Geo Y9 T3 Flashcards
Tropical Rainforest
A hot, moist biome where it rains all year long with dense canopies of vegetation that form three different layers
Temperate Forest
A rainy and humid biome with a variety of deciduous trees
Taiga Forest
A somewhat-rainy biome composed primarily of cone-bearing evergreen trees characterized by long winters (found north)
A biome covered with trees, usually less dense than a forest (found halfways of both hemispheres)
Savana Grasslands
A biome containing scattered trees and drought-resistant undergrowth (found around the equator)
Temperate Grasslands
A biome full of open grassy plains that are sparsely populated with trees (found halfways of both hemispheres)
An extremely dry biome that is home to well-adapted plants and animals (found halfways of both hemispheres)
A treeless biome found in the Arctic and on the tops of mountains, where the climate is cold and windy, and rainfall is scant
A biome that is characterized by its high altitude and lack of trees
A self-regulating system of living organisms (biotic), which interact with each other and with non-living (abiotic) components of the environment
Large ecosystems with similar characteristics
The short-term conditions of the lower atmosphere
The long-term atmospheric changes, usually defined as 30 years or more
The 6 factors that affect climate
Latitude Altitude Prevailing Winds Distance from the Sea Ocean Winds (Great) Mountain Ranges
The 4 Spheres
Lithosphere (the earth/soil)
Hydrosphere (water)
Atmosphere (wind/gas)
Biosphere (biotic stuff)