genetic recombination Flashcards
dna recombination mechanisms
-homogous recombination
-site-specific recombination
occurs between identical or nearly identical sequences, also called general recombination
homologous recombination
cuts the holliday junction vertically or horizontally
endonuclease (ruvC)
-crossover products
-rearrangement of genetic material around the site of recombination
splice products
transmission of genetic information from donor bacterium to a recipient cell
bacterial conjugation
introduction of an exogenous dna into a cell, causing the cell to acquire a new phenotype
4 steps of transformation
- a donor bacterium dies and is degraded
- a fragment of DNA from the dead donor binds to DNA binding proteins on the cell wall of a living recipient bacterium
- the Rec A protein promotes genetic exchange between a fragment of the donor’s DNA and the recipient DNA.
- exchange is complete
transfer of dna fragments from one bacterium to another bacterium by a bacteriophage
obligate intracellular parasites that multiply inside bacteria by making use of the host biosynthetic machinery
2 types of transduction
7 steps in generalized transduction
1.a lytic bacteriophage attaches to a bacterium
2.genome enters the bacterium and manufacture bacteriophage components
3.dna from host bacterium may enter among the new bacteriophage
4.bacteriophages are released
5.bacteriophage carrying the donor’s dna attaches to another bacterium
6.bacteriophage inserts the donor’s dna into the recipient bacterium
7.donor bacterium’s dna is exchanged for some of the recipient’s dna.
4 steps of sepcialised transduction
- a bacteriophage attaches to a bacterium and injects its genome
- genome is inserted into the nucleoid to become a prophage
- a small piece of the donor’s dna is picked up as part of the phage’s genome
- bacteriophage replicates and every phage now carries that segment of bacterial dna.
-occurs at a specific dna sequence
site-specific recombination
-transposable genetic element
-piece of dna that can move from one location to another in cell’s genome
3 mechanisms of transposition