General Vocabulary 18 Flashcards
Conspectus (n)
A summary or overview.
A few of his works give a rich conspectus of his body of work.
Nescience (n)
Lacking knowledge or understanding.
I ventured into the business with equally nescient partners.
Thaumaturgy (n)
The working of magic or miracles.
He attracts crowds by his thaumaturgy.
Unwitting (adv)
Without being aware or not knowing - unintentional.
Let him then not remain unwitting of the fact but deliver himself.
Aphelion (n)
The point in the orbit of a planet when it is furthest from the Sun.
Perihelion (n)
The point at which a planet in its orbit is closest to the Sun.
Felicity (n)
A feeling of intense happiness.
Plaint (n)
An accusation or charge.
Show enough willpower to overthrow the plaints of a tired and sick body.
Hierophant (n)
A person especially a priest who interprets the sacred mysteries or esoteric principles.
He makes no claims to occult powers and hierophantic knowledge to impress his countrymen.
Nonce (n)
For the time being.
Work on the bridge has been stopped for the nonce.
Supervened (v)
Occur as an interruption or change to a situation.
As complications supervened on his appendicitis he stayed away from work.
Bruited (v)
Spread widely.
The holiest things in life are not bruited abroad in public.
Welter (n)
A confused mass.
I searched through a welter of crass superstitions.
Cimmerian (adj)
A mythical people always living in mist and darkness.
I delved into subjects which always have been wrapped in Cimmerian mystery.
Sacerdotal (adj)
A doctrine that ascribes sacrificial duties and supernatural powers to priests.
The Brahmin pundits in native centres of learning waste their useless years splitting sacerdotal hairs.
Drawling (v)
To speak in a slow prolongation way.
He begins in a thin, drawling voice and with the air of one about to make a hierophantic revelation:
Clammy (adj)
Unpleasantly damp or sticky to touch.
Clammy fingers of depression strive hard to grip my failing heart.
Anent (proposition)
Concerning about.
I’ll say a few words anent the books subject.
Metempsychosis (n)
The supposed transmigration of a human or animal soul at the time of death into another body of the same species.
Daemon (n)
A supernatural being of a nature in between Gods and humans.
Servitor (n)
A person who attends to another who’s socially superior.
If those thirty or more mysterious servitors of his really exist, then one is back in the medieval period.
Hamper (n)
A basket with a carry handle and lid to store food etc.
They collect a large hamper of these commodities on my behalf.
Osculation (n)
Some are so overwrought with pious emotion that they prolong the act of osculation to a full minute!
Entrain (v)
To board a train.
No sooner we entrained we realised our tickets were missing.
Patronymic (adj) (n)
The naming derived from the name of a father or ancestor.
The patronymic naming of children.
Anchorite (n)
A religious recluse.
But there is something else which is closer to my heart than strange powers of the flesh which I confide in the anchorite.
Cataleptic (adj)
A muscular condition marked by rigidity and fixity of posture without regard to external stimuli.
I watch the Sage steadily but can find no room for doubt that he is in a cataleptic trance.
Sublunary (adj)
Belonging to this world as contrasted with a better or more spiritual one.
The concept was irrational to sublunary minds
Importunity (n)
Persistence, especially to the point of annoyance.
You urged me on with untiring importunity.
Draught (adi)
A draft animal is an animal that has been trained to do work – specifically to pull heavy loads.
These charming creatures are very useful as draught animals.
Quondam (adj)
That once was; former.
Quondam dissidents joined the establishment.
Chromolithograph (n)
A colored picture printed by lithography, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Colonnades (n)
A row of stone columns with equal spaces between them, usually supporting a roof.
The vast structure encloses a labyrinth of colonnades, cloisters and galleries.
Serried (adj)
(Of rows of people or things) standing close together.
Serried ranks of soldiers.
Ratiocination (n)
The process of logical reasoning.
I do not obtain it by any process of ratiocination, it just comes to my mind unbidden.
Disporting (v)
Enjoy oneself unrestrainedly; frolic.
A painting of ladies disporting themselves by a lake.
Espy (v)
To catch sight of.
She espied her daughter rounding the corner.
Flagstone (n)
A flat stone slab, typically rectangular or square, used for paving.
There was a carpet on the flagstones in the pillared hall.
Thaumaturgy (n)
The performance of miracles.
This man’s gaze was a like a thaumaturgic wand.
Quatrain (n)
A poem or a verse of a poem containing only four lines
Persiflage (n)
Light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter.
An air of light persiflage pervaded the room.
Sapient (adj)
Possessing great knowledge and intelligence.
He raises his forefinger in the air and replies, with a sapient air.
Mantilla (n)
A lace or silk scarf worn by women over the head and shoulders.
Rubicund (adi)
Having a ruddy complexion.
He was more than a little rubicund.
Bandying (v)
Pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way.
£40,000 is the figure that has been bandied about.
Attar (n)
A fragrant essential oil, typically made from rose petals.
The attar of roses.
Matutinal (adj)
Of or occurring in the morning.
He was out on his matutinal jog.
Empyrean (adj)
Relating to heaven or the sky.
The empyrean domain where human will and God’s will became as one.
Funereal (v)
Having the mournful, somber character appropriate to a funeral.
Erika was moving at a funereal pace
Betoken (v)
Be a warning or indication of (a future event).
The falling comet betokened the true end of Merlin’s powers.
Preceptor (n)
A teacher or instructor
Eyrie (n)
A high or inaccessible place from which someone can observe what is below them.
His 40th floor eyrie in the tallest office building in Portland.
Hieratic (adj)
[Hire atic]
Of or concerning priests.
He raised both his arms in a hieratic gesture.
Wraith (n)
A ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.
Heart attacks had reduced his mother to a wraith
Lineaments (n)
A distinctive feature or characteristic, especially of the face.
I recognized those haggard lineaments.
Supposititious (adj)
Substituted for the real thing; not genuine.
The supposititious heir to the throne.
Purlieus (n)
[Pur lius]
The area near or surrounding a place.
The Hindu woman knows little beyond the purlieus of culinary and domestic matters.
Unwonted (adj)
Unaccustomed or unusual.
There was an unwonted gaiety in her manner.
Efflux (n)
The flowing out of a substance or particle.
The same active efflux of sodium from the cytoplasm to the external medium.
Labyrinth (n)
A complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way.
The vast structure encloses a labyrinth of colonnades, cloisters and galleries.
Acculturation (n)
Assimilation into a different culture - typically a dominant one.
Exudation (n)
The act of exuding or oozing out.
Somebody of the lower class.
Endure yourself to the plebs by wearing a balaclava.
Iridescent (adj)
Showing many bright colours that seem to change in different lights
Tenebrosity (n)
The quality of being dark or shadowy.
The tenebrosity was split by occasional strands of bright light.
Cornucopia (n)
An abundant supply of good things of a certain kind.
The festival provides a cornucopia of pleasures.
Coruscating (adj)
Sparkling brilliant.
Dissidence (n)
Opposition to official policy.
Taxidermy (n)
The art of preserving an animal’s body via mounting or stuffing.
Recrudescence (n)
The reoccurence of an desirable condition.
The recrudescence of old age deseases is a distinct possibility.
Slough (n)
A situation characterised by the lack of progress; inactivity.
The economic slough of the post war period.
Asterism (n)
A prominant group of stars that is smaller than a constellation.
Factotum (n)
An employee who does all kinds of odd jobs
He was employed as the general factotum.
Sententious (adj)
Given to moralising in a pompous manner.
His sententious remarks were unbearable.
Impedimenta (n)
Equipment for an activity generally considered as burdensome.
She gathered her tools and other impedimenta into a bag.
Vespers (n)
A service of evening prayers.
Muhameddans gathered for their vespers at the town mosque.
Cutlass (n)
A short sword with curved blades used by sailors.
Couchant (adj)
Lying with the body resting on the legs and the head raised.
The couchant lions waiting for their prey.
Arraignment (n)
An action of bringing someone to a court of law.
He’s scheduled for arraignment in London tomorrow.
Weal (n)
A red swollen mark left on the face by a blow.
Mephitic (adj)
Foul smelling
The cloud of mephitic vapors lingered around us.
Expiatory (v)
To make amends for sins.
Their sins must be expiated by sacrifice.
Educe (v)
To bring out or develop something that is latent.
Out of love obedience is to be educed.
Sire (n)
A person of noble lineage.
Assoilment (n)
To pardon or absolve.
Deicide (n)
A killer of gods.
Importunities (n)
Persistence to the point of annoyance.
You urged me on with untiring importunity.
Sappers (n)
Soldiers responsible for building roads bridges and laying mines.
Betrothal (n)
Formal engagement to be married.
Plutocrat (n)
A rich person.
Sequestration (n)
The act of legally taking pocession of assets.
If court injunctions are ignored sequestration of assets will follow.
Starveling (adj)
An undernourished person
A starveling youth.
Palsied (adj)
Suffering from paralysis with involuntary muscle spasms.
She feels as though the muscles on her face are palsied.
Fortalice (n)
A small fort or fortified house.
Spasm or contraxtion of the jaw muscles typically due to tetanus.
Dovecote (n)
A structure intended to house or nest pigeons and doves.
Votive (adj)
Offered in fulfillment of a vow.
The church congregation lead into votive prayers.
Haberdasher (n)
A dealer in mens clothing accessories.
Brigandage (n)
Life and practice of highway robbery.
Ministrant (n)
A person giving assistance or care
A minister of a church.
The kitchen was cleaned by the ministrations of caring lady.