General Rules #1 Flashcards
- Public Laws
Every employee is expected to be familiar with and obey all public laws, company or department rules, instructions, specifications etc. Covering or relating to their conduct as an agent of the company, or the work in which they are engaged. Lack of such knowledge will not serve to excuse any failure to observe them.
- Loyalty
A steadfast loyalty to the company’s interest is demanded from every employee, in order that the company may faithfully perform the duties to which it is charged.
- Honesty
The company expects and requires absolute honesty from every employee in all dealings with the public, the company, and fellow employees.
- Effort
The company expects from every employee a maximum of efficient effort on every undertaking assigned to them.
- Service
Every employee must guard against unnecessary interruption or interference with the service.
- Order/Purchase
No employee may order, purchase, rent in any manner acquire in the name of the company, or commit to acquire, property, goods, or services of any nature except as regularly or specifically authorized.
- Loan-Give-Sell
No employee may loan, give, sell or destroy or otherwise dispose of the company’s property, equipment, supplies, or services except as regularly or specifically authorized and must disburse, use, and account for such property etc. in exact accordance with his or her instructions.
- Respect
Employees as such must respect the personal property rights and privileges of other persons and avoid any act, statement, or neglect which may give offense or involve the company in controversies or litigation of any kind.
- Funds
Employees to whom are entrusted funds of the company will be held personally responsible to safeguard and disburse them in exact accordance with the instructions on the subject.
- Prevent Injury
To prevent injury to person or property the company requires each employee to exercise practicable precaution in performing his work, to report any condition or any practice, negligence, or incompetence of others which endangers himself, the public, or other workman and to aid and assist any employee or non employee who may become injured in the course of our work.
- Timesheets
No employee shall make, certify, or approve any record, statement, or report known by him to be false.
- Absent/Tardy
Employees must notify their respective supervisors at any time when it is necessary for them to be absent or tardy.
- Accidental Damage
Employees shall report promptly and in accordance with their instructions, any accidental damage they may have caused or which has come to their attention.
- Private Property
Permission to work on private property or trim or cut trees on the highway or elsewhere should be obtained before such work is started.