Geography -Topic 9 Flashcards
How do wind turbines produce electricity
Wind turbines use energy form the wind to turn and generate electricity . These turbines can be on land or at sea
How is energy harvested from the sun
Energy from the sun is used to heat water and solar cookers or to generate electricity using photovaultic cells
How do HEP dams produce energy
HEP uses the energy of falling water to generate electricity. Water is trapped by a dam and allowed to fall though tunnels. The pressure of the falling water turns a turbine and generates electricity
How are fossil feuls formed
Fossil feuls were formed millions of years ago from the remains of dead organisms. They can be extracted from the ground or seabed
How is nuclear energy produced
Nuclear energy is produced from splitting uranium atoms. When uranium atoms split they release a lot of heat. This heat is used to boil water to produce steam . This steam then turns a turbine which generates electricity
How can biomass be used to produce electricity
Biomass(wood, plants or animal waste) can be burnt to release energy directly or it can be used to produce biofuels
What are the environmental impacts of mining
- Surface mining strips away large areas of surface land e.g soil, rocks vegetation so that miners can reach the materials they want e.g fossil feuls , this permenantly damages the landscapeb
- Mines themselves can destroy habitats e.g by clearing forest leading to a loss of biodiversity
What are some other environmental impacts of mining
- The forest clearing (for the mines) affects the water cycle . There are less trees to absorb water from the ground and intercept water. Leading to more run off , erosion of soil and leaching
- Mining processes release greenhouse gases e.g methane , carbon dioxide into the atmosphere . This contributes to global warming
What are the negative environmental impacts of drilling
- Drilling for oil requires lots of vegetation to be cleared to make space for the drills and to make space for roads to access the site
- Oil spills can cause major damage to the environment e,g the deepwater horizon oilspill in 2010 leaked 4 million barrels of oil into the gulf of mexico . This oil coats animals fur and feathers and affects their ability to move freely and to feed
- Drilling for natural gas may cause methane to be released into the environment which strengthens the greenhouse effect
What are the disadvantages of wind turbines
- Lots of wind turbines are needed to produce significant amounts of electricity meaning they take up alot of space
- There is lots of noise pollution created by wind turbines e.g a constant humming noise
- The spinning blades of the turbines can kill/ injure birds and bats
What are the disadvantages of solar panels
- Some solar panels use ground/surface water to be cleaned , this can lead to water shortages in arid areas
- The mirrors in solar farms can relfect heat , killing wildlife
- Solar farms build on the ground can destroy and disturb habitats
What are the disadvanages of HEP plants
- HEP plants use dams to trap water to produce energy -This creates resevoirs which floods large areas of land
- The HEP dams can cause a build up of sediment on the river which the dam is on. This can block sunlight energy reaching the dam causing algea and plants to die
What factors affect a countries access to energy
- Technology~some countries have access to energy resources but do not have the technology to exploit the resources either as it is too expensive or unavaliable e.g in Niger there are large uranium reserves but the technology to built nuclear power plants is not avaliable
- Accessibility -some countries have large energy resources but are not able to access them e,g because of permafrost . Some energy reserves are also into protected areas e.g antarctica and cant be exploited
What are some other factors affecting access to energy
-Geology-Some countries may not have the correct geology for energy resources such as fossil feuls to develop as it develops in sedimentary rock. Some countries may also have lots of access to energy as they are on the equator so can harvest geothermal energy
-Climate-energy resources such as solar energy can only be access in sunny climates e,eg spain and may not be able to be aceessed in
duller climates e.g theUK
-Landscape -a country needs the correct landscape to harness its energy resources e.g wind turbines need a steady and reliable source of wind and HEP energy requires lots of water
How does development affect energy resource consumption
- Developed countries e.g Norway and US use more energy per peson as they can afford to. The lifestyles of people in these countries is more energy intensive as they have more applainces e.g cars that require energy .
- Developing countries e.g Chad use less energy per person as they less able to afford it. The lifestyles of people in these countries are less enrgy intensive as they less energy using appliances. The jobs are also focussed around primary industry which used much less energy than manufacturing
Why do some countries rely on traditional feul sources
Some countries e,g countries in sub saharan africa rely on traditional feul sources as the energy networks in the country are poorly connected and teh country does not have the technology to exploit the energy resources avaliable. This means teh people have to rely on energy from sources such as biomass
What is oil production
Oil production is the process of extracting and refining crude oil
What factors affect oil production
Infrastructure -a country must ahve the right infrastructure and technology to produce oil
How much is global energy consumption increasing by
Global oil consumption is increasing as countries develop
-Between 2015 and 2016 global oil comsumption increased by 1.4 million barrels per day
Why is oil consumption increasing
- Oil comsumption is increasing as GDP per capita increases ~ wealthier people can afford more oil intensive goods e,g cars
- Oil consumption is also increasing due to rapid industrialisation and development in emerging countries e.g China and India . The combination of population growth, boom in industry and expansion of cities all leads to increased oil consumption
What factors affect oil supply and price
- Conflict - conflicts (such as the ones in the middle east in the 1970’s) disrupt oil production and cause a shortage of supply. This shortage causes prices to increase
- Economic booms - oil prices increase during periods of rapid economic growth because of increased oil consumption and demand
- Recessions (e.g 2008) -Lower demand for oil because economic and industrial activities slow down . This causes prices to fall
- Diplomatic relations-Tensions between oil producing countries e,g Iran and Saudi increase prices for oil as they try to outprice each other
What is energy conservation
Energy conservation is about changing our behaviours as consumers in order to reduce energy use e.g driving less , using a washing line instead of a dryer