geographical consequences of global systems- (international trade and access to market) Flashcards
access to market=
how easily it is for countries and companies to trade with one another
what factors affect access to market
- wealth=developed countries put tariffs on good imported from lics- this makes it harder for lics to access the market
- lics depend on loans to remove trading barriers and increase access to market
- access is also increased by being a member of a trading bloc
SDT agreements=
- WTO forms special and differential treatment agreements which let lics bypass developed countries tariffs which gives greater market access- profit from it means lics can diversify the range of industries
NEGATIVE= negative effect on developed countries by allowing cheap imports into the country
economic impacts of differential access to markets
- hard for countries with poor market access to establish new industries(tncs can make for cheaper)
- lics dependant on selling low value primary products like agricultural goods so gross national income is lower
- high levels of market access=more economic growth as they can trade more
social impacts of differential access to markets
- people in countries with better market access tend to have higher paid jobs=more disposable income
- less market access countries have less money avaliable for education and healthcare
- more dangerous working conditions in lics like sweatshops and dangerous factories
how trade and market access affects peoples lives
- trade benefits developed countries more than developing ones- hics make profit off lic products so they have the higher wages
- trade and high levels of market access mean that a wide range of goods are available which increases peoples living standards
- trade creates more interdependence between countries(if something goes wrong it effects other countries too)
- started in the 19th century for oil and whalebone
- north atlantic exploited whales so moved to antartica
- international whaling commission set up in 1946 to end whaling
- 1994 a 50 million km wide sancutary set up
- japan, norway, iceland opposed to for cultural and scientific reasons
-fishing has now replaced whaling
-1960’s russia exploited fish like rock cod
-concerns of overfishing krill for oil
-other countries like penguins and seals depend on krill
-in 2013 200,000 tonnes of krill was fished
-unsustainable fishing practices could collapse antarticas food web
its threatening species like the patagonian toothfish
-illegal fishing also causes unwanted fish to die in nets