genetic factors aggression Flashcards
twin studies
- mz twins = have 100%
- dz = share 50%
mz twins = more alike in terms of aggressive behaviour
adult twins = 50% of the variance in aggression towards others = due to genetics
adoption studies.
- adoptees aggressive behaviour correlates more with the biological parents than the adoptive parents = genetic influence applied
- hitching and mednick = study on 14000 adoptees in Denmark, found significant number of adopted boys with criminal conviction had violent criminal convicted biological parents , provides evidence for genetic link
- no specific gene that correlates with aggression ,but maoa has links to it
- maoa = regulates serotonin
- low levels of serotonin = high lvls of aggression
brunner et al - study on dutch family with history of aggression , found the they all had aborally low levels of maoa and a defect of the gene
maoa L
- this variant (warrior gene), associated with low levels of maoa
- occurs in 2/3 of people in populations with history of warfare
- ppl with maoa H = less indirect aggression compared to those with the L gene
- capsi, study on 500 boys, found that those with maoa L gene were more likely to behave anti socially as adults , only after childhood maltreatment
ao3 neg
p - hard to establish genetic contribution to aggression
e - e.g more than one gene usually contributes , and there’s many environmental influences on aggressive behaviour
e- genetic and environmental factors may interact with each other
l- connection between genetic and enviro factors, far from straght it forward
p- most studies focused on ppl convicted of violent crimes
e- but convicted crims only are only a small amount of people who actually commit crimes
e- + ppl seen as violent based on a court conviction aren’t really the most persistent or serious offenders
l- may ex
ao3 tilhonen
p - role of maoa gene in violent behaviour = supported by reaseac
e- tilhonen, found very violent behaviour in Finnish prisoners = associated with L gene in combo with cdh13 gene
e- not substantial evidence in this gene in non violent offenders, shows that this genetic combo is specific to violent behaviours only
ao3 gender
p - gender diff in aggression = explained by maoa gene
e- e.g maoa = linked to x chrom, men have 1, woman have 2
e- for woman , undamaged second X chromosome with normal maoa gene may prevent expression of the abnormal version of it
l- explains why males = more aggressive than females