Geospatial Data Fundamentals Flashcards
Spatial Model
basic properties and process for a set of spatial features
Cartographic Model
temporally static, combined spatial datasets, operations and functions for problem-solving
Spatio-temporal Model
Dynamics in space and time, and time-driven processes
Network Model
modeling of resources (flow, accumulation) as limited to networks
Data models (Goodchild)
entities and fields as conceptual models
Static Modeling (Goodchild)
Taking inputs to transform them into outputs using sets of tools and functions
Dynamic Modeling (Goodchild)
An iterative model with sets of initial conditions that applies transformations to obtain a series of predictions at time intervals
Passive and prescriptive data models (DeMers)
passive models are like description of the study area; Prescriptive models are active, imposing best solutions.
A coordinate-based data model that represents points, lines, and polygons.
Discrete locations on the ground, and represented by a coordinate pair
Linear features, such as rivers, roads, and transmission cables, are composed of vertices (beginning and ending at vertices), represented by an ordered list of vertices
Form bounded areas, such as islands, land masses, and water features, that are composed of nodes and vertices, with the start node the same as the end node.
Composed of rectangular arrays of regularly spaced square grid cells. Each cell has a value (attribute). It can be single or multiple bands, with each cell having one attribute value. And the raster coordinates are stored by ordering the matrix.
smallest resolvable piece of the scanned image. It’s always a cell but a cell is not always a pixel.
It’s an object-oriented spatial model that includes feature classes, feature datasets, nom-spatial tables, as well as complex components such as topology, relationship classes, and geometric networks.
Relationship classes
model real-world relationships that exist between objects such as parcels and buildings
Parallel and perpendicular lines for reference as a map projection or coordinate-system
Triangulated irregular network - it portions vector data into contiguous, non-overlapping triangles. It creates Delaunay triangles.
Advantage of TIN
It’s best for small areas with high-precision elevation data, and it’s more efficient storage than DEM or contour line.
features that need to be connected using specific rules
database that stores related information in a tree-like structure. And records can be traced from parent records to a root record.
A collection of topologically connected network elements (edges, junctions, turns). And each element is associated with a collection of network attributes