Geographical Investigation Flashcards
What types of graphs are used?
pie charts, bars, histograms, scatter graphs, radar charts, triangular graphs and line graphs
What are the 3 criteria for a good research question or hypothesis? Describe each briefly
- It is clearly defined
environ, econ impact, social benefits…
(cnt say subjective words eg ‘liveable’, ‘adequacy’, etc. - It is researchable (measurable)
- is there independent & dependent var?
- can data obtained support/refute hypothesis or answer to research question
- is this factual? they should not be - It is conducted at a suitable scale
- feasibility (possible?)
- manageability (enough manpower?)
What are some sampling methods? describe each briefly
- snowball sampling
using known ppl or friends as respondents - Random sampling
chosen at random; all hv equal chance of be selected - must hv access to TOTAL pop n of region eg SG
- convenience random sampling
involve select participant based on availability to u as researcher (at your convenience, u random choose ppl) - Systematic sampling
sample collected w regular intervals in between, eg based on IC no., every 5th no. Or based on dist, every 2m apart, every 3rd person, etc. - Stratified sampling
oni possible if pop n structure (characteristics) is known
pop n divided into sub pop n based on specific characteristics (eg age, gender, job, edu n). Samples obtained fr there -> done to ensure all parts of pop n are represented => reduce bias
What makes an investigation reliable and accurate?
Reliability (data collected from fieldwork)
- significantly large enough sample size
- samples are representative of pop n (unbiased)
- samples are uncontaminated by external variables
Accuracy (data collect n process)
- samples representative of pop n
- clarity of terms
What to take note when sketching graphs?
- Use PENCIL to sketch (box out diagram
- Use PEN to label (must be appropriate)
What are some limitations of quantitative data collection?
- sampling error
small size, skewed data - response error
qn not understood correctly, inclined to agree w interviewer’s qn, unclear responses - non-response bias
lack of response fr the grp of ppl participating (may b diff fr rest) - need for reflexivity
subjective (ppl hv diff impression)
may take biased perspective
What are pros and cons of scatter graphs?
- anomalies easily identified
- can highlight correlation btw 2 data
- often difficult draw line of best fit
- data on both axes need b continuous
What are pros and cons of histograms?
- put tgt data which may b easier to analyse when placed in groups
- Grouping data into appropriate classes may b difficult
- exact values of each data set in grp is unknown
What is Likert scale? What are its pros and cons?
- close-ended scale (quantitative)
- encourage choice rather than freedom of response
eg choose fr strongly agree to strongly disagree
- less intimidating
- easy complete
- flexible implement (quick & easy administer questionnaire)
- easy analyse data collected (eg 50% agree, 25% strongly disagree, etc.)
- answer may lack specificity (fail measure true attitudes of interviewee; uni-dimensional, lack clarity)
=>to overcome: ensure provide specific ans options for easier evaluat n
- respondents either lean towards/choose most extreme options or express no opinion at all (due to rush, etc. -> compromise validity of data collected)
- forced opinions
What is a line graph? What are its pros and cons?
- plots data in order & joins them w line
- shd b used for data over time
- contain 1 independent variable & 1 dependent variable.
- show trends over time
- allow for easy comparison of multiple sets of data
- may b used to estimate future patterns
- oni used w continuous data, eg change over time
- unsuitable if there r oni few values in data set
- trend can b inaccurate if scale not drawn proportionately; change may appear greater if smaller scale used for x-axis than y-axis
What is a comparative bar graph? What are its pros and cons?
- compares 2 or more data sets
- each category can hv more than 1 set of data, w each set coloured or shaded diff
- uses bars to represent, compare diff set data
- allow multiple sets of data b compared easily
- large data sets can b used
- patterns can b easily observed
- trends difficult to predict
- oni use discrete data
- change over time cnt be mapped
- less effective than line graph when trying to show trends over course of time, esp when trying to display changes in continuous variables eg speed
- using too many bars in bar chart looks extremely cluttered
What is a pie chart? What are its pros and cons?
- each segment represents portion of variable taken up
- each data must b converted into % of data set
- each section in pie chart shd hv label and %
- shd b used for 3-7 categories oni
- quick, simple show proportions - easy interpret
- show % total for each category
- visually simpler read data than other types of graphs as summarise large data set in visual form
- value of actual data no. is unknown
- cnt show change over time
- cnt include too many categories (segments will bcome too thin)
What’s the diff btw bar graphs and histograms?
- bar graph: compare categorical data, with gaps (eg diff countries)
- histogram: compare numerical data, no gaps (eg number range)
Describe landuse photographs. What are its pros and cons?
- taken fr ground lvl perspective & give horizontal view of area
- show landscape in great detail, allowing features & patterns to be observed
- allow an area to b examined again w/o having to visit it
- useful references for annotating sketches
- may not show whole area clearly
- view often obstructed by tall trees, houses, hills
- features in foreground appear bigger than those in background, even if same size
Describe flow charts. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- used to substitute text (eg arrows to link up)
- simple understand vs text for describing processes & inter-relationships
- presents data in logical/sequential steps, make it easy for user to understand solut n logically as it doesn’t go fr #1 to #10 directly. Rather, follow sequence & go towards solut n progressively
- show connect n btw various elements of flowchart in visual manner
- unsuitable where solut n is long
- difficult construct if solut n too complex
- difficult alter vs text. Whole flowchart need be re-created vs changing few words in text. Thus, if data to present is dynamic, this method may not work
Describe choropleth maps. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- choropleth map use diff shade colour indicate diff in value of certain variable in area (eg % of pop n in urban area)
- lvl shade/colour represent range value
- visually effective - can see large amt info, general pattern
- use country, region or borough
- identify anomaly, irregular, inconsistent value in data easily
- grping can b flexible to accommodate spread of value
- map assume whole region/area hv same value, but there cld b variat n (eg within USA, diff state may hv diff value)
- give misleading impress n that change occur abruptly at boundary btw 2 diff value - realistically wld merge
- shading depend on size of admin area selected
- interval/class size need b carefully chosen
Describe dot map. What are advantages and disadvantages of dot maps?
- can b used to measure distribut n of certain variables eg race
- spatial - show density, distribut n across wide area
- good visual impress n of variat n
- easy draw, easy place dots
- can use for stat analysis later
- clustering may make plot, interpret accurately impossible
- large no of dot hard to count, calculate actual figure
- area w/o dot may give false sense emptiness
- generalise that item located at region but specific place not taken into consider n
Describe flow line/desire line maps. What are their advantages and disadvantages of such maps?
- represent mvmt btw locat n (eg country trade partners)
- show mvmt of ppl, gds, transport, etc.
- can oso show vol, direct n of mvmt
- scale/width of line proportional to value
- can b superimposed onto a base
- to achieve clear image, real dist, direct n may b distorted
Describe proportional symbol maps. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- in such map, symbol vary in size fr place to place
- size of symbol vary in proport n to qty symbol represents
- allow us form picture of quantitative distribut n by study size of symbol
- useful to illustrate diff btw many place
- visually appealing
- easy read as each symbol proportional to its value
- data associated w specific locat n
- difficult calculate actual value (if not shown)
- time-consuming to construct
- size may obscure locat n, mean less accurate posit n on map
Describe cartogram. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
- show statistic in diagram form
- visually impactful
- show relative value clearly
- don’t easily reveal exact value
- for human geography phenomena, where pop n rather than absolute size is more impt, cartogram is less useful
- distort direct n