What is the role of the WTO?
An intergovernmental organisation that works to remove trade barriers in international trade.
What is the role of the IMF?
An intergovernmental organisation that promotes global economic stability, by aiding countries in economic difficulty.
What is the role of the World Bank?
An intergovernmental organisation that lends money to developing and emerging economies to promote economic development.
What are some advantages of the WTO?
What are some advantages of the World Bank?
What are some advantages of the IMF?
What are some disadvantages of the WTO?
What are some disadvantages of the IMF?
What are some disadvantages of the World Bank?
What are some advantages of NAFTA on America?
What are some advantages of NAFTA on Mexico?
What are some disadvantages of NAFTA for America?
Germany’s response to migration?
Australia’s response to migration?
USA’s Rustbelt
Deindustrialization led to massive job loss in the region, causing significant economic hardship for workers and their families. Many people who lost their jobs during the deindustrialization process found it challenging to secure new jobs, leading to high levels of unemployment, especially among low-skill workers.
Advantages of the London Crossrail Project?
Disadvantages of the London Crossrail Project?
What is China’s response to globalisation?
What is the UK’s response to globalisation?
Mathus’ Theory
Boserup Theory
Advantages of migration to host countries?
Advantages of migration to source countries?
Disadvantages of migration to host countries?
Disadvantages of migration to source countries?
How does the EU manage migration?
Climate Change
Greenhouse Effect
Tipping Point
Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
Little Ice Age
Thermal Expansion
Eustatic Change
Isostatic Change