General Review 2 Flashcards
ossicle that connects to the tympanic membrane
ossicle that is continuous w/ the oval window of the inner ear
Sensory organ that transforms pressure to an electrical signal
Between the scala vestibule and scala media
Reissner membrane
fluid of the scala media
perilymph (higher in K+)
scala tympani and scala vestibule are continuous via
scala tympani beats against?
round window
Contains the inner and outer hair cells
Basilar membrane
Connects along the top of the outer cells but not the inner cells
tectonal membrane
displacment of stereocilia toward the tallest
can be caused by cerumen, arthritis of the ossicles, tympanic membrane rupture
will improve w/ a hearing aid
conductive hearing loss
Caused by hair cell damage
2 otolithic organs of the vestibule
saccule and utricle
Long hair cell
at the base of each semicircular canal is an ampulla which contains the hair cells that sit on a critsa embedded in a cupula
Rotational acceleration is detected by?
3 semicircular canals - cupula displacement
Linear acceleration is detected by?
otolithic organs (saccule and utricle)
organ in the sacule and urticles?
divided by?
point toward striola in the utricle and away in the saccule
BPPV is caused by a sensitivity to gravity in the?
floating otoliths bump into the cupula
posterior semicircular canal
Ebley’s maneuver to move the stone to the vestibule
cochlea connects to the semicircular canals and vestibule via?
membranous labyrinths
ciliary body is attached to the lens via?
zonule fibers
Supporting modified glial cells?
muller cells
Interneurons between the photoreceptors and the bipolar cells (outer plexiform synapse)
Horizontal cells
Interneurons between the bipolar cells and the ganglion cells
Amicrine cells
Cell bodies of the inner nuclear layer
Horizontal, amicrine, Bipolar, Muller
Outer segment of the photoreceptors? inner?
Outer: photopigment and inner contains the cell nucleus and mitochondria
Bipolar cells are ON or OFF
ON =
ON - metabotrophic: decrease in glutamate will cause depolarization
OFF - inotropic, decrease in glutamate will hyperpolarize
Majority of ganglion cells (70%), midget ganglions > parvocellular pathway for?
high spatial regonition, red/green static image, slow conduction
10%, parasol ganglions (10%) low spatial, fast axonal conduction, objects in motion, contrast, shape; project where?
Magnocellular pathway
ventral pathway tells what and goes to what lobe?
dorsal pathway tells where/ how and goes?
Parietal lobe
mediates corneal reflex?
Anterior part (anterior nucleus also) Preoptic nucleus
causes heat loss, PNS, sleep
Anterior part: circadian rhythms
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Supraoptic nucleus
OT and ADH down the hypothalamic-hypopheseal tract
Paraventricular nucleus: 2 parts -
magno - OT and ADH
parvo - releasing hormones
mamillary bodies
posterior hypothalamus
consolidation of memories
response to cold, arousal, wakefulness
lesion –> will have poiklothermia (like a lizzard)
posterior nucleus
traffic between the hypothalamus and the hippocampus
column of the fornix