Genitive case of plural nouns Flashcards
In Russian, what does it mean when the noun is placed before the number? Ex: Там было человек двадцать.
It means it is an approximate number.
What is the genitive case of a masculine plural noun that ends with ж, ч, ш, щ? (ex: nominative singular/plural and genitive plural of pencil)
Add ей
nominative singular: карандаш
nominative plural: карандаши
genitive plural: карандашей
What is the genitive case of a masculine plural noun that ends with ь? (ex: nominative singular/plural and genitive plural of rain)
Remove ь, add ей
nominative singular: дождь
nominative plural: дожди
genitive plural: дожде́й
What is the genitive case of a masculine plural noun that ends with й? (ex: nominative singular/plural and genitive plural of museum)
Remove й, add ев
nominative singular: музей
nominative plural: музеи
genitive plural: музеев
What is the genitive case of a masculine plural noun that ends with a consonant? (ex: nominative singular/plural and genitive plural of table)
аdd ов
nominative singular: стол
nominative plural: столы
genitive plural: столо́в
What is the genitive case of a masculine plural noun that ends with ц? (ex: nominative singular/plural and genitive plural of finger)
add ев/ёв
nominative singular: палец
nominative plural: пальцы
genitive plural: пальцев
There were no pencils in the store.
В магазине не было карандашей.
it is genitive because it is a negative sentence
Atacama is a place where it does not rain.
Атакама место где нет дожде́й.
in this sentence, rain is a noun, “there is no rain” instead of “it does not rain”
In this city, there is a huge amount of museums.
В этом городе есть огро́мное коли́чество музеев.
Why do humans have five fingers?
Почему у уеловека пять пальцев?
There are no tables in the room.
В комнате нет столо́в.
What are the 5 nouns for which the genitive plural has the same form as the nominative singular?
hair: во́лос > воло́с
eye: глаз
once/time: раз
soldier: солда́т
person: человек (with numerals, otherwise людей)
What is the genitive plural form of человек when numerals aren’t included?
How many people were there? There were (exactly) 6 people there.
Сколько человек там было?
Там было шесть человек.
How many people were there?
There was a lot of people there.
Сколько людей там было?
Там было много людей.
There were around 20 people there.
Там было человек двадцать.
There is a hair shampoo in the bathroom.
В ванной есть шампунь для во́лос.
the genitive case is on во́лос
карандаши для глаз
How many times have you been to Moscow?
Сколько раз ты был в Москве?
nominative and genitive plural form of brother
брат > братя > братьев
nominative and genitive plural form of leaf
лист > листья > листьев
nominative and genitive plural form of friend
друг > друзья > друзей
nominative and genitive plural form of son
сын > сыновья́ > сыновьей
nominative and genitive plural form of prince
князь > князья > князей
nominative and genitive plural form of husband
муж > мужья > мужей
nominative and genitive plural form of kid
ребёнок > ребята > ребят
nominative and genitive plural form of kitten
котёнок > котя́та > котя́т
nominative and genitive plural form of bear cub
медвежо́нок > медвежа́та > медвежа́т
She reads the Grimm fairytales. (She reads fairytales of the Grimm brothers).
Она читает сказки братьев Гримм.
None of his friends smoke.
Hикто из его друзей не курит.