General Study Flashcards
What is Morality?
A Personal sense of right and wrong that is not enforced.
What is Ethics?
Ethics are the standards of good and bad that are imposed by an outisde group.
Ethics can bring us farther or closer to God.
Can Ethics and Morality conflict?
Yes, ethics and morality may conflcit. For example you may be ethical but not moral, or moral but unethical.
List the 4 ethical experiences.
- The Scream
- The beggar
- The Experience of Obligation/I have to
- This is intolerable
Describe characteristics of “The Scream”
We have a natural tendency/instinct to help others when we hear them scream.
We always check to see if the situation could hurt us before going to help the screamer.
Decribe characteristics of “The Beggar”.
We react deely to human plight whether we take postive or negtaive actoon to address the problem.
Give money = feelings of awareness of our compassion.
Deny money/avoid = feelings fo responsibility and justice.
Describe characteristics of “The Experience of Obligation”
Otherwise known as the “I have to”
Humans react deeply to obligation whether or not the meet them.
“I have to do this thing so I can’t do that thing” or “I know I have to do this thing but I don’t want to do this thing”.
Describe characteristics of the “This is Intolerable” mentality.
Humans are outraged when something blatantly unjust or unfair happens to themselves or others.
Describe freedom and action.
Freedom: The human potential (capacity and power) to act.
Action: The realization that we have the power to act.
Who created the Conceptual Framework of Action and why did they create it?
Philosopher Ricoer created the Conceptual Framework of Action and he made it to further our understanding of human action.
List the seven questions asked in the Framework fo Action theory.
- who
- what
- why
- how
- under what circumstances
- with or against whom
- with what outcome
Describe the who in the framework of action theory.
Who is the agent (the person who makes things happen).
Describe the what in the framework of action theory.
What is the action occuring.
Describe the why in the framework of action theory.
The intention behind the action or motive.
Define Motive.
Motive is a reason for an action. Who you become is based on your motives.
Giving a motive justifies the action and gives it value.
Describe the how in the framework of action theory.
How is the action being carried out.
The way the action is being carried out affects the agent.
The end does not justify the means the means qualify the actions.
Describe the Under what circumstances in the framework of action theory.
The circumstances in which you do something impacts your actions.
Circumstances increase or decrease your responsibility for the action.
Describe the With or against whom in the framework of action theory.
Seeking aproval of others through the justification of one’s actions.
We evaluate actions based on other’s actions.
Every action is an interaction.
Describe the With what outcome in the framework of action theory.
The outcome of your actions (intended or not) affects the self for good or bad.
List the 8 Freedom Theories
- Libertarianism
- (Hard) Determinism
- Free Will
- Analytical Philosophy
- Predetermination
- Nauralism
- Religious Determinism
- Social Determinism.
Which of the 8 Freedom Theories (and Freud) believe the will is not a real entity?
Social determinism, Naturalism, and Religious determinism.
Describe Libertarian Free Will.
Doing something because you want to.
An action does not cause another.
If we feel free then we are.
Describe (Hard) Determinsim
The assumption that all our actions are predetermined and are due to previous events.
Beliefs + desires + temperance = action