Geo 130 Final Flashcards
Religions in the US
Baptists - South Lutherans - Upper Midwest Catholics - NE, SW Mormons - UT Jews - NYC, Miami, (big cities) Pentecostals - AR, area non-believers - highest % in West
Eastern Orthodox locations
Coptic - Egypt
Maronite - Lebanon
Nestorian - Jordan
Buddhism divisions
Theravada (lesser) - SE Asia (Sri Lanka, Thailand)
Mahayana (greater) - East Asia (China, Japan)
Landscapes of the dead
- religious identity
- social status
- cultural differences
- values, hobbies
- ethnicity, nationality
- migration patterns
- physical geography
Hunters and gatherers
survive on what earth produces naturally
-Amazon Rainforest, Congo, New Guinea
cyclical movement of people and animals where? -fringe lands of Africa, Asia horizontal = yearly loop vertical = elevation changes throughout year
focus on cereal crops, staple crops
-Asia, Latin America, Africa
*supports most of world’s population
focus on cash crops
-crop specialization, high yield
<2% American in agriculture
large scale, mechanized
relies on cheap, manual labor
exotic cash crops
labor = biggest expense
Circle Four Farms
SW Utah why? -invited -isolated -close to I-15 corridor -cheap, available land -future : reach Pacific Rim
associated with peasant agriculture #1 exporter = Thailand #1 importer = Europe #1 producer = China
mostly cash crop highly mechanized #1 exporter = US #1 importer = Russia #1 producer = China
Ancient cities
small, high density relatively small population religious place at center terrible conditions *top problems: -waste disposal -grain storage
External: clustering of UNLIKE activities
Localization: clustering of LIKE activities
-associated w/ specific industry
ex: Detroit, Las Vegas, Silicon Valley
Era dates
Walking-Horse Car (1800-1890)
Electric Street Car (1890-1920)
Recreational Automobile (1920-1945)
Freeway (1945-present)