•Geo Chemistry Flashcards
Who was Goldschmidt?
Victor Goldschmidt
Lived 1888-1947
What did Goldschmidt do?
He distributed elements into four groups
1) lithosphile (rock-loving)
2) siderophile (iron-loving)
3) chalcophile (ore-loving)
4) atmophile (gas-loving)
Where are lithosphile elements found?
On or close to the surface
What are the 12 lithosphile elements?
1) Oxygen
2) Silicon
3) Aluminium
4) Sodium
5) Potassium
6) Magnesium
7) Calcium
8) Chlorine
9) Fluorine
10) Barium
11) Samarium
12) Neodymium
Where are siderophile elements found?
They are high density transition metals so sink into the core
What are the 6 siderophile elements?
1) Iron
2) Nickel
3) Cobalt
4) Gold
5) Molybdenum
6) Platinum
Where are chalcophile elements found?
On or close to the surface
What are the 6 chalcophile elements?
1) Copper
2) Zinc
3) Sulphur
4) Silver
5) Tin
6) Lead
Where are atmophile elements found?
On or above the surface
What are the 6 atmophile elements?
1) Hydrogen
2) Helium
3) Carbon
4) Nitrogen
5) Argon
6) Xenon
How did scientists think the earth formed?
By the accretion of dust and rocky debris e.g meteorites
What did scientists believe the earth was like?
Entirely molten during formation due to impact of energy released by bombardment of space debris
Composition of the Earth in layers
Atmosphere = Gas. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Hydrosphere = Liquid. Water, Sodium and potassium
Crust = Solid. Rock and lithosphile elements
Mantle = Plastic. Rock ( peridotite )
Outer core = Liquid. Iron, nickel and siderophile elements
Inner core = Solid. Iron and Nickel
What are the two types of stony meteorites?
What are they composed of?
1) Chrondities = composed of unmodified dust and small grains derived from the asteroid belt
2) Acrondities = composed of rocky material derived from the moon or mars
What are iron meteorites?
What are they composed of?
Fragments of metallic cores of larger asteroids
Composed of iron and nickel