Constitution Flashcards
Year of introduction constitution
How many schedule in constitution
First schedule consist of
The state and the union Territories
How many schedule in now a days
No of states
No. Of Union territories
Telegana was found
The change in state and the formation of new state is based on
1st schedule
Salary ,allowance and privilege of the higher offical
2nd schedule
Third schedule
Oaths and affirmation
4 th schedule
Allocation of seats in the council of states
4th schedule
Allocation in rajya sabha seats
No. Of seats in rajya sabha
238 seats of rajya sabha
R through election
In rajya sabha how many seats r appointed by President
No. Of seats due to out break of war in rajya sabha
5 out of 205
Allocation of seat in Andhra Pradesh (rajya sabha)
The seats of Andhra in rajya sabha(after split up)
The seats of telgana in rajya sabha
6 th schedule
Administration of tribal areas
6th schedule consist of
administration of Assam , Meghalaya,tripura and Mizoram
5th schedule
Administration of tribal areas and scheduled areas except Assam Meghalaya tripura Mizoram
7th schedule
Control the power and fn between unions and states
7 th schedule
3 list(union, state, concurrent list)
Union list
100 subject
State list
61 subject
Concurrent list
52 subject
Union list subject based on
Central government as final authority
Union list subject in 7 th schedule consist of
External defence, railways , Metro’s,FDI
Concurrent list means
Central and State Government are both as final authority
Concurrent list consist of
52 subject ( education, hospital,etc..) both central and state decision
State list examples are
Forest agriculture and etc
Official language of india
8 schedule consist of
offical Languages of india
Intial language of india
Sindhi in added in which act
21st constitution amendment act
Konkani,manipuri,nepali by which act is added
71st constitution amendment act
Bodo,dogri, maithili,Santali which act is added
92nd constitution amendment act
Bodo dogri maithili and Santali in which is added
Ninth schedule is added to the constitution by which amendment
1st amendment
Ninth schedule is added in which year
Ninth schedule reason
Regulations deals with land reforms and abolition of zamindari system
Ninth schedule is open for judicial review in which year
24 April 1973
Tenth schedule
Anti defection law
Anti defection law means
If a member is resignating the party the post he won on the party is also disqualified
Anti defection law means
A member can removed from the party if he didn’t came for the voting
11 schedule is added by which act
73 constitution amendment act
73 constitution amendment act added 11 schedule in which year
11 schedule consist of
Regulating panchayat system
12 schedule added by which act
74 constitution amendment act in 1992
12 schedule ,74 constitution amendment act in which year and consist of
1992 and responsibilities of municipalities
Union and it’s territory is suits on the art.
Part1 of the constitution
Union and it’s territory
Part1 of the constitution
Part2 of the constitution
Part2 of the constitution
Part3 of the constitution
Fundamentals rights
Art. 12-35
Part3 of the constitution
Part4 of the constitution
Directive principles of states policy
Part4 of the constitution
Part4 A of the constitution
Fundamentals duties
Fundamentals duties
Part5 of the constitution
The union Government .the executive ,the parliament, union judiciary CAG
The union Government .the executive ,the parliament, union judiciary CAG
Part6 constitution
The state government
The state government
Part 4 A is taken constitution inwhich year
Part 4 A is taken constitution inwhich act
42 constitution amendment act
Part 8 constitution
Theunion territories
Part 8 constitution
Part 8
8 union territory
Part9 constitution
Part9 and art.243-243zg
First panchayat was found at which year and by whom
1959 and by Nehru in rajasthan
Part9 A by which amendment act
74 constitution amendment act in 1992
Part9 A by which amendment act
Part9 A art.243-243zg
Part9B constitution
Co operative society (2011)
Part9B constitution by which amendment act
97 amendment act in 2011
Co operative society comes under the art.
Part 10 constitution
The schedule and tribal areas
The schedule and tribal areas
ThePart 10 constitution and
it’s art.244-244A
Part11 constitution
Relation between the union and the state
Relation between the union and the state
Part12 constitution
Finance and property and contracts suits
Finance and property and contracts suits
Part13 constitution
Trade , commerce within India
Trade , commerce within India
Same as part 12 constitution art.(art264-300A)
Part14 constitution
Service under the union and the states
Service under the union and the states under which art.
Part14 A constitution
Part15 constitution
Election art.324-329A
Part16 constitution
Special provisions. Relating to certain classes
Special provisions. Relating to certain classes
Official language
Emergency provisions
Emergency provisions
Part20 constitution
Amendment of constitution
Amendment of constitution
Part21 constitution
Temporary , transition and special provisions
Temporary , transition and special provisions
Part22 constitution
Short title , commencement , authoritative text in hindi and repaeals
Short title , commencement , authoritative text in hindi and repaeals
Was the delete in 1956 by act of 7 amendment act
In 1957 Nov 1 how many states in india
14 states and 6 uni Territories
42 Amendment act also called
Mini constitution
42 Amendment act year
Socialist , secular ,integrity is added to constitution based on which act
42nd amendment act
Under 42 Amendment act consist of
Part 4 A constitution which only consist of only one art.51A(fundamentals duties)
Part 4 A constitution
10 fundamental duties
President bound by the advice of cabinet minister
42nd amendment act
Parliament and state legislative seats are fixed on basis of census by which
42 nd amendment act
In 1976 the period of lok sabha and state legislative is
Increased to 5-6 (42 nd amendment act)
Reduce the power of judicial review and writ jurisdiction of supreme court and high by which act?
42 Amendment act
The privilege and rights of the members in parliament can be decided by themselves is broughton by which act
42 Amendment act
National emergency for full part r for partial parts of india is bring by the act
42 Amendment act
The new words those are __, ___,and _____ had agreed in the preamble of constitution
socialist secular and integrity
___removed the quorum in the parliament and state legislature
42 amendment act
____ was conducted by the janta party government
43rd amendment act (1977)
By which act trh jurisdiction of the supreme court and the high court in respect of judicial review
43rd amendment act in 1977
_______provides special powers to parliament to make laws to deal with anti national activities
43rd amendment act
44 amendment act in which year
_____the term internal disturbance replaced by armed rebellion with respect to national emergency
44 th amendment act 1978
Term of lok sabha has been changed to 6-5 which was change by amendment 42but now it has been changed again to 6-5 by which act
44 amendment act
Restore of the condition of a quorum is brought by which act
44 amendment act
the advice of the cabinet minister only once can be return by the president for reconsideration is brought by which act
44 amendment act 1978
—— provide constitutional protection to publication in newspaper
44 amendment act 1978
right to property removed from the list of fundamental rights and made it as only legal rights
44 amendment act 1978(art.300A)
bound president to declare national emergency only on the written recommendation of the cabinet is brought by which act
44 amendment act 1978
fundaments rights are suspended during national emergency
due to 44 amendment act 1978
fundamental rights article number 20 and 21 are stopped during emergency
44 amendment act 1978
1 st amendment act brought in the year
1 st amendment act added 9 schedule for what purpose
dealing land reforms and abolition of zamindari system
7 th amendment act brought in which year
—— removed the four categories of states
7thamendment act
——– extends high court to union territories
7 th amendment act 1956
2 r more state have a common high court
7 th amendment act 1956
10 th amendment act
included dadra and nagar haveli in the indian union
12 nd amendment act
included goa ,daman ,diu in the indian union
12 nd amendment act is brought in which year
included dadra and nagar haveli in the indian union in which year
1961 and in 10th amendment act
13 th amendment act is brought in which year
13 th amendment act consist of
nagaland as state
14 th amendment act consist of
included pondy in the indian union
included pondy in the indian union is brought in which year
26 th amendment act consist of
abolished privy purse of former rules of princely states
26 th amendment act is brought in which year
52 th amendment act consist of
anti defection law
anti defection law is brought in which year
61st amendment act consist of
reduces the voting age from 21 to 18 years
61st amendment act is brought into action in which year
15 th official language of india
86th amendment act consist of
insertionof new articles 21A and 51 A
rights to education
provide free and compulsory education under the age of 14
86th amendment act year
101 st amendment act consist of
goods and service tax
goods and service tax is introduce in year
102 st amendment act consist of
national commission for backward class
102 st amendment act the year of action
103 st amendment act consist of
10% reservation to economically weaer section
v .eshwariah
chair person of national commission for backward class
103 rd amendment act the year of action
who started the constitution for india
bal ganadhar thilak
in which year bal ganadhar thilak have been started the constitution for india
from which year the constitution are exist
1773 ( but not for indian ) is for east india company
east india company came to india in which year
1600 AD
east India company ruling years
east India company made certain act to regulate India in which year
in what name east India company ruled India after 1858
british crown
the duration of the ruling period of the british crown is
the first act is
regulating act in year 1773
when the regulating act was formed what are the changes in the position of the east india company
the governor of bengal became the governor-general of bengal and the governors of madras and bombay became the subordinates to him
first governor of bengal
Robert clive
the first governor general of bengal
warner hasting
supreme court of calcutta was formed in which year
supreme court of calcutta was formed by which act
regulating act
east india company act is also called as
pitt’s india act
pitt’s india act was formed by which year
court of directors were formed for what purpose
manage the commerical purpose
board of control were formed for what purpose
political affairs
which system is followed during pitts india act
system of double government
the system of double government was formed in which year
charter act was introduce in which year
charter act brought change in which
the governor general of bengal is changed to governor general of india
governor general of india
lord william bentinck
in which year government of india act intrduce
after introduction of government of india act what is the major change
the east india company was take over british crown
governor general of india has changed to viceroy of india
when was the first revolt of india held
when was the indian council act brought
who is the first viceroy of india and last governor general of india
lord canning
indian council act also known as
morley minto reforms
who was the chairman of simon commison
sir john simon
how many members in simon commission
7 members (britishers)
the party which asked for indian constitution which is made by indian
swaraj party
in which year swaraj party ask for indian constitution
simon commission was formed in which year
who protest against simon commission
lala lajpat rai
where lala lajput rai led a protest against simon commission
when did lala lajput rai died
november 1928
who first demand for constituent assembly
M N roy
in which year M N Roy demand for constituent assembly
Name the party which demand for constituent assembly
Indian national congress
in which year the Indian national congress ask for constituents assembly
on behalf of congress who demand for constitution of india in 1935
in which year the demand of the constitution of india must be framed by indians was accepted by britishers
1940 ,august
in which year cripps mission formed
cripps mission was formed by whom
sir richard stafford cripps
cabinetmission came in which year
members of cabinet mission
lord pethick lawrence
sir stafford cripps
A V alexander
chairman of cabinet minister
A V alexander
the constituent assemly was formed by which mission
cabinet mission
when was the constitution assembly formed
november 1946
with how many seats the first constitution assembly held
out of 389 seats, how many seats were allotted to prinely state
the first constituent assembly was held with how many indian members
93 seats
the first meeting of constituent was held in which date
9 december 1946
who elected as the temporary president of constituent assembly
Dr.sachchidanand sinha
who was the president of constituent assembly
Dr.rajendra prasad
who was the deputy president of constituent assembly
H C mukherjee
on which day the objective resolution is taken
13 th december 1946
on which day the president and vice president of constituent assembly is elected
11 december 1946
who moved the objective resolution
jawaharlal nehru
when was the constituent body acting as the legislativebody and who was the chairperson of this
G v mavlankar
chairman of union powers committee
jawaharlal nehru
chairman of union constitution committee
jawaharlal nehru
chairman of drafting committee
Dr.B R Ambedkar
chairman of committee on the functions of the constituent assembly
G v mavlankar
chairman of provincial constitution committee
sardar patel
chairman of fundamental right sub committee
J B Kripalani
chairman of ad-hoc committee on national flag
Dr.rajendra prasad
chairman of credentials committee
A Krishnaswamy ayyar
the constituent assembly adopted the constitution of india in which year
26 nov 1949
constitution of india came into force on which day
26 jan 1950
how many days required to constituent assembly to complete constitution of india
2 years 11 months and 18 days
expenditure in the formation of the constitution
64 lak
intinally the constitution had how many parts ,art.,and schedule
22 parts and 8 schedule and 395 articles
on which date constituent assembly adopted the national flag
july 22 ,1947
on which date constituent assembly adopted the national anthem and national song
jan 24 1950
on which date Dr.rajendra prasad elected as the first president
jan 24 1950
fundamental right taken from which constitution
us constitution
judicial review taken from which constitution
us constitution
office of vice president taken from which constitution
us constitution
impeachment of the president taken from which constitution
us constitution
removal of supreme and high court taken from which constitution
us constitution
parliamentary form of govt. taken from which constitution
british constitution
single citzenship taken from which constitution
british constitution
bicameralism taken from which constitution
british constitution
legislative procedure taken from which constitution
british constitution
cabinet system taken from which constitution
british constitution
federal scheme taken from which constitution
govt. of india act 1935
office of governor taken from which constitution
govt. of india act 1935
public service commission taken from which constitution
govt. of india act 1935
emergency provision taken from which constitution
govt. of india act 1935
federation with a strong centre taken from which constitution
canadian constitution
concurrent list taken from which constitution
australian constitution
joint sitting of the 2 house of the parliament taken from which constitution
australian constitution
election of members of rajya sabha taken from which constitution
south african constitution
procedure for amendment of the constitution taken from which constitution
south african constitution
directive principles of state policy taken from which constitution
irish constitution
method of election of president taken from which constitution
irish constitution
nomination of members to rajya sabha taken from which constitution
irish constitution
suspension of fundamental rights during an emergency taken from which constitution
weimar constitution of germany
fundamental duties taken from which constitution
soviet constitution (russia)
ideals of justice in preamble taken from which constitution
soviet constitution (russia)
article 1 consist of
name and territory of the union
admission and establishment of the new state article no.
article 2
article 3 consist of
formation of new state and alteration of areas,boundaries,and the name of existing state
by which article the new state is added(goa,pondy )
what does article 40 deal with
organisation of village panchayat
what is article no. that deals with the executive powers of the union
article 53
which committee ask for fundamental duties
Swarna Singh committee
how many fundamental duties currently
which article deals with the manner of election of president
article 55
article 57 consists of ———————–
eligibility of reelection
article 58 consists of —————-
qualification of president election
which article deals with oath by the president
which article deals with the wice president to be ex-officio chairman of rajya sabha
article 64
article 72 consists of ——————–
pardoning power president
which article deals with the council of minister to aid and advice
article 74
article 76 consists of ————–
the attorney general for india
qualification for the membership of parliament is discussing in which article
article 84
the session of parliament prorogation and dissolution is discussing in which article
article 85
article 112 deals with
annual financial budget
the speakers and deputy speakers of house of people is discussing in which article
article 93
article 124 deals with
establishment of supreme court
article 148 deals with
comptroller and auditor general of india
which article deals with the power and duties of the CAG
article 149
the governors of the state come under which article
article 153
the high court for the state is discussing in which article
article 214
executive powers of .a governor is discussing in which article
article 154
what does the 155 article discuss with
appointment of governor
in which article the advocate general of the state is discussing
article 165
161 article consist of
pardoning powers of governor
266 article consist of
consolidated fund and public accounts fund
article 267 consist of
contingency fund of india
what does article 280 deals with
finance commission
the 15 th chairman of the finance commission is
N K Singh
the duration of finance commission chairman is
6 years
N K Singh duration of chairman post in finance commission
1.april 2020 to 31 march 2025
what does article 312 deals with
all india service
article 315 consists of ————-
public service commission for union and state
what does article 343 deals with
the official language of union
article 360 deals with
financial emergency
article 370 deals with
a special provision of J and K
ARTICLE 356deals with
state emergency
proclamation of emergency is issused by which article
article 352
powers of parliaments to amend the constitution is given under which article
article 368
article 393 deals with
this constittution may be called the constitution of india