When to treat low O2 sats
Below 94%
Initial treatments unless otherwise stated
-Cervical spin
Obtain when possible
-History of present illness
-Medical history
How often to reassess vitals
-Stable patients every 30 mins
-Critical patients every 10 mins
Vitals include
-Skin condition
-Respiratory rate
-Lung sounds
-Heart rate
-Blood pressure
(Use automated equipment if available)
Who is on-line medical control
The on-duty ER physician at the closest hospital
In critical emergencies such as serious trauma, MI, and stroke
-Contact hospital as soon as the as situation is known so they can prepare.
-Include patient demos.
Pediatric length-based color-coded resuscitation tape
-Used for critical pediatric patients.
-Doses listed serve as acceptable dosing option.
Use cardiac monitor when patients heart rate is
-Below age-appropriate range
-Above age appropriate range
-When a procedure may affect heart function
-Any patient that may be having heart related symptoms
Lights and sirens to the hospital
Limited to critical emergencies
Report possible criminal activity to the proper authority; including but not limited to
-Child protective
-Adult protective
-Scene deaths
-Suicide attempts