CREST-convex shape ,soil creep occurs CLIFF-near vertical-steepest TALUS-eroded material PEDIMENT-concave Knickpoint-change in gradient
Sedimentary rocks with layers of hard and soft rock
Formed when lava flows on the surface and cools down
Also formed when a sill is exposed on the surface
Also known as Basaltic Plateaus/Karoo Landscape
Basaltic Plateaus- water erosion occurs
- Mesa forms with top wider than the height
- Butte forms with further erosion with top higher than width
- Further erosion ends in conical Hill
-All have same height due to hard resistant capped rock
Slopes ERODE Parallel To its Original Position(BACK WASTING)
Plateaus are used for Tourism And Hiking
Land in between can be used for sheep and ostrich farming
Sedimentary rocks with layers of hard and soft rock
- Igneous Intrusions
- Lopoliths and Laccoliths
Folding Has taken place
A Dip Slope and scarp slope is formed
CUESTA BASIN(Scarp slopes outwards: Dip sloped inward) CUESTA DOME(Scarps slope inward: Dip slopes outward)
Mountain Climbing
Massive Igneous Rocks
Large mass of solid Rock
Formed from Batholiths: Laccoliths: Magma domes
Rocks cool down under earths surface
Rocks exposed due to Erosion further erosion occurs leading to Tors
- Joints from underground allow chemical weathering to take place
- Soil above joints erode away and chemical weathering enlarges joints and cracks
- Stacked rocks stand out above landscape
Stones can be used for Building
What is mass wasting?
Movement of surface material under the force of gravity
What factors contribute to mass movements?
- Rock type
- The amount of water
- The climate of a region
- The amount and type of vegetation on a slope
- The angle of the slope
What are the causes of mass movements?
- Heavy rainfall or snowfall
- Changing of the slope by man
- Removing vegetation that protects soil
- Building on slopes that too steep
What is soil creep?
- The slow downward progression of rock and soil down a low gradient slope
- Less than 1 cm a year
- proof of soil creep by telephone poles and fence posts
- bent tree trunks
What are mudslides?
- The fast downward progression of water and soil down a steeper gradient slope
- Fast speeds of 1km/h to 200km/h
- caused by severe rainfall or thunderstorms
What are Rock Falls?
- The fast downward progression of rock over a slope with a steep gradient often caused by heavy rainfall
- common in cliff faces
- caused by earthquakes as well as heavy rainfall
What are Land slides ?
- The fast downward progression of rock soil and water over slope with a steep gradient
- caused by earthquakes
What is solification?
Waterlogged soil moves slowly down the slope
- Common in cold regions
- Associated w glaciers
How can man control mass-movement ?
- Spraying concrete over cliff faces & hills to prevent rocks from falling
- Building retaining walls to stabilize slopes
- Building half tunnels
- Catch fences
- Rock Barring(removal of loose dangerous rocks)