Genetics Flashcards
boy genotype
girl genotype
histone proteins
DNA is wrapped around histone proteins to form chromosones
1 diploid parent cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells (not 100% identical due to mutations)
1 diploid cell becomes 4 haploid daughter cells
process of meiosis
chromosomes duplicate
chromosomes line up and cross over
one chromosome to each daughter
what increases variation of meiosis
crossing over
variation in the human genome that is not directly disease causing
Any variation in the human genome that has a population frequency of greater than 1%
a gene change
when does mitosis occur
whenever more cells are needed
acrocentric chromosome
centromere is close to the bottom or top of chromosome
unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement
extra or missing chromosomal material
balanced chromosomal rearrangement
All the chromosomal material is present
rearrangement of chromosomes
whole extra or missing chromosomes
robertsonian translocation
two acrocentric chromosomes stuck end to end
chromosomal disorder with an extra chromosome
down syndrome
extra 21 chromosome
turner syndrome
only one x chromosome
triple x syndrome
women with 3 x chromosomes in every cell
Klinefelter syndrome
males with at least 2 chromosomes and 1 y chromosome