Genetic Information and Variation - Evolution and Natural Selection Flashcards
What leads to genetic diversity?
DNA determines the considerable variety of proteins that make up each organism. Therefore genetic similarities and differences between organisms may be defined in terms of variation in DNA. Hence it is differences in DNA that lead to the vast genetic diversity we find on Earth.
What are genes and alleles?
A section of DNA that codes for one polypeptide is called a gene. All members of the same species have the same genes. But they may differ in alleles, which are different versions of the same gene. As such, an allele is also a length of DNA on one chromosome of a homologous pair.
What is genetic diversity?
Genetic diversity is described as the total number of different alleles in a population.
What is a population?
A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same place and can be interbreed (breed with one another).
What is a species?
A species consists of one or more populations.
What are the benefits of genetic diversity?
The greater the number of different alleles that all members of a species possess, the greater the genetic diversity of that species. Genetic diversity is reduced when a species has fewer different alleles.
The greater the genetic diversity, the more likely that some individuals in a population will survive an environmental change. This is because of a wider range of alleles and therefore a wider range of characteristics. This gives a greater probability that some individuals will possess a characteristic that suits it to the new environmental conditions. Genetic diversity is a factor that enables natural selection to occur.
How does natural selection lead to the evolution of populations?
Not all alleles of a population are equally likely to be passed to the next generation. This is because only certain individuals are reproductively successful and so pass on their alleles.
How do differences between the reproductive success of individuals affect allele frequency in populations?
- Within any population of a species there will be a gene pool containing a wide variety of alleles.
- Random mutation of alleles within this gene pool may result in a new allele of a gene which in most cases will be harmful.
- However, in certain environments, the new allele of a gene might give its possessor an advantage over other individuals in the population.
- These individuals will be better adapted and therefore more likely to survive in their competition with others.
- These individuals are more likely to obtain the available resources and so grow more rapidly and live longer. As a result, they will have a better chance of breeding successfully and producing more offspring.
- Only those individuals that reproduce successfully will pass on their alleles to the next generation.
- Therefore it is the new allele that gave the parents an advantage in the competition for survival that is most likely to be passed on to the next generation.
- As these new individuals also have the new, ‘advantageous’ allele, they in turn are more likely to survive, and so reproduce successfully.
- Over many generations, the number of individuals with the new, ‘advantageous’ allele will increase at the expense of the individuals with the ‘less advantageous’ alleles.
- Over time, the frequency of the new, ‘advantageous’ allele in the population increased while that of the ‘non-advantageous’ ones decreases.
What does being an advantageous allele depend on?
environmental conditions
What is a gene pool?
The total number of alleles and their frequencies is called the population’s gene pool. The frequency and variety of alleles determines the amount of genetic variation in a species. If the frequencies of alleles in the gene pool changes, then the species has changed.
What is evolution?
a change in a species
What are the three causes of genetic variation?
- sexual reproduction and meiosis
- natural selection (survival of the fittest)
- a random mutation of a gene
- genetic bottleneck (an infrequent event that has a big change on the population)
- founder effect (small group of individuals migrate and start a new isolated gene pool)
- artificial selection (selective breeding)
What is the niche of a species?
The niche of a species is its role within the environment. Species which share the same niche compete with each other. The idea that better adapted species survive is the basis of natural selection.
Is fertilisation random?
not completely because not all gametes can fertilise
What is selection?
Selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and breed, while those that are less well adapted tend not to.