George Frideric Handel Life and Musical Career Flashcards
How is Handel’s life divided?
in 4 periods
What are Handel’s life periods?
When was Handel’s <b>Hamburg Period</b>?
1703 - 1706
What musical jobs did Handel work as during his <b>Hamburg Period</b>?
violinist and harpsichordist in <u>opera orchestra</u>
What were Handel’s earliest operas in his <b>Hamburg Period</b>?
When was Handel’s <b>Italy Period</b>?
1706 - 1710
Who did Handel work for during his <b>Italy Period</b>?
<b>Prince Ferdinand de Medici</b>
Prince Francesco Ruspoli</b>
What style did Handel absorb during his <b>Italy Period</b>?
Italian musical style and language,
evident in operas, oratorios, concertos
What major cities did Handel visit during his <b>Italy Period</b>?
When was Handel’s <b>Hanover Period</b>?
1710 - 1712
Who was Handel appoint kapellmeister to during his <b>Hanover Period</b>?
<b>George Ludwig, Elector of Hanover</b>
future King George I
When was Handel’s <b>London Period</b>?
1712 - 1759
Who award Handel an annual salary during his <b>London Period</b>?
<b>Queen Anne</b>, (first of many royal commissions and patronage appointments)
What happened after the death of Handel’s patron <b>Queen Anne</b> on 1714 during his <b>London Period</b>?
<b>Elector of Hanover</b> (Handel’s former patron) proclaimed King George I
Who are Handel’s other influential patrons during his <b>London Period</b>?
<b>Earl of Burlington,</b>
Duke of Chandos</b>
What did Handel co-find on 1719 during his <b>London Period</b>?
<b>The Royal Academy of Music</b>,
to promote Italian opera in London
What are some London productions by Handel during his <b>London Period</b>?
<i>Giulio Cesare, Tamerlano, Rodelinda, Alcina, Serse</i>
Which leading singers did Handel work with during his <b>London Period</b>?
<b>Faustina Bordini,</b>
Francesca Cuzzoni</b>
What happened to Handel when King George I died on 1727 during his <b>London Period</b>?
Handel commissioned to write music for the coronation of King George II
Which premiere caused Handel to be unsure of his future for Italian opera during his <b>London Period</b>?
1728 the premiere of <b>John Gay’s</b> <i>The Beggar’s Opera</i>,
(English language ballad opera)
Which genres did Handel turn to during his <b>London Period</b>?
oratorio, concerto, concerto gross
Which of Handel’s premiere attracted the middle class audiences during his <b>London Period</b>?
1742 <i>Messiah</i> in Dublin, Ireland
English oratorio and less expensive,
stopped writing operas
Why did Handel retire from public performances in 1753 during his <b>London Period</b>?
failing eyesight
What was Handel’s love life like during his <b>London Period</b>?
remained unmarried, gave generously to charity
What happened when Handel became blind during his <b>London Period</b>?
still continued to compose
When did Handel die?
1759 April 14, famous and wealthy,
interred at Westminster Abbey