
Non localized peritonitis, perforation, ureteral calculi, bowel ischemia, Ao dissection
Increased BS
Diarrhea or early intestinal obstruction
Decreased BS then absent
Adynamic Ileus or peritonitis
High pitched tinkling BS
Intestinal fluid or air under tension in dilated bowel
High pitched rushing BS
Intestinal obstruction
Hepatic bruit
Liver CA or alcoholic hepatitis
Arterial bruit
Partial obstruction of Ao or renal arteries
HTN with bruit
Renal artery stenosis
Arterial insufficiency
Ao, iliacs, femerols with bruit
Hepatic friction rub
Intrahepatic malignancy
Liver percussion
MCL 6-12cm normal, longer swollen enlarged liver
MSL 4-8cm, shorter small hard cirrhotic liver
Friction runs
Rough grating sounds indicative of peritoneal inflammation over organs with large surface areas
Venous hums
Rare, periumbilical from IVC, medium pitch, continuous, may have palpable thrill. Found with portal HTN, cirrhosis
Should be tympanic, air/gas filled. dullness heard over solid or enlarged organs, fluid, mass, adipose tissue
swallowing air- may be cause of belching
pain with swallowing.
Esophageal ulceration- ? Radiation, caustic ingestion, infections ( Candida, CMV, HSV, HIV). Can be pill induced- NSAIDS, ASA
Chronic lower quadrant bowel pain
ask about change in bowel habits and alternating constipation/diarrhea
prolonged vomiting can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imblance.
Early satiety
abd fullness after light meal, UA to eat full meal. Diabetic gastroparesis, anticholinergic meds, pastric outlet syndrome, gastric cancer, hepatitis.
difficulty swallowing, suggests structural abn or motiltiy DO. Sensation of lump in throat or restrosternal area are not assosicated w/swallowing- not dysphagia. Ask where dysphagia occurs.
Oropharyngeal dysphagia
drooling, nasopharyngeal regurg, cough from asp in muscluar/neurological DO affecting motility.
Zenker’s diverticulum
gurgling or regurg of undigested food- structural condition
Esophageal dysphagia
point to sternoclavicular notch
Dyspahgia of solid food
Structural esophageal condition: stricture, web, Schatki’s ring, neoplasm.
Increased flatus
aerophagia, legumes, other gas producing foods. IBS, intestinal lactase deficiency
more than 200grms/24 hrs. Duration, frequency, consistency, mucus, pus, blood, tenesmus (constant urge to defocate), pain, cramps, invol straining, nocturnal, greasy/oily, frothy, fowl, float. . Acute last 2wks/fever- cause infection. Chronic more than 4 weeks- cause nonifectious (Crohn’s, UC)
Type diarrhea
High volume, frequent watery stools: small intestines
Small volume w/tenesmus or diarrhea w/mucus,pus, blood- rectal inflam conditions
Nocturnal diarrhea- pathological significance.
fatty diarrheal stools from malabsorption
celiac sprue, pancreatic insufficiency, sm bowel bacterial overgrowth.