Genetics and Inheritance Biology Checklist Flashcards
I can describe the structure of DNA.
Double helix with base pairs to make it like a ladder
I know where DNA is found in the cell.
In the nucleus
I can define the term gene.
a section of a chromosome that codes for a particular characteristic
I can state what is meant by an allele.
a different form of characteristic
I understand that variation within a species may be due to genetics or environmental factors.
-natural eye colour
-blood type
-natural hair colour
-a scar from an accident
-your religion
-having a tattoo
I can describe the differences between dominant and recessive alleles.
-dominant alleles are expressed even if one of the alleles are dominant. eg. BB or Bb
-recessive alleles are expressed only if both of the alleles are recessive. eg. bb
I can distinguish between homozygous and heterozygous alleles.
-homozygous alleles are the same alleles. eg. BB or bb
-heterozygous alleles are different alleles. eg. Bb
Given information about an individuals genetics I can write their genotype and phenotype for a particular characteristic.
Genotype- describes the alleles of an individual. eg. BB or Bb or bb
Phenotype- describes the physical appearance of an individual. eg. brown eyes, curly hair
I can use a punnet square/genetic diagram to show what happens in a genetic cross.
A | a |
A | AA| Aa|
a | Aa| aa|
25% AA (homozygous dominant)
50% Aa (heterozygous)
25% aa (homozygous recessive)
I can describe what is a genetically inherited disorder and I can explain how these disorders are inherited.
a disease caused by inheriting a faulty allele
Using a genetic diagram, I can determine the probability of a person inheriting a
genetic disorder.
A | a |
A | AA| Aa|
a | Aa| aa|
25% AA (homozygous dominant)
50% Aa (heterozygous)
25% aa (homozygous recessive)
I can state what is meant by selective breeding
breeding to develop new organisms with desirable characteristics
I can describe the stages of selective breeding
select two parent who show high amounts of a characteristic you want you breed them and then breed their offspring who show high amounts of that charcteristic and then repeat for many generations until you get high enough levels of that characteristic
I can list some advantages and disadvantages of selectively breeding animals or plants. (3 each)
-higher economic gains
-eliminating disease
-create new varieties of crops
-does not involve genetic modification
-produces fitter and stronger animals
-it can change the evolution of a species
-animal discomfort
-loss of variety and variation (inbreeding)
-no control of genetic mutations
-can lead to loss of traits
I can state what is meant by genetic engineering
A process that involves modifying the genome of an organism by introducing a gene from another organism to give a desired characteristic
What does GMO stand for?
Genetically modifided organism
I can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of genetically engineering organisms.
-manufacturing insulin
-crops produce greater yield
-finding out where genes are expressed in the body
-crops resistant to disease and pests
-improving diet in developing countries
-it only takes 1 generation
-the plant/animal can breed with wild plants/animals
-people don’t know the long term effects
-people feel that it is unethical
. I can describe what is meant by a clone.
a genetically identical copy of an individual
I can distinguish between natural and artificial clones.
natural clones- identical twins
artificial- gene cloning
I can (simply) describe the process of nuclear transfer cloning.
-take a normal body cell from the organism to be cloned and remove the nucleus
-take an egg cell from another organism and remove the nucleus (and discard it)
-insert the nucleus of the normal body cell into the empty egg cell
-electric shock is given to simulate cell division
-implant the embryo into the uterus of a surrogate organism to develop a clone
I can compare the advantages and disadvantages of cloning. (Give 3 each)
-produces valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save peoples lives
-could cure diseases
-help those who are infertile
-could help the medical research into diseases
-may produce more diseases in the natural world
-shows no respect for human life
-human life will be no longer unique
-playing God
-deformed failure clones