geo Flashcards
What is a tropical storm
Low presure systems in the trpics that can develop into tropycal cylones
Where do hurricanes occure?
In the Atlantic and North-East Pacific Oceans
Where do cyclones occure?
In the North-West Pacific Ocean
Where do typhoons occure?
South-West Pacific and Indian Ocean
Cyclones forming step by step…
- Sun’s energy heats up the sea to 27°C.
- The water gets warmer and the air above it to rise up at high speeds.
- Water vapour, when it gets high enough it starts to cool down and become liquid
4 This creates BIG thunder.
- The rising air cools down and moves outwards at the top, creating a convection cell.
- Going down it starts to get warmer and IMPORTANTLY it gets sucked in at very fast speeds (around 100 of mph).
- It start’s to spin and we have hurricane
where data measured on a continuous scale follows a sequence
central tendency
A measure of the ‘average’ value of your data
How data is distributed. This includes measures of dispersion — in other words, describing the range of values in your data
How two sets of data are connected
Data that doesn’t fit the general pattern or trend
pyroclastic flows
Fast moving clouds of hot ash, gas and rock
ash clouds
Small pieces of rock and glass that can be carried in the air for many kilometres
volcanic bombs
Large bits of very hot rock blown out of a volcano
Layer of silicate molten rock bewtween crust and outer core.
Ignenous rock
Rock that formed by cooling magma
Molten natural material
Magma on the surface
Magma Chamber
Large pool of magma under surface
Layer of rock formed in a facture of a pre-oxisiting rock body
The Three Classic Types of Volcanoes
cinder cone, shield and composite volcanos