genetic variation at the population level, multifactorial genetics Flashcards
short tandem repeat
2-3 nucliotide tandem microsatellite repeats that can be detected by PCR
VNTR (variable number tandem repeat)
10-100 nucliotide variable sequences that make up minisatilites, and can be detected via southern blott
- **DNA fingerprinting **is used in forenstic medicine where several VNTR sequences are performed simultaneously
Simple nucliotide polymorphisims used in HapMapping to idnetify populaiton-associated differences in DNA sequences. Dectected via sequencing.
SNP’s are used to determine diseases suseptiblility in diseases with multifactorial inheritance.
What factors determine if organs will be rejected?
Blood type (A,B,O)
Presence of Rh factor (Rh+ is domiant to Rh-) mothers with Rh- whose prodce Rh+ offspring need anti-Rh Ig before and after giving birth
HLA alleles encode MHC I&II recptors identify cells as belonging to an organism, matching MHC receptors is the most difficult factor to match in organ transplant
- MHC I presents endogeneous protiens, MHC II presents exogeneous proteins
- siblings have a 25% chance of sharing both HLA alleles
- HLA alleles are hapilotypes and do not crossover with great frequency
- siblings have a 25% chance of sharing both HLA alleles
- large populaiton
- random mating
- no mutations
- no natural selection
Define fitness
what is the equation for mutation rate?
what is the equation for the selection coefficent?
**fitness **is the extent to which an allele will increase/decrease survivability
- q is allele frequency
- µ is mutation rate
- s is the selection coefficent
- f is fitness
- f<1 allele reduces fitness
- f>1 allele increases fitness
What is gene flow?
the movement of genes between populaitons
What is genetic drift?
Occurs when a populaiton migrates and fuses with another populaiton increasing genetic diversity.
What is the founder effect?
Occurs when a few individuals leave a large population and form their own populaiton. Results in decreased gene pool diversity.