genetic and neural explanations Flashcards
genetic explanations
suggests that crininals inherit a gene or a combination of genes that prepidose them to commit a crime
twin studies lange (1930)
investigated 13MZ and 17DZ twins where one twin had served time in prison - Lange found 10 of the MZ and only 2 of the DZ twins had a co-twin who was also in prison suggesting genetics play a role
Chritianses 1997
studied 87MZ and 147 DZ and found concordance of 33% for MZ and 12% for DZ which supports the idea that offending behaviour may have a genetic component
candidate genes -Tiihonen et al
analysed 900 offenders and revealed abnormalities between 2 genes associated with violent crime the MAOA gene and CHD13 gene.
individuals with this high risk combination were 13 times more likely to have a history of violent behaviour
diathesis stress model
a tendancy to criminal behaviour may come from a combination of genetic predisposition and biological
APD is associated with reduced emotional responses a lack of empathy for the feelings of others. this is a condition that characterises criminals
conducted many studies of APD brain
reported individuals with anti-social behaviours have reduced activity in the pre frontal cortex
Raine et al
found an 11% reduction in the volume of grey matter in the pre frontal cortex of people with APD.
Mirror neurons
criminals with APD experience empathy but less frequently than most
keyers et al2011
found only when criminals were asked to empathise did their empathy reaction activate
this suggests ADP individual are not totally without empathy but may have a neural switch that can be turned on and off
problems with twin studies
- early studies had little control
- zygosity was based on appearence rather than dna testing and as a result lack validity
- involve small samples
- twins may be an unusual sample themselves
support for the diathesis stress model of crime
Medenick et al study
Medenick et al study
looked at 13,000 danish adoptees and defined criminal as having at least one criminal conviction
what were the percentages for medenick et al study?
neither adoptee nor biological parent- adoptees = 13.5%
when either biological = 20%
both adoptive and biological = 24.5%
problems with adoption studies
presumed separation of environmental and genetic factors in adoption is complicated as many are adopted late so most of their childhood is spent with biological parents
-most adoptees see their biological parents regularly
biological reductionism
reducing offending bahaviour to offending behaviour to neural or genetic is too simplistic
biolgical determinism
criminal gene created a dilemma as legal system is based on premise that criminals have personal and moral responsibility
only in cases of mental illness can someone say they’re not acting under own free will
this raises issues about criminal gene