General Rules/Familiar Flashcards
- Drugs
The use of intoxicating beverages or drugs, engaging in games of chance, placing bets, bookmaking, or other unlawful acts are not permitted on the company’s premises or elsewhere while on company business.
- Additions To
Additions to, removals from or changes in any respect of the specified or original design of building, equipment, or other plant, are not permitted except as duly authorized and instructed.
- Engage
Employees shall not engage in business or act as employee or agent of any person or concern to the detriment directly or indirectly of the company’s interest.
- Statements
Making unauthorized statements in public or press regarding company affairs is not permitted.
- Agent
As an agent of the company, employees shall not give recommendation or testimonial for any equipment, material, or process except to the company.
- Exhibit
No employee shall exhibit company records, plans, or correspondence, or convey the information contained there in to any person unless specifically authorized to do so.
- Testimony
Employees shall not volunteer expert testimony without proper approval.
- Company Material
No employee shall use the company’s material, vehicles, equipment, or other property for personal purposes without permission.
- Property Subscriber
No employee shall use the property of a subscriber,or other person, or concern for company or personal purposes without permission.
- Solicit
No employee shall solicit subscriptions among employees during working hours without permission.
- Explosives
Unnecessary bringing or permitting explosives or combustibles in or near to the company’s buildings or premises is not permitted.
- Smoking
Smoking, or permitting others to smoke in any terminal, test, or similar equipment rooms, or elsewhere while on company property is forbidden.
- Company’s Name
No employee shall use the company’s name or account to purchase goods for personal use.
- Purchase Directly
Employees shall not, without permission, purchase directly, any supplies, or equipment, which should be obtained on requisition.
- Non-Standard Equipment
No employee shall accept from agents or others, non-standard equipment, tools or material for trial or demonstration.
- Loan Badges
Employees are not permitted to loan badges, books, tools, or other property of the company.
- Assign Wages
Employees may not assign their wages or otherwise involve the company in their personal affairs.