geography Flashcards
our earth is surrounded by a huge blanket of air it is called as ——
which gas are available in earth
78 of nitrogen,21 of oxgyen balance 1 percent is ideal gas
what is percentage of carbon di oxide in air
how many layers of atmosphere
5 layers
which layer of atmosphere is nearer to earth
troposhere 12-18 km
which is the 2 layer of atmosphere from the earth
stratosphere 50 km
which is third layer of the atmosphere
mesosphere 80 km
which is 2 outer most layer of the atmosphere
thermosphere 700 km
which is outer most layer of the atmosphere
exosphere 10000 km
the area between the troposhere and stratosphere is
when the temperature is more the density of air is —–
in the pole the air is —-=-
in which layer the airoplane flew
the ion are floating in which area
thermosphere -ionosphere
the air exist in which area
the area between stratosphere and mesosphere
which layer contain ozone gas
which layer mostly protect from the uv rays
ozone ie.,stratosphere
the area between thermosphere and mesosphere
in which layer the burn meteorites comes to the earth
the area between thermosphere and exosphere
where does the ionosphere lies
which is the process that increases the amount of oxgyen in air
o3 is
which affects the ozone layer
which is relatively inert gas
which control the combustion by diluting oxgyen
which is important green house gas
carbon di oxide
the process of heated up earth and emitting radiation is called as —-
terrestrial radiation
the acid rain is because of
mix of dust particle ie. ,areosole in the process of condensation
how many satellite did earth have
how many satellite did mars have
the name of satelliteof mars is
phobos deimos
how many satellite did jupiter have
name the greatest satellite in solar system
how many satellite did saturn have
which is the greatest satellite of saturn
how many satellite did uranus have
which is greatest satellite of uranus
which is the largest satellite of neptune
how many satellite did neptune have
which are the 2 planets which rotates from east to west
venus and uranus
which is nearest planet to earth
which is brightest and hottest planet
the study of universe is called —–
the origin of universe is accepted by which theory
big bang theory
the big bang theory was found by
georges henri joseph E lemaitre
the theory of big bang was confirmed by
edwin hubble
in which year the big bang theory was given
the completion of star is called
black hole
our solar system is part of which galaxy
milk way
milky way is otherwise called as
akash ganga
the degree of sun in its core
15 million degree Celsius
the composition of sun
71 %of hydrogen ,26.5 %of helium and 2.5%of other elements
mercury is also called as
swiftest planet
which is called as the evening star
which is called as the twin planet to earth
which planet is known as red planet
because of presence of which matter mars is looking like red
iron oxide
which is the largest volcano and highest mountain in solar system
olympus mons in mars
when was the space craft enter the mars
24 september 2014
how many hrs in day in jupiter
10 hrs
in jupiter 1 year is equals
12 years
how many rings around saturn
7 rings
the ring around saturn are made up of
dust and ice particles
who found the uranus planet
sir william herscel
which year the uranus was found
the new name of pluto
which is also called as blue planet
the speed of earth is
1610 km/hr
the flattened earth at pole is called as
which line is pass through india
topic of cancer 23.5(in north latitude )
the 23.5 degree lines passes through southern hemisphere is
tropiv of capricorn
66.5 of north and 66.5 of south is called as
artic and antartic cricle
0 degree latitude line is also called as
prime meridian
from which the indian standard time is calculated
82.5 degree east longitude
the age of earth
4.5 billion years
earth distance from the sun
150 million km
water area in earth
when did the eqinox is happen
mar 21 and september 23
summer solstice happen in earth
june 21 `
winter solstice happen in earth
22 nd dec
escape velocity of earth
11.2 kms \hr
when does the perihelion occurs
jan 3
when does the aphelion occurs
july 4
where does the asteriods were found
between mars and jupiter
which is also caled as shooting star
the study of moon is called as
who were first persons in moon
neil armstrong and edwin adrin
in which year human landed in moon
how much time did moo take to revolt around the earth
27 days and 8 hrs
the land spot at which human firstly landed in moon is called
the sea of tranquility
which is called as the greater or inner himalayas
the middle or lesser part of himalayas is called as
the outer himalayas is also called as
which is the home of the Mt.everest
greater or inner or himadri
what was the height of mt.everest
8848 km
where did karakorom pass situated
where did bara lapcha and shipki la was located
himachal pradesh
where did the thaga la and niti pass was located
thaga la and niti, karakoram ,bara lapcha ,shipkila passes were located in which region
where did the gangotri and yamunotri is located
uttarahand on himadri
pir pamjal,dhaula dhar and mahabharat are located at
the valleys kashmir and kulu valley is in
which is not a continuous range
shiwalik or outer himalaya
in jammu the range is called as
jammu hills
in arunachal pradesh the shiwalik was called as
miri abor and mishmi hills
the longitudinal valley which lies between himachal and shiwalik is
naga ,manipur,mizo hills are parts of which
river disappear in which region
river reappear in which region
which is flood plain of river
which is above the flood plain of river
indian desert is also known as
thar desert
which river is located in thar desert
luni river
name the plateau which is south of naramada
deccan plateau
name the plateau which is north of naramada
central highland
the eastern extension of central highland is called
bundelkhand and baghelkhand
which is the oldest mountain range in the world
which is highest section of aravalli
mt abu block
which is highest peak on aravalli
guru shikar (1722)m
which is largest plateau of india
deccan plateau
the range of the deccan plateau
western ghat is also called
the highest peak southern india is
anai mudi (2695m)
anai mudi is located at where
annamalai hills
what is height of doda betta
2673 m
where does the doda betta is located
niligris in western ghats
where does the both ghats meet
which is sources of rivers of south like godavari,krishna,kaveri,
western ghats
which is oldest ganga
which is highest peak of eastern ghats
the height of mahendragiri is
1500 m
where does the mahendragiri is located
andhra pradesh
andaman and nicobar are separated by
ten degree channel
the administrative capital of andaman nicobar
port blair
where does the india’s active volcano is loacted
barren island in andaman nicobar
which is the extinct volcano of india
which is the administrative capital of lakshadweep
kavaratti island
in lakshdweep where is the bird sanatuary is located
pitti island
the northern portion of lakshadweep is called as
except the northern part of lakshsdweep is called as
northernmost part of western coastal plain is
the central stretch of western coastal plain is
the southermost part of western coastal plain is
malabar coastal plain
the northern part of eastern coastal plain is
northern circar
the southern part of eastern coastal plain is
coromandel coast
SIAL was called for which portion
outer crust
SIMA was called for which portion
inner crust
the discontinuity of the upper crust and inner crust is called as
conard discontinuity
the discontinuity between crust and mantle is called as
the lithosphere is solid it is in which part
upper mantle
the thickness of mantle
the inner mantle is called as
the asthenosphere is made up of
magma (semi liquid)
tectonic plates
7 under the continential of earth
the discontinuity of upper and lower mantle is called as
repetti discontinuity
which area faces the maximum frequence
the core is separated from the mantle by which discontinuity
guttenberg discontinuity
the discontinuity between inner and outer core is called as
lehmann discontinuity
the upper core is composed of
how many crop season
3 season
in kharif season when did they cultivated and harvest the crops
june and september
kharif is called also
manson crop
in rabi season when did they cultivated and harvest the crops
october to march
which is called as winter crop
rabi season crop
wheat ,barely,gram,mustard,linseeed maizeand oat are example of
rabi season crop
in zaid season when did they cultivated and harvest the crops
march to may
which is mainly for fruits and vegatable
zaid season
who was the father of yellow revolution
sam pitroda
yellow revolution related to
oil seed production
black revolution related to
petroleum products
who was the father of blue revolution
Dr. arun krishnan
blue revolution related to
fish products
brown revolution related to
who was the father of golden revolution
nirpakh tutej
golden revolution related to
fruits honey production
golden fiber revolution related to
jute production
grey revolution related to
who was the father of pink revolution
durgesh patel
pink revolution related to
onion production or pharmaceuticals
who was the father of green revolution
M S Swaminathan
green revolution related to
food grain
evergreen revolution related to
overall production of agriculture
silver revolution related to
egg productio or poutry production
silver fiber revolution related to
who was the father of silver revolution
indira gandhi
red revolution related to
meat production or tomato
round revolution related to
who was the father of white revolution in india
varghese kurien
white revolution related to
milk production
which revolution is known as the operation flood
white revolution
who is largest producer of rice
who is largest producer of paddy
who is largest producer of wheat
who is largest producer of onion ,cabbage and green bean
who is largest producer of egg plant ,potato, pumpkin,tomato
who is largest producer of soybean and maize
who is largest producer of ginger , okar ,lemon,banana,mango ,guava ,milk
who was the 2 largest producer of soybean
who is the 2 largest producer of ginger ,okar
who is 2 largest producer of rice,paddy,wheat , onion ,cabbage and green bean ,egg plant ,potato, pumpkin,tomato ,tea,black pepper,cotton ,silk
who is the largest producer of coconut
who was the 2 nd largest producer of coconut
who was the largest producer of apple
who was the 2 nd largest producer of apple
who was 2 largest producer of lemon
who is 2 largest producer of milk
who is the largest porducer of coffee
who is the 2 largest producer of coffee
who is the largest producer of black pepper
who is largest producer of egg
who was the 2 nd largest producer of egg
who was the largest producer of tobacco
who was the 2 largest producer of tobacco
who is the largest producer of honey
who is the 2nd largest producer of honey
who is the largest producer of cotton
who is the largest producer of jute
who is the 2nd largest producer of jute
who is the largest producer of rubber
who is the 2 nd largest producer of rubber
who is the largest producer of silk
who was the largest producer wood fuel
who was the 2 nd largest producer wood fuel
which state in india is the largest producer of paddy
west bengal
which state in india is the largest producer of wheat
uttar pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of sugarcane
which state in india is the largest producer of cotton
which state in india is the largest producer of tea
which state in india is the largest producer of bajra
which state in india is the largest producer of jowar
which state in india is the largest producer of mazia
andhra pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of pulses
madhya pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of overall food grain
uttar pradesh
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of rice
uttar pradesh
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of wheat
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of bajar
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of jowar
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of maize
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of pulses
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of overall food grain
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of sugarcane
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of cotton
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of tea
west bengal
which state in india is the largest producer of coffee
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of coffee
which state in india is the largest producer of silk
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of silk
andhra pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of rubber
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of rubber
tamil nadu
which state in india is the largest producer of tobacco
andhra pradesh
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of tobacco
which state in india is the largest producer of ground nut
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of groundnut
andhra pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of soya bean
madhya pradesh
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of soya bean
which state in india is the largest producer of mustard
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of mustard
uttar pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of sunflower
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of sunflower
andhra pradesh
which state in india is the largest producer of overall oilseed production
madhya pradesh
which state in india is the 2 nd largest producer of
which is known as soya state
madhya pradesh
which also known as riverine soil
alluvial soi
which soil is best for agriculture
alluvial soil
the new alluvial soil is also called as
khadar soil
the old alluvial soil is also called as
bhangar soil
the major crops of alluvial soil
paddy sugarcane plantain wheat pulses
which soil is called as the regur soil
black soil or black cotton soil
which soil also known as lava soil
black soil
which soil contains more bauzite or ferric oxide
laterite soil
which soil is suitable plantation crop
laterite soil ,mountain soil
which soil has phosphate contian as same alluvial soil
desert soil
drought resistant crop are grown in which soil
desert soil
which soil also known as arid soil
desert soil
which soil as also known as forest soil
mountain soil
the length of indus river
1114 km
the sindhu is also called as
the indus river is end in
Arabian sea
in india in which district the indus is flowing
leh in JK
the treaty of indus was signed in which date
19 september 1960
how much percent of water is taken by the indian from indus
20 %
where does ganga is intiated
gangotri or gaumukh
the length of ganga
2525 km
the source of ganga is
bhagirathi and alaknanada
kosi is also called as
sorrow of bihar
damodar is also called as
sorrow of bengal
ganga is known as ——– in Bangladesh
in bangladesh the combination of padma and jamuna is called as
the end of the ganga is in
bay of bengal
sunder ban delta was formed by which rivers
padma and jamuna (ganga and brahmaputra )
which is world’s largest and fastest growing delta
sunder ban
the length of yamuna is
1376 km
where did yamuna and ganga are merged
triveni (allahabad)prayaraj
the length of brahmaputra is
the river brshmaputra was known as ——————–in tibet
tsang po
the river brshmaputra was known as ——————–in bangladesh
in india where did the brahmaputra enters to india
arunachal pradesh (dihang)
which is biggest island in the world
majuli river in assam
the end of brahmaputra is
bay of bengal
which river is called as old ganga or dakshin ganga
which is largest peninsular
where does the godavari is rises
western ghats in maharastra
the length of godavari is
which is 2 nd longest river of india
where does the mahanadi is originates
mahanadi flows through which states
chhattisgarh and odisha
the length of mahanadi
815 km
which is also known as hirakud dam
which is the origin of krishna river
mahabaleshwar ,maharastra
krishna river is also known as
the length of river krishna is
1400 km
which is 4th longest river in india
where does the river krishna is drained out
bay of bengal
which river is also known as the ponni river
the length of kaveri is
800 km
where did the river kaveri drained out
bay of bengal
where did kaveri is originate
kodagu in western ghats
where did narmada originate from
amarkantak hill in madhya pradesh
which river is known as the life line of madhya pradesh
what is length of narmada
1312 km
which is flows through rift valley
where did river narmada is drained out
arabian sea
the another name of narmada
firstly narmada was knwn as
where did tapti was originated
satura ranges in madhya pradesh
the length of river tapi
724 km
which 2 river that are not form delta
tapti and narmada
where did the sharavti river is originated
ambuthirtha in western ghats in karnataka
the length of sharavati
128 km
jog waterfalls is formed by
sharavati river
the height of jog or garsoppa falls is
253 meters
which is also known lonari,lavanavati and salt river
which is highest waterfall in india
jog or garsoppa falls
which is river that flows through desert
where does the river chambal is originated
vindhya range in madhya pradesh
the length oh chambal
1050 km
chambal is tributary of which river
the pt within the earth crust where an earthquake originates is called as —-
focus or hypocentre or seismic focus
the pt vertically above the focus on the earth’s surface is called as ————-
which part of the earth affected more because of earthquake
what are types of seismic waves
body wave and surface wave
what are the types of body waves
primary waves and secondary waves
what are types of surface waves
love wave and rayleigh waves
which waves can travel fast from one place to another
p waves viceversa for s waves