Genetic Pathways in Cancer Flashcards
Describe selective advantage? Give an example of selective advantage.
- All organisms are limited by environmental growth constraints.
- All organisms are in competition with each other.
- Mutations may alter the characteristics of an organism allowing it to outcompete its rivals.
- Such mutations are said to give a selective advantage.
- e.g. peppered moth dark variant becoming predominant after the industrial revolution - trees became darker and darker moths had a survival advantage
Outline growth restraints in normal tissues. Give an example of a tissue in which these growth restraints are particularly visible and important.
- Many normal tissues undergo continuous turnover.
- New cells are produced by cell division from stem cells and old cells die by apoptosis.
- An imbalance between the rates of cell division and cell death will cause tumour development.
- Oncogenes and TSGs affect cell proliferation and apoptosis.
- Growth control ensures that cell division is equivalent to cell death
- e.g. the colonic mucosa is a well organised and dynamic stricture. Dynamic gradients of morphogens/matrix components/signalling activity have been described. Proteomic analysis in colonic mucosa would show gradient of morphogens keeping proliferation under control and maintaining cell maturation and apoptosis. Wnt signalling activity is particularly important. There is usually a high concentration of Wnt at the base of the crypt where you want the proliferation to be highest, and there is a reduction in the level of Wnt towards the surface because towards the top you don’t want proliferation to be occuring you want the cells to undergo maturation and apoptosis. The reciprocal is BMP2/4. BMP2/4 inhibit proliferation so you have a low level at the base of the crypt and a higher level towards the surface. The lower levels at bottom of crypt mean that there is little inhibition of proliferation. The higher levels at the top of the crypt cause inhibition of proliferation and facilitate maturation of cells. Other morphogens have similar gradients to try and ensure that the colonic mucosa maintains the status quo with well organised tissue architecture and cell growth is maintained.
Wnt and EphB1 are at high concs in the crypts and low concs at the surface.
EphrinB, APC, and BMP2/4 are at low concs in the crypts and high concs towards the surface.
At what level of the gut mucosa should Wnt signalling levels be highest under normal circumstances? Why?
There is usually a high concentration of Wnt at the base of the crypt where you want the proliferation to be highest, and there is a reduction in the level of Wnt towards the surface because towards the top you don’t want proliferation to be occuring you want the cells to undergo maturation and apoptosis.
At what level of the gut mucosa should BMP2/4 signalling levels be highest under normal circumstances? Why?
BMP2/4 inhibit proliferation so you have a low level at the base of the crypt and a higher level towards the surface.The lower levels at bottom of crypt mean that there is little inhibition of proliferation. The higher levels at the top of the crypt cause inhibition of proliferation and facilitate maturation of cells.
Briefly name some of the morphogens that maintain the proliferative gradient of the colonic mucosa and where in the mucosa they are found at the highest concentrations.
Wnt and EphB1 are at high concs in the crypts and low concs at the surface.
EphrinB, APC, and BMP2/4 are at low concs in the crypts and high concs towards the surface.
What mechanisms can growth control be mediated by? What is necessary for a tumour to develop.
Growth control can be mediated via a number of different mechanisms:
1) . Levels of secreted growth factors
2) . Environmental growth inhibitory factors.
3) . Levels of secreted growth inhibitors.
4) . Intrinsic program of differentiation/apoptosis.
5) . Tumour immune response.
- For a tumour to develop these growth control mechanisms need to be subverted.
- For a tumour to survive and become malignant, it needs to also acquire further features beyond escaping growth control such as:
1) . Limitless replication/immortality
2) . Angiogenesis - needs oxygen to survive
3) . Invasion and metastasis
What factors are required for tumour development?
- For a tumour to develop growth control mechanisms need to be subverted.
- For a tumour to survive and become malignant, it needs to also acquire further features beyond escaping growth control such as:
1) . Limitless replication/immortality
2) . Angiogenesis - needs oxygen to survive
3) . Invasion and metastasis
Outline the hallmarks of cancer.
1) . Self sufficiency in growth signals
2) . Insensitivity to anti-growth signals
3) . Evading apoptosis
4) . Limitless replicative potential
5) . Sustained angiogenesis
6) . Tissue invasion and metastasis
Outline the steps involved in tumour evolution.
- Normal tissue is converted into a tumour by gene mutation. Takes a long time to acquire mutations and see precursor lesions in between. Lesions obvious in colon - not always visible in other tissues.
- Normal tissues develop into cancers via a number of intermediate precursor lesions.
- The adenoma carcinoma sequence describes the histological evolution of colorectal cancers.
- The Fearon-Vogelstein model describes the genetic basis of tumour evolution.
Describe the adenoma-carcinoma sequence.
1) . Change from normal to early stage adenoma. Driven by APC gene mutations. Acquisition of displastic features. Occasional crypts will look abnormal. Unicryptal early stage adenoma.
2) . Need acquisition of another mutation for abnormality to progress, usually KRAS2. Crypts will divide and you will start seeing a larger adenoma. More crypts involved. May become polyploid. APC and KRAS2 mutations alone are not enough for an invasive malignancy to form.
3) . On acquiring another mutation, usually in genes on 18q such as SMAD the adenoma continues to grow.
4) . The additional acquisition of a mutation in TP53 will result in a high grade adenoma becoming an invasive cancer.
- Can see this process histologically under the microscope. This is the histological evolution of cancer.
- Clonal expansion correlates with these stages.
- It is thought that approximately 5-6 mutations are required for malignant conversion of a normal cell.
- The sequence of occurrence of the mutations tends to be maintained (e.g. it is very rare to find p53 mutations in early adenomas).
- Mutations occur randomly throughout the genome but are selected when they give maximal growth advantage. This results in waves of clonal expansion.
How many mutations are thought to be required for the malignant conversion of a normal cell?
- It is thought that approximately 5-6 mutations are required for malignant conversion of a normal cell,.
Why do we waves of clonal expansion in tumour evolution?
- It is thought that approximately 5-6 mutations are required for malignant conversion of a normal cell.
- The sequence of occurrence of the mutations tends to be maintained (e.g. it is very rare to find p53 mutations in early adenomas). It is not that TP53 mutations don’t occur at the early stages however, it is just that at this stage APC mutation will provide a better selective advantage and so the cells with the TP53 mutations will be outcompeted.
- Mutations occur randomly throughout the genome but are selected when they give maximal growth advantage. This results in waves of clonal expansion.
- A mutation giving a selective advantage allows clonal expansion to occur. Whatever mutation outgrows all the others is the one for which a clonal.
- The stages in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence essentially correlate with the clonal expansion.
Give a brief summary of tumour selection.
- Tumours arise from normal cells as a result of random gene mutation.
- Mutations will only be selected if they give a selective growth advantage.
- Sequential mutations result in Darwinian evolution of tumours.
- This will lead to a consistent sequence of accumulation of mutations i.e. the genetic pathway.
What clonal situation arises when resistance to chemotherapy occurs?
- If you give a patient chemotherapy you are introducing another growth restraint in the form of the chemotherapy.
- When you get resistance to chemotherapy what is basically happening is that mutations are occurring and resistant clones are emerging from the malignant cells that were already there. These clones are emerging as a consequence of mutations that give resistance to that particular form of chemotherapy.
- Evolution of cancer goes on not only in the early stages but also at later stages when patients may be receiving chemotherapy.
- Once a clone emerges that is resistant to chemotherapy you either have to change the chemotherapy or you will not be able to continue treating the cancer.
Why will the genetic pathways between tumours of the same origin always be similar?
- Genetic pathways of the same origin will be similar.
- This is because the growth restraints on the cells as they have developed into a tumour have been similar. Therefore, in order for the tumours to arise they will have had to develop identical or analogous mutations to give them the selective advantages required to continue developing.
- i.e. selective advantage ensures that mutation acquisition is broadly consistent.
- A mutation will be more likely to be selected firstly if it helps to deal with environmental growth restraints, but ALSO if it interacts with the previous mutations successfully. Thus oncogenes may ‘cooperate’.
What is oncogenic-cooperation?
- Oncogenic cooperation refers to the phenomenon by which successive mutations in the clonal development of a cancer are more likely to be selected if they interact better with earlier mutations. Thus oncogenes may be said to cooperate.
- For example BRAF mutations have an analogous effect as KRAS mutations but are seen at a much lower frequency. This is likely because KRAS is cooperating better with APC than BRAF is.
- In the genetic pathway not only are the environmental growth restraints important but also the way that the genes interact with each other - APC will disrupt some functions, KRAS will disrupt some functions. Some mutations may also have inhibitory effects as well as those that provide a selective advantage. There needs to be a net selective advantage - the ones that cooperate will have a higher net selective advantage.
- The interaction of genes will also dictate to some degree the development of the genetic pathway.
What is oncogene addiction?
- A tumour may have several mutations, not all of which will be essential for the retention of the tumour characteristics.
- If a mutation is ‘essential’ it is an example of ‘oncogene addiction’.
- If a mutation is not essential it is an example of ‘oncogene amnesia’ - i.e. you can take that mutation away and it won’t make any difference to the tumour.
- Different tumours are addicted to and amnesic for different genes.
- If you can identify which genes tumours are addicted to and which it is amnesic for then it is easier to target the tumour successful - i.e. target the addicted genes.
What is synthetic lethality?
- Synthetic lethality is the phenomenon whereby the presence of a mutation causes dependence on another non-mutated gene.
- i.e. a mutation occurs that gives the cell a selective advantage but as a side effect of the mutation the cell becomes dependent on another non mutated gene to function.
- Inhibition of the non-mutant gene will cause apoptosis but only in the presence of the mutant gene.
- If synthetically lethal partners can be found, then it allows targeting of the tumour cells whilst leaving normal cells untouched - e.g. PARP inhibitors in tumours with BRCA1 mutations. PARP is required for the tumour cells to tolerate the increased DNA damage that occurs when you have a BRCA1 mutation.
Summarise genetics pathways in cancers.
- There may be more than one genetic pathway within a tumour.
- In CRC there are at least 3 different genetic pathways:
1) . Chromosome instability (CIN)
2) . Microsatellite instability (MSI)
3) . Chromosome and microsatellite stable - There are some clinical differences between the tumour types.
Outline the effects of tumourigenic mutations on functional pathways.
- All genes have one or more functions which are disrupted by mutation.
- Normal cellular or physiological functions usually involve several different genes.
- There may be more than one point of disruption.
- Mutations of different genes may disrupt the same function e.g. loss of any one of the four mismatch repair involved in tetrameric repair complex in tumour with MSI (e.g. can get mutation in any of the MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS2 in Lynch syndrome for this reason).
- The same functional pathway may be disrupted at different points - e.g. the PI3K pathway. There are several pathways which are important in cancer development. If disrupted, it will be at one point and other genes in the pathway will not be disrupted.
- Hot pathways in epithelial tumours include Wnt, Kras, EGFR, P53.
- KRAS and BRAF mutations are mutually exclusive as BRAF is the downstream effector protein of KRAS. Both part of MAPK pathway. If you have a BRAF mutation there is no point in targeting KRAS because the effect is coming from BRAF onwards (as applies in all such cases).
Is there any overlap seen in the pathways disrupted in many tumour types?
- Important functional pathways will be disrupted in many tumour types.
- The point of disruption of the pathway may be different.
- There is no universal genetic pathway but there are some mutations which occur in many tumour types.
- B-catenin is commonly mutated in many tumour types (only need 1 single gain of function mut to activated b-cat).
- APC mutations mostly seen in CRC, stomach, and desmoid tumours. APC is a TSG - need 2 LOF mutations to lose APC function but it is still seen in most CRCs! Likely that loss of APC function is giving some selective advantage that the loss of normal B-catenin function isn’t. APC is a multifunctional protein. In other types the extra benefit of having an APC mutation is not as important and so you don’t see it selected - you just see the B-catenin mutation.
- Axin mutations occur in liver tumours but very rarely in CRCs. Only gives extra selective advantage in liver tumours that is not of any benefit in CRCs.
- KRAS mutated in many cancers - CRC, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer. Frequency of mutation with up to 80% in pancreatic cancer. About 40% in colorectal cancers.
- TP53 function is disrupted in nearly 50% of all cancers. Disruption may be due to TP53 mutation, MDM2 amplification, Bax mutation, viruses.
Outline some commonly mutated genes in different cancer types.
B-catenin - CRC, stomach, thyroid, prostate, postnasal space, desmoids, ovary, endometrium, liver, brain, skin, medulloblastoma.
APC - Colorectum, stomach, desmoids.
frizzled - oesophagus.
Wnt - Breast (transgenic mouse model).
Axin - Liver, hepatoblastoma.
Frat - Lymph node.
How common are KRAS mutations in cancers?
- KRAS mutated in many cancers - CRC, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer. Frequency of mutation with up to 80% in pancreatic cancer.
How common are TP53 pathway mutations in cancers?
- TP53 function is disrupted in nearly 50% of all cancers. Disruption may be due to TP53 mutation, MDM2 amplification, Bax mutation, viruses.
What is the clinical importance of the disrupted pathways in cancers?
- Disrupted pathways may affect the biology of the tumour and thereby clinical behaviour and prognosis.
- Disrupted pathways may allow specific targeting of that pathway. E.g. PLX4032 in BRAF mutant tumours, PARP inhibitors in BRCA1, PRIMA1 in P53 mutant tumours, stress protein inhibitors for aneuploidy.
- Disrupted pathways may predict response to specific therapies - e.g. KRAS mutation and EGFR.
Give some examples of some of the ways we can treat certain cancers when we know the specific pathways affected.
Disrupted pathways may allow specific targeting of that pathway:
- e.g. PLX4032 in BRAF mutant tumours.
- PARP inhibitors in BRCA1.
- PRIMA1 in P53 mutant tumours.
- stress protein inhibitors for aneuploidy.