188A/C-9970 Flashcards
188A description
- Western Electric
- Blue trigger
- Chrome carry clip
- Chrome inner tube
- Serial number on handle
C-9970 description
- CTC/Fluke
- Black trigger
- Brass carry clip
- Brass inner tube
- No serial #
188A/C-9970 functions
- Protects user by design, through a capacitive coulpling. ( Two conductors separated by an insulator). This capacitive coupling prevents any direct metallic contact between the user and the object under test with A/C.
- Indicates the presence of potentially hazardous voltage.
- A/C 50-20,000 volts
- D/C 6-2,000 volts
Carry Bag
- Green or white cotton duck bag
- Yellow Nylon
Powered by a #522 or the EN/22 Eveready alkaline battery. This battery is unique in that it has rounded edges that prevent distortion of the inner tube. Any alkaline battery with rounded edge.
Plastic Sleeve
There is a plastic sleeeve and a foam stop inside the inner metal tube that houses the battery. This sleeve/foam prevents metal to metal contact with the tube and the inner battery.
Carbide tip
The tip of the 188a is made from carbide steel so it may penetrate rust and paint while the user is attempting to make contact with the metallic object. It is also carbide so it will no dull easily.
Carbon impregnated tip
It is carbon because carbon is conductive and the cap needs to be conductive when using the test set in conjunction with the 45’ W1BU cord to provide a path to ground.
Carbon Cap 3 purposes
- Protects user from being injured by the sharp carbide tip.
- Protects the carbide tip from being dull.
- Used during induced voltage testing.
Check contact
The screw used to check internal circuitry
D/C ground post
A chrome post on the right side of the test set. This post is to attach a B temp bond to the test set for D/C testing.
There is a rubber O-ring between the two sections to keep out moisture
Magnetic Locking Switch
Turns the unit on. Switch is magnetic, so there will be no metal to metal contact between the user and the test object. The switch is also locking allowing the user to take a reading out of sight.
Thumb Stop
A raised piece of plastic at the top of where the thumb rests on the magnetic locking switch. This piece of plastic keeps your thumb from accidentally sliding into the hazardous zone.
The gusset is the mounting for the magnetic locking switch and is also where the test sticker is placed.
Flash guard
3 concentric flash rings in the center of the test set that absorb and deflect flash over away from the use. Forms 36” barrier.
Detent Mark
Two marks embossed on both sections to allow the user to know if the unit is over or under tightened. LED and trigger must line up.