General Survey and Vital Signs Flashcards
Order of Basic Exam Technique (unless otherwise specified)
- Inspection (synonymous with Assessment)
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Auscultation
Basic Exam Techniques
Perform a thorough, accurate exam
- Develop a routine sequence, usually head to toe order
- Examine from right-hand side
- Speak to pt during the PE - let them know what you are doing & why
General Survey
-Overall impression of the patient based on clinical observation = objective findings
Components of General Survey
- Apparent state of health
- Level of consciousness
- Signs of distress
- Dress, grooming & personal hygiene
- Facial expression
- Breath & body odors
- Posture, gait & motor activity
- Body habitus
Apparent State of Health
Fit, frail, healthy, appearing, WD/WN, robust
Level of Consciousness
Alert, oriented, confused, drowsy, sleepy, responsive
Signs of Distress
Labored breathing, seems anxious, positio (exam table, chair), pallor, sitting comfortably, tripoding, curled up on table
Grooming and Hygiene
Condition of clothes/shoes, personal cleanliness
Facial Expression
Appropriate to conversation, eye contact, flat affect
Breathe/Body Odors
Alcohol, fruity/sweet, tobacco, halitosis
Posture, Gait, and Motor Activity
Invountary Movements, tremors, fidgets, non-movement, limps, uneven gait, gait intact
Body Habitus
Morbidly obese, overweight, emaciated, muscular
General Survey
- Objective
- Clinical observation
- Physical signs= PE
- Clinician’s impression of patient
General ROS
- Subjective
- Patient based history
- Symptom based information obtained through question/answers
- weight change
- fatigue
- Weakness
- Fever/Chills, night sweats
Weight Gain Causes
- tissue vs. body fluids
- tissue–> fat; takes months
- body fluids –> edema, hours/days
Weight Loss Causes
- Decreased intake of food (anorexia, dysphagia, vomiting, insufficient food supply, eating disorder, need dental work)
- increased caloric intake (hyperthyroid, malignancy, eating disorders, malabsorption)
- relatively non-specific complaint
- a sense of weariness of loss of energy
- consider context of symptom (response to hard work/stress/grief or unrelated to specific factor)
- not synonymous with fatigue
- denotes a demonstrated loss of muscle strength
- localized to a neuro-anatomic pattern (suggests a disorder of nervous system or muscles)
- Need MSS, CNS & Psych ROS
Fever/Chills, Night Sweats
- Ask pt to clarify what they mean by having a fever (subjective vs. pt used thermometer)
- Has the pt. noted excessive sweating or felt chilly & cold? (+ response: is it night time or throughout day)
- Distinguish between subjective chilliness verses a shaking chill
Vital Signs
BP, Pulse, Respiration, Temperature, Height, Weight
- Patients should avoid exercise, smoking, caffeine before BP reading
- Width of inflatable cuff = 40% of upper arm circumference
- Length = 80% of upper arm circumference
- Support pt’s arm so brachial artery at heart level
- pt should be sitting, legs uncrossed
How long do you wait if you need to repeat BP?
Wait 2 minutes for same arm or use other arm
Normal Blood Pressure
Systolic: 90-119
Diastolic: 60-79
Systolic: 120-139
Diastolic: 80-90