Energy Transfers in and between Organisms - Photosynthesis Flashcards
What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is a reaction in which light energy is used to produce glucose in plants. The process requires water and carbon dioxide, with the products being glucose and oxygen.
There are two stages of photosynthesis, these are the light dependent stage and the light independent stage.
The rate of photosynthesis is determined by carbon dioxide concentration, light intensity and temperature.
How does energy enter an organism?
Life depends on continuous transfers of energy. How this energy enters an organism depends on its type of nutrition. In plants, energy in light is absorbed by chlorophyll and then transferred into the chemical energy of the molecules formed during photosynthesis. These molecules are used by the plant to produce ATP during respiration. Non-photosynthetic organisms feed on the molecules produced by plants and then also use them to make ATP during respiration.
What is the site of photosynthesis?
The leaf is the main photosynthetic structure in eukaryotic plants. Chloroplasts are the cellular organelles within the leaf where photosynthesis takes place.
What is the purpose of a leaf?
Photosynthesis takes place largely in the leaf. Leaves are adapted to bring together the three raw materials of photosynthesis (water, carbon dioxide, and light) and removes its products (oxygen and glucose).
What are the adaptations of a leaf?
- a large surface area that absorbs as much sunlight as possible
- an arrangement of leaves on the plant that minimises overlapping and so avoids the shadowing of one leaf by another
- thin, as most light is absorbed in the first few micrometres of the leaf and the diffusion distance for gases is kept short
- a transparent cuticle and epidermis that let light through to the photosynthetic mesophyll cells beneath
- long, narrow upper mesophyll cells packed with chloroplasts that collect sunlight
- numerous stomata for gaseous exchange so that all mesophyll cells are only a short diffusion pathway from one
- stomata that open and close in response to changes in light intensity
- many air spaces in the lower mesophyll layer to allow rapid diffusion in the gas phase of carbon dioxide and oxygen
- a network of xylem that brings water to the leaf cells, and phloem that carries away the sugars produced during photosynthesis
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O –> C6H12O6 + 6O2
What is the overall equation for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O –> C6H12O6 + 6O2
This equation is highly simplified. Photosynthesis is a complex metabolic pathway involving many intermediate reactions. It is a process of energy transferral in which some of the energy in light is conserved in the form of chemical bonds. There are three main stages to photosynthesis.
What are the three main stages to photosynthesis?
- Capturing of light energy by chloroplast pigments such as chlorophyll.
- The light-dependent reaction, in which some of the light energy absorbed is conserved in chemical bonds. During the process an electron flow is created by the effect of light on chlorophyll, causing water to split (photolysis) into protons, electrons, and oxygen. The products are reduced NADP, ATP, and oxygen.
- The light-independent reaction, in which these protons (hydrogen ions) are used to produce sugars and other organic molecules.
What is the difference between respiration and photosynthesis in plants?
All plant cells respire all the time, while only those plant cells with chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis - and then only in the light.
What is the structure of chloroplasts?
In eukaryotic plants, photosynthesis takes place within cell organelles called chloroplasts. These vary in shape and size but are typically disc-shaped, 2-10um long, and 1um in diameter. They are surrounded by a double membrane. Inside the chloroplast membranes are two distinct regions (the grana and the stroma).
What is the grana?
The grana are stacks of up to 100 disc-like structures called thylakoids where the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis takes place. Within the thylakoids is the photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll. Some thylakoids have tubular extensions that join up with thylakoids in adjacent grana. These are called inter-granal lamellae.
What is the stroma?
The stroma is a fluid-filled matrix of a chloroplast where the light-independent stage of photosynthesis takes place. Within the stroma are a number of other structures such as starch grains.
What is the light-dependent reaction?
The light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis involves the capture of light whose energy is used:
- to add an inorganic phosphate (Pi) molecule to ADP, thereby making ATP
- to split water into H+ ions (protons) and OH- ions; as the splitting is caused by light, it is known as photolysis
- to produce reduced NADP (NADPH)
What is oxidation and reduction?
- loss of electrons
- loss of hydrogen
- gain of oxygen
- gain of electrons
- gain of hydrogen
- loss of oxygen
Oxidation results in energy being given out, whereas reduction results in it being taken in. Oxidation and reduction always take place together.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
What happens when a chlorophyll molecule absorbs light energy?
It boosts the energy of a pair of electrons within this chlorophyll molecule, raising them to a higher energy level. These electrons are said to be in an excited state.
The energy is transferred between antenna pigment molecules, where some energy is lost as heat until it reaches chlorophyll a. This is called the photoprotective effect and ensures chlorophyll a has the right amount of energy.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
What is photoionisation?
When the electrons reach the reaction center (chlorophyll a), they are transferred to a primary electron acceptor. As a result the chlorophyll molecule becomes ionised and so the process is called photoionisation. The charge separation drives the process of photolysis.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
What is an electron carrier/primary electron acceptor?
The electrons that leave the chlorophyll are taken up by a molecule called an electron carrier/primary electron acceptor. Having lost a pair of electrons, the chlorophyll molecule has been oxidised. The electron carrier/primary electron acceptor, which has gained electrons, has been reduced.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
What happens when the electrons are taken up by an electron carrier/primary electron acceptor?
The electrons are now passed along a number of electron carriers in a series of oxidation-reduction reactions. These electron carriers form a transfer chain that is located in the membranes of the thylakoids.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
Why do the electrons lose energy at each stage?
Each new carrier is at a slightly lower energy level than the previous one in the chain, and so the electrons lose energy at each stage. Some of this energy is used to combine an inorganic phosphate molecule with an ADP molecule in order to make ATP.
(LDR - The Making of ATP)
How can the precise mechanism by which ATP is produced be explained by the chemiosmotic theory?
- Each thylakoid is an enclosed chamber into which protons (H+) are pumped from the stroma using protein carriers in the thylakoid membrane called proton pumps.
- The energy to drive this process comes from electrons released when water molecules are split by light (photolysis of water).
- The photolysis of water also produces protons which further increases their concentration inside the thylakoid space.
- Overall this creates and maintains a concentration gradient of protons across the thylakoid membrane with a high concentration inside the thylakoid space and a low concentration in the stroma.
- The protons can only cross the thylakoid membrane through ATP synthase channel proteins - the rest of the membrane is impermeable to protons. These channels form small granules on the membrane surface and so are also known as stalked granules.
- As the protons pass through these ATP synthase channels they cause changes to the structure of the enzyme which then catalyses the combination of ADP with inorganic phosphate to form ATP.
(LDR - Photolysis of Water)
Why are water molecules split?
The loss of electrons when light strikes a chlorophyll molecule leaves it short of electrons. If the chlorophyll molecule is to continue absorbing light energy, these electrons must be replaced. The replacement electrons are provided from water molecules that are split using light energy. This photolysis of water also yields protons and oxygen.
The equation for this process is:
2H2O –> 4H+ + 4e- + O2
(LDR - Photolysis of Water)
What happens to the protons yielded from the photolysis of water?
These protons pass out of the thylakoid space through the ATP synthase channels and are taken up by an electron carrier called NADP.
(LDR - Photolysis of Water)
What happens to the NADP when it takes up the protons?
On taking up the protons, the NADP becomes reduced. The reduced NADP (NADPH) is the main product of the light-dependent stage and it enters the light-independent reaction taking with it the electrons from the chlorophyll molecules.
(LDR - Photolysis of Water)
Why is the reduced NADP important?
Because it is a further potential source of chemical energy to the plant.
(LDR - Photolysis of Water)
What is the oxygen produced in the photolysis of water used for?
The oxygen by-product from the photolysis of water is either used in respiration or diffuses out of the leaf as a waste product of photosynthesis.
What is the site of the light-dependent reaction?
The light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis takes place in the thylakoids of chloroplasts. The thylakoids are disc-like structures that are stacked together in groups called grana.
What is the function of chloroplasts?
- capturing sunlight
- carrying out the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis
How are chloroplasts structurally adapted to their function of capturing sunlight and carrying out the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis?
- The thylakoid membranes provide a large surface area for the attachment of chlorophyll, electron carriers and enzymes that carry out the light-dependent reaction.
- A network of proteins in the grana hold the chlorophyll in a very specific manner that allows maximum absorption of light.
- The granal membranes have ATP synthase channels embedded, which catalyse the production of ATP. They are also selectively permeable which allows establishment of a proton gradient.
- Chloroplasts contain both DNA and ribosomes so they can quickly and easily manufacture some of the proteins involved in the light-dependent reaction.
What is the light-independent reaction?
The products of the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis (namely ATP and reduced NADP or NADPH) are used to reduce glycerate 3-phosphate in the second stage of photosynthesis. It reduces CO2 and forms a carbohydrate.
Unlike the first stage, this stage does not require light directly and, in theory, occurs whether or not light is available. It is therefore called the light-independent reaction.
What does the light-independent reaction need?
In practise, it requires the products of the light-dependent stage and so rapidly ceases when light is absent.
Where does the light-independent reaction take place?
In the stroma of the chloroplasts.
What is the Calvin cycle pathway?
- (CARBON DIOCIDE FIXATION) Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere diffuses into the leaf through stomata and dissolves in water around the walls of the mesophyll cells. It then diffuses through the cell-surface membrane, cytoplasm and chloroplast membranes into the stroma of the chloroplast.
- (CARBON DIOXIDE FIXATION) In the stroma, the carbon dioxide reacts with the 5-carbon compound ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in a process known as carboxylation. The reaction is catalysed by an enzyme called ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco).
- (CARBON DIOXIDE FIXATION) The reaction between carbon dioxide and RuBP produces a 6 carbon sugar first, but this is unstable and so forms two molecules of the 3-carbon glycerate 3-phosphate (rubisco causes the split from 6 to 3 carbon).
- (REDUCTION PHASE) The 2 molecules contain a -COOH group and is therefore an acid. Reduced NADP (NADPH) from the light-dependent reaction is used to reduce glycerate 3-phosphate to two molecules of triose phosphate (TP) using energy supplied by ATP. All of the NADP from the light dependent reaction has now been used with only some of the ATP being used.
- (REDUCTION PHASE) The NADP is re-formed and goes back to the light-dependent reaction to be reduced again by accepting more protons.
- (ORGANIC MOLECULE PRODUCTION) Some triose phosphate molecules are converted to organic substances that the plant requires such as starch, cellulose, lipids, glucose, amino acids, and nucleotides.
- (REGENERATION OF RUBP) Most triose phosphate molecules are used to regenerate ribulose bisphosphate using the remaining amount of ATP from the light-dependent reaction.
How is the chloroplast adapted to carrying out the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis?
- The fluid of the stroma contains all the enzymes needed to carry out the light-independent reaction. Stromal fluid is membrane-bound in the chloroplast which means a chemical environment which has a high concentration of enzymes and substrates can be maintained within it - as distinct from the environment of the cytoplasm.
- The stroma fluid surrounds the grana and so the products of the light-dependent reaction in the grana can readily diffuse into the stroma.
- It contains both DNA and ribosomes so it can quickly and easily manufacture some of the proteins involved in the light-independent reaction.
What is the law of limiting factors?
At any given moment, the rate of a physiological process is limited by the factor that is at its least favourable value.
How many turns of the Calvin cycle are required?
6 turns of the Calvin cycle are required in order to produce 1 molecule of glucose per molecule of CO2.
What are the limiting factors of photosynthesis?
- temperature: affects the rate of reaction
- carbon dioxide concentration: affects the rate of the light-independent reaction
- light intensity: affects the rate of the light-dependent reaction
How can agricultural practices overcome the limiting factors of photosynthesis?
- Growing plants under LED lights to maximise light intensity whilst maintaining temperature.
- Using a greenhouse controls the light intensity and temperature to maintain a high rate of photosynthesis.
- Burning fuel to produce more carbon dioxide, producing a high rate of the light-independent reaction. It also contributes to the greenhouse effect so is bad for the environment.
What is ATP?
An activated nucleotide found in all living cells that acts as an energy carrier. The hydrolysis of ATP leads to the formation of ADP and inorganic phosphate, with the release of energy.
What is the Calvin cycle?
A biochemical pathway that forms part of the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, during which carbon dioxide is reduced to form carbohydrate (CO2+ RuBP –> GP –> TP –> glucose or RuBP).
What is the electron carrier molecule?
A chain of carrier molecules along which electrons pass, releasing energy in the form of ATP as they do so.
What is glycerate-3-phosphate?
A three-carbon sugar in the Calvin cycle. Two molecules are produced from ribulose bisphosphate + CO2, used to produce triose phosphate.
What is mesophyll?
A tissue found between the two layers of epidermis in a plant leaf comprising an upper layer of palisade cells and a lower layer of spongy cells.
What is NADP?
A molecule that carries electrons to oxidise or reduce another molecule, and is produced in the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
What is photolysis?
Light energy splits water molecules, yielding electrons, hydrogen ions and oxygen (light-dependent reaction).
What is ribulose bisphosphate?
A five-carbon sugar in the Calvin cycle. Produced from triose phosphate, combines with CO2.
What is the thylakoid?
A series of flattened membranous sacs in a chloroplast that contain chlorophyll and the associated molecules needed for the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
What is triose phosphate?
Three-carbon sugar in the Calvin cycle. Produced from glycerate-3-phosphate, used to produce glucose or ribulose bisphosphate.
What are photosynthetic pigments?
- granum are a stack of thylakoids
- pigments absorb photons of light with different wavelengths
- different combinations of photosynthetic pigments
- pigments found embedded in thylakoid membranes
What is the role of light in photosynthesis?
- provides energy for excitation of electrons in photosystem 1 and photosystem 2
- provides energy for photolysis
What is the role of ATP in photosynthesis?
provides energy to convert Gp to TP
How are the structure and function related in a palisade mesophyll cell?
- oriented at 90 degrees to leaf surface
- therefore minimising the amount of light absorbed by cross walls
- chloroplasts are arranged around the inner edges of the cell
- increases light absorption
- chloroplasts can be moved to optimise light absorption
How are the structure and function related in a chloroplast?
- show internal compartmentalisation
- light independent stage and light dependent stage reactions are kept separate
- increases efficiency
- thylakoids provide a large surface area for pigments
- increases efficiency of light absorption
Suggest why chloroplasts contain a number of different pigments?
- different pigments trap different wavelengths of energy
- thus a wider spectrum of light energy can be used to generate excited electrons
- accessory pigments all transfer excited electrons/energy to the primary pigment
At dusk, why does the concentration of glycerate-3-phosphate in chloroplast stroma begin to increase rapidly?
- carbon dioxide and RuBP reaction continues/does not need light
- GP cannot be converted to TP
- because ATP is needed
- ATP is only produced in light
During the night, why does the level of glycerate-3-phosphate eventually level off?
- less TP is produced
- therefore less TP is available to regenerate RuBP
- therefore rate of reaction of carbon dioxide and RuBP decreases